Roleplayers - one of the worst kind of erotic hypnosis fans

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Roleplayers - one of the worst kind of erotic hypnosis fans

Postby BobbyS » January 19th, 2008, 6:03 am

Over the past two and a half years I've hypnotised tens of people, quite often ones that actively added me themselves when they stumbled upon my 360 profile. I don't claim to be an expert hypnotist or even that proficient - I am very much still learning but by now I at least know my way around it.

What pisses me off though is that of these tens of people I've supposedly hypotised, I'd say about 65% of them were roleplayers. Of the remaining people, there are only about half that I could tell beyond any shadow of a doubt were genuine. The thing that gets me so much is that the people who sought me out were all roleplayers without fail - it is people that I started chatting to and instigated conversations with that turned out to be earnestly wanting to try hypnosis. The thing is I have made it clear every time that I am looking to do this for real, and still the roleplayers come.

I just can't understand why roleplayers pretend to be in it for real - yes, that's the whole point, but just a simple "I'm looking to roleplay this" statement before we start would suffice. Yet everytime I asked a roleplayer if they really want to do this (and point out how a half hour induction would be a boring roleplay device) they say they're genuine.


Why? Dear God, WHY?

Do they have no respect for people's time? I put in half an hour of my life with an induction in order to improve technique, try out new things and most importantly, have fun, for both concerned. Roleplaying under false pretences is the cyber equivalent of pissing over a handmade present.

Worst I ever had was on MiRC when someone claimed repeatedly to be in it for real and two minutes into the induction I caught him/her chatting away on another channel. Needless to say I exposed he or she for the fraudster they were.

Don't they realise if they SAY they're looking for roleplay there are miuch better possibilities for their scenario than real hypnosis? Real hypnosis is limited by the small matter of reality - roleplay could allow for all kinds of wacky inductions.

Hey-ho, the upside is I'm now adept at spotting and sifting through roleplayers - probably more so than at actual hypnosis. :-(

Sorry this has been such a long rant but roleplayers are something that have plagued me since the beginning of practicing hypnosis online and piss me off something rotten.
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Postby Henrique » January 19th, 2008, 8:17 pm

if the person don't want to roleplay but the induction don't get him as he thought it would (blank out), do what is said by the 'tist without knowing if it were the 'nosis or a plain will to get along...

how do the subject know he's trancing and 'tized by IM?
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Postby BobbyS » January 20th, 2008, 5:09 am

That's not what I'm getting at - a light trance will cause the subject to "play along" the suggestions rather than physically feeling them. That's not my problem. My problem is:

a) the army of men who pretend theuy're women and will not tell you otherwise (unless they're hypnotised, in which case they will let slip if asked)

and mainly b) the legions of people who claim to genuinely want to be hypnotised but really want to get off on 'the good bits'. People who think "mmm" is a convincing reply to the final stages of progressive relaxation - a stage where the subject ought to be too relaxed to type a full word, let alone a pointless remark like "mmm". I mean, have you ever seen anyone type "mmm" in any chat, let alone during a hypnosis induction? It would be like them typing "burp" if they belch. Okay, someone might not be as deep as they or I would like by that stage, but nobody except a roleplayer would type bloody "mmm".
Of course, this is just one of many many many many many many annoying traits roleplayers have, but come on - don't tell me at least, AT LEAST, one third of your hypnotic subjects (if you 'tise rather than be 'tised that is) have been roleplayers.
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Postby missypuss » January 25th, 2008, 1:29 am

Wow! What a rant and long one at that.
How do you know that they are roleplayers? I know that when I started using IM for hypno chats I was sceptical that I could be put under that way, and many times the person doing the tisting, actually wasnt GOOD enough to get me there,
So a dilemma do I tell them its not happening for me, and spoil there trip, or do I continue in "role" and let them have what they want from me?
Most of the time, Id be inclined to tell them, after all, that is what I am there for.
And it is a learning curve for both of us.
There is not a time now when I roleplay, having seperated the decidedly suspect tists from the downright excellent ones.
And I guess thats your problem, maybe you just dont do it for some people?
I agree a little honesty would be in order, but you say you can tell now when you have another player, so perhaps the answer would be for you, to stop chatting to them before it gets to the stage that makes you want to rant like this??
Just my thoughts on the matter.
(Oh and sometimes I say "mmmm" and Im a female who is not a roleplayer.... :P )
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Postby BobbyS » January 25th, 2008, 4:50 am

I do agree that there is clearly an issue of actually if the hypnosis is working, and I'll openly confess there have been several times when it hasn't.

All I ask when that happens is that the person tell me if that's the case. They needn't even take the initiative; before each trance I let the person know I might ask them some questions along the way and that what matters is they just answer honestly, whether it seems the trance is working or not. Without being able to see or hear the person I'm hypnotising, the questions serve as markers to let me know if it's going okay or not. Still, it can be tempting to go along with it, but once someone reaches a progressive relaxation trance (which is the kind I use), they're at the stage where, as long as the question isn't unexpected or disturbing, they simply answer honestly. So, if the person is honest, I'll (theoretically) know for sure by the time they're under whether they're in trance or not. (How deep a trance is of course another matter that will require using several different suggestions.)

