My Journey

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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My Journey

Postby flickserino » April 1st, 2022, 11:54 am

Hello there WMM people!

I've been listening to a lot of files through the years, tried a bunch of hypnosis stuff and am really into the scene as a whole. Though I think today I've finally found what I like and will aspire to do for a long, long time in the future.

First a little about myself:

I'm a male in his late 20's who previously were an elite athlete. Though as of the global health crisis rolled around I stopped to properly train and gained more then a few pounds extra. However I'm going to combine the two things I like into a delicate blend of fun stuff: hypnosis and training! This is to properly transform myself to the old, ripped 6-pack self who can go on and on for hours (both in bed and the gym lol)!

There is where the forums and all this comes into play: I also like to show people my progress in terms of a story but also get help from those who can help me. Though this is not your typical Himbo aspiration or stuff but more so I want to become ripped while keeping my brain / improving it and also have my shaft grown and increesed seed production. An inteligent bull, if you will.

I hope you all will enjoy this journey with me and I will do my best to update as I go!
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 3rd, 2022, 6:45 pm

flickserino wrote:. . . There is where the forums and all this comes into play: I also like to show people my progress in terms of a story but also get help from those who can help me. . .

. . . I hope you all will enjoy this journey with me and I will do my best to update as I go!

A couple of days have passed now. What update do you have?

    - You might tell why (a little more) you've decided to transform to your former ripped 6-pack self.
    - You could tell which exercise moves are making you feel energized.
    - You could tell where you've been working out - at a gym; at home;
    - You could open an album of photos showing your progress in the Gallery section.
You're in the right forum for connecting with others who like the combo of hypnosis & training.
The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.

Check out my latest journal entry: here.
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Joined: September 21st, 2006, 12:00 am
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » April 4th, 2022, 12:13 pm

I apologize for not posting a lot. I will try to post more especially with general thoughts and all that. But I'll answer the few questions and post a little more about the why I'm doing this!

Why have I decided to undergo this transformation again? Basically I loved how I looked back then and the mentality of hitting the gym a lot and perfecting my looks and mental health is something that I recently rediscovered after a small dip into some other hypnosis stuff which I didn't come to enjoy.

In terms of exercise and such: I am currently hitting a lot of stomach stuff and shoulder / back things. Though starting next week I will ramp up from 1 hour in the gym to about 1 and a half to also add some breast / biceps muscle growth. I've also started to look in on some protein shakes and changed my diet and hopefully I will see more results soon. I also train Judo at least 3 times each week for 1 and a half hour each and I've started to draft the thought of getting back to competing again.

In terms of album of photos and stuff: perhaps in the future when I once again feel comfortable showing people. Though I've started to take some measurments now and some ocular measures and I will post what I have gotten later.

Regarding which files and such I use: I seem to have a hard time finding any file that suits my preference but hopefully soon I'll find one that I can reccomend. Though as previously stated I love all of beeing a bull / jock part from the IQ reduction / brain loss. To me a smart, strong, well built man who can basically choke you out in 3 seconds is much more exciting then a dumb sexmachine.

Now to some measures: In the 1 week-ish I've been on this journey I've gone from about 105 KG's to about 98 KG's. My breast muscles has started to get more firm instead of that previous A-cup like state they were in before. My thighs no longer properly flop but started to get a little more firm. My stomach and my most important area as shrunk and I started to feel the abs taking form. And to those who are wondering: my shaft is 17 CM's and I've started to experience something that I had before too. That after each time I've hit the gym and come home I've become extremely horny but I have told myself to try and abstain from mastrubation for about 4-5 days at least, previously it was about 1-2 times each day. This is to properly build up mass in that region too and I tell you all it is -AMAZING-. Luckely I have a girlfriend too and she seem to start and like the changes as well so I think I'm going in the right direction.

Now just as a disclaimer: I'm Swedish, hence why my spelling isn't that good or I use the metric system.

TLDR: Progress is beeing made, I need files, I love questions and compliments, feels amazing.
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » April 7th, 2022, 2:15 pm

So another little update:

I've taken some time to relax and not hit the gym. This is just to let the muscles relax and grow. Though I have found out a few things thanks to this too:

When I go to the gym: my body feels happy, almost euphoric to be there. Its like all these old things come back to me. That I like it there and I'm rewarded with the most pulsating excitement in my groin when I get home. Though beeing tired from the gym I managed to go from mastrubating each day to just once in 6 days.

Though now after this mini break on 2 days (work been a lot) I've managed to squeeze in 2 sessions. This makes me believe that the more I train, the harder I work out the less focused on mastrubation I become and the bigger my muscles get.

I also noticed that thanks to not mastrubating as much I got way, way more energy in the gym. So much so that I'm starting to considering limiting myself to just one orgasm per week unless my beloved wants to cuddle. Though she also seem to very much approve of the journey so far!
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » April 17th, 2022, 9:01 am

Its been a while so I figured I'd update here:

First of all: the transformation is coming along nicely. I've noticed that my posture is much more straight while my abs and back is starting to take form. My biceps and tricepts too!

