Question on TrigSafe

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Moderator: EMG

Question on TrigSafe

Postby geekdh » April 21st, 2024, 8:55 am

I am a newbie here, but I have a question about operation of the TrigSafe file, which makes it so only YOU can issue any trigger commands.

If I have run that file at some time in the past, and I try to use “FreezeTest” (which vocalizes the trigger phrase “freeze time for you” followed by 10 minutes of silence, then “Revert to normal” , all from a pre-recorded file, in order to test the program “TrigFreeze2”, can I expect the test to work? What I am wondering is if the TrigSafe file would see the playing of the pre-recorded file as an external trigger and disallow it?

Once TrigSafe has been installed, is there any way to get rid of it so that it doesn’t interfere?
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Re: Question on TrigSafe

Postby EMG » April 21st, 2024, 9:47 am

That's a VERY good question. If you used a recording of your own voice it should work. However I cannot guarantee it as I made the file a VERY long time ago. If you are just testing things, use it, test it, then just deprogram both files and start over when you're ready.
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Re: Question on TrigSafe

Postby geekdh » April 21st, 2024, 10:57 am

Thanks, EMG. I’m pleased at least to know that it was a “good question”! :D

Follow on question, though. How do I “Deprogram” a file? “DeprogramTrig”? “DeprogramAll”? Is there a way to just deprogram a specific file?(I know how I’d do it if it were a computer program, but I’ve learned enough to know it’s not the same.)
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Re: Question on TrigSafe

Postby geekdh » April 21st, 2024, 8:24 pm

In the absence of any input, I elected to take the “nuclear option” and blow everything away using DeprogramAll, and then start over. I’ll let you know how it goes
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