Moustache Lover / Moustache Obsession

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Moustache Lover / Moustache Obsession

Postby cybercjh » December 26th, 2006, 7:51 pm

Soon, I am going to order a new file that will probably be called Moustache Obsession and will be follow-up to the Moustache Lover file.

I thought if anyone benefited from the Moustache Lover file, they might like this file. Especially if they plan on being mustachioed for many, many years to come.

Below are the things that I'm going to ask EMG to put in the file. If you have any additional ideas or comments, please reply and let me know.

- He'll continue to grow and groom his moustache to ensure it stays thick, full and bushy.
- Keeping his moustache presentable will be important to him; he'll start carrying a small mirror and moustache comb around with him. If needed, he'll carry a small container of moustache wax, too.
- He'll seek out ways to show his moustache off; he'll enjoy partaking in moustache growing competitions.
- He'll compliment other men on their moustaches and enjoy talking about his.
- He'll like to exchange growth, grooming and maintenance tips with other moustachioed men.
- He'll encourage other men who are thinking about growing or starting to grow their own moustache.
- He'll feel it is his responsibility to talk to other young men who don't wear a moustache about how important wearing a moustache is.
- He will feel a strong sense of companionship with other men that sport moustaches; he'll find them to be more honest and easier to talk to then men without moustaches.
- He'll enjoy hanging out and doing things with other mustachioed men; his ideal group of friends would all sport thick, perfectly-groomed manly moustaches.
- He'll start using nicknames for his moustache like stache, tache or mo; he'll refer to himself as a 'moustachioed man'.
- His thoughts on moustaches are as simple as, "if you have a dick, you should have a moustache - and that’s just the way it is." Moustaches should simply be an expected, natural part of an adult male's body.
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Joined: April 9th, 2005, 12:00 am

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