I have started to long for the gym more and more. Like each day it always itch until I've been to the gym and done at least 1 hour of heavy lifting. And speaking of heavy lifting:

I have been able to increese my weights from 30 to 40KG's when it comes to my stomach. From 20 to 40KG when it comes to my legs. So a lot of weight progress there.

Will post more about the more sexual changes later when such is convenient. For now though: Balls seems to get more prouctive and my cock also seem to like the attention at the gym.
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » May 4th, 2022, 3:23 pm

Another update: I apologize for not beeing that active but a lot of things has happened in my personal life that prevented me from updating. But now its time for a huge one!

First of all: I now lift about 15+ kilos more when it comes to my stomach and I've started to see more of my abs. I've also started to do more cardio since that burns fat even better combined with my low carb diet. That's the main goal right now to reduce the fat while growing the muscles.

Speaking of: my missus seems to really like the larger muscles which there is a lot of! My biceps is much, much larger and she's been commenting on my back muscles that they look "really fit". I'll admit that I focus a lot on my stomach and back right now (what other muscles do you need haha) which shows!

I've also started to listen to some motivational hypnosis to get the urge even more and its started to affect me. Now I feel "empty" after 1 hour of gym and want to do more. Maybe upping the time is good? Well! We shall see!

If anyone has a question or want to help feel free to reply or message me! :*
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » June 10th, 2022, 8:24 am

So its been quite a while though I had been waiting for just this moment before making a post!

First of all: I reached a huge milestone today. Firstly I've gone down to 94 kilos and then started to climb again. Meaning that my diet / training is paying off. Seeing that I'm now at 98 again it means my muscle mass have surpassed the amount of fat in my body and let me tell you: that is extremely nice to experience.

Also: I have started to do huge amounts of cardio now which means that the fat is practically skydiving down and helping me do more reps and such. So yay for 30 mins of cardio each time I hit the gym!

Now to the juicy parts...

Today I felt for the first time that I "owned" the gym. That each machine was "mine" and people were just allowed to be there. I think the dominant jock mentality started to turn on even more as my fat have gone away and the muscles have grown. I have also experienced a much, much bigger sexdrive. Making me mastrubate about 2-3 times each day since it just FEELS SO GOOD after hitting the gym. Have I gone too far? Nah. I don't think so! I'll try to update with more interesting things!
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby bdmike » June 11th, 2022, 6:02 pm

Fuck yeah, man! Loving this. Keep it up, because you're on your way!
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Joined: November 11th, 2013, 1:00 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » July 9th, 2022, 11:52 am

So a little update. Though a quite important one since this is a journey also a potential push for others to do the same thing!

So where I live we get a few weeks paid vacation from work. For me? That's been 5 weeks. Though when you keep going to the gym and all you sometimes fall off the tree when you get a 'down period'. That happened to me during my past elite days and it happened again. To put it short I ended up in a small depression and some other nasty things.

Why is this also important? Because when you hit these rough patches you still need to push trough. Beeing a man too doesn't mean to just accept that things are rough and soldier on. It also means that you deal with your mental health and rebound. Though I have found out that when you do... You get better, stronger, faster and even more motivated.

I have been to the gym a few times and I feel as home as ever still but also I have started to look at all this in a new light. I've started to look up specific videos how to properly optimise the time spent there. Like a prime example I've started to think more on my diet and what part of my body I train. Which is also something that came out of this little depression I had: to properly calculate my training and start to actually focus on certain muscle groups. To much delight to my missus at home.

Speaking of that: I toyed around with her today that I need some more money (I really don't!) and were going to start an onlyfans or something. And she went "Well go for it if you like. Its your body". I laughed it off but she seems serious. Quite strange to be honest but it sure gave a little confident boost!

Though for those who want to hear the juicy and lewd stuff I suppose I can treat you all with this: I have started to toy around again with some toys while pleasing myself. Be it due to my bisexuallity or because it just feel soooo good. I don't know.

Finally: to anyone going through their own journey, building muscles or potentially transitioning to a person they were born to be in terms of looks or gender: know that even if things look dark at the moment its okay to both cry, hit the dirt and then rise up. At least I believe in you and know that with hard work and determination you can become the best piece of broccoli you can be!
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

Re: My Journey

Postby flickserino » August 10th, 2022, 2:49 pm

So! Been a little while since I updated so figured I'd make one:

There are two things I will tell you all about now: first the musclegrowth and the increese at the gym. I've gone from lifting about 40 KG's with my shoulders with sets going 10x3 to lifting 60 KG's and sets spanning 10x10! So my shoulderblades are broad as doors now. Biceps and triceps too and I've gone from 7KG's to 15 KG's there! Though still 10x3 there with sets.

I have also started doing some "strongman" stuff since it helps building my forearms and my grip. So now I lift about 50+ KG's with my hands, carry it back and forth for a while until i can't feel my arms. I'll tell you its amazing to feel that you push yourself this hard at the gym. Kind of making it quite hot too ;)

Secondly: both in bed (heh) and during my martial arts practice I feel like I can continue for years. My stamina is insanely high and it just feels like I never get tired. And looking back at all these posts makes me want to just keep going and I hope more people get inspired to start their own journeys. For better or worse!

Stay safe out there and remember: Protein builds muscles ;)
Posts: 9
Joined: June 24th, 2021, 10:49 am

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