At the end of the day, even if it's not going well I refuse to believe the following gems: after being hypnotised "my lesbian flatmate hypnotised me and made her into her sex slave", "i was captured by another person on this channel and made into a sexbot for visiting internet users" and the utter ignorance of the person who, not after just giving it ten minutes or so to see how it develops, started flitting across and chatting to users on another Irc channel TWO MINUTES into the induction. I mean, come on!

This all to say nothing of all the "girls" out there I have successfull hypnotised who turned out to be men while under (there was one brilliant example where a repeated orgasm suggestion that usually goes down a treat with the lasses had someone begging it to stop after two goes - the reason? it was a guy). I'm not adverse to hypnotising men - but don't jerk me around pretending that you're women. If you have a feminization fantasy, that's fair enough but the hypnotist needs to know the facts.

With regards to the whole "mmm" thing, I can see how someone would do it during progressive relaxation (and mine is a fairly drawn out one), but not while in trance.

Sorry if all this ranting and raving has made me seem like an ignorant jerk but this really is something that has pissed me off about the erotic hypnosis scene - I am genuinely interested in erotic hypnosis and learning more about its kinks and why other people enjoy it and roleplayers act as a barricade to that.
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Postby BobbyS » January 25th, 2008, 4:52 am

Oh and trust me - I DON'T let a roleplayer get anywhere anymore. It's still annoying that they keep popping up though.
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Postby missypuss » January 25th, 2008, 5:12 am

BobbyS wrote:Oh and trust me - I DON'T let a roleplayer get anywhere anymore. It's still annoying that they keep popping up though.

Its a shame that you keep meeting "roleplayers", personally, I have found that some tists are also players,
One guy especially , who I chatted to over IM for a while was clearly using me for his own sexual fantasies,and I called off that one after another session where he didnt use an induction, or even attempt to take me under, but just wanted me to get down on my knees and worship his crotch..... so obviously roleplay , and I had an idea when we were chatting that he had his trousers round his ankles.......
That guy DID get, "mmmmm" and I chatted to others online at the same time when I realised his game.
I enjoy being hypnotised, so it soon got boring and I stopped all contact
So I guess that it happens to subjects aswell as you tists.
Luckily now, I am the subject of an evil and totally controlling man who takes me down and keeps me there every time we chat(although we have not had contact for a few weeks)
You know who you are........ I miss you.. :twisted: x
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Postby BobbyS » January 25th, 2008, 7:56 am

Heh heh - glad to hear you're having fun. Interesting point you raised about roleplaying 'tists though - I'd never thought about whether the reverse was true. I suppose the problem is hypnosis and mind control open up such a broad spectrum of fantasies that roleplayers are inevitable.

They're still dicks though, to be fair.
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Postby missypuss » January 25th, 2008, 10:14 am

BobbyS wrote:I suppose the problem is hypnosis and mind control open up such a broad spectrum of fantasies that roleplayers are inevitable.
They're still dicks though, to be fair.

Never a fairer point was made! :evil:
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Postby strictausmstr » January 25th, 2008, 5:22 pm

for my two cents worth....

I find the most amusing outcome and exposure of roleplayers is when you set a future task under trance and give an instruction to remember everything they do.....

Then when you later chat and ask for an update they report on "most" of what you set. One - when queried - "forgot" and "couldn't remember" some of the tasks set.....


As for roleplaying tists.... the actual exploration of technique and enhancement of skill is important.... as for having trousers round ankles - can do that without trance I believe - so why use trance to simulate the act... tehre are plenty of roleplayers for these roleplayers to get off with

All in all.... to quote Malcolm McLaren "I get my kicks above the waist line sunshine"
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Re: Roleplayers

Postby missypuss » January 26th, 2008, 2:37 am

strictausmstr wrote:As for roleplaying tists.... the actual exploration of technique and enhancement of skill is important.... as for having trousers round ankles - can do that without trance I believe - so why use trance to simulate the act... tehre are plenty of roleplayers for these roleplayers to get off with
All in all.... to quote Malcolm McLaren "I get my kicks above the waist line sunshine"

Hope thats not a case of he who shouts loudest Strict... just kidding :lol:

Some guys like the idea of having a women say "yes Master" to them without having to go through the process of actually hypnotising them.
A quick"right your under , "now tell me what YOU would do to ME", is the kind of player I had in mind...!!

Edited to add, that some of the best experiences Ive had are where I cant remember the hypnosis and find myself later on doing something I totally have no control over, only to report back about it and discover it was a command given during the session.
I love that! :twisted:
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Postby BobbyS » January 26th, 2008, 7:27 am

What a coincidence! It's one of the things I love about hypnosis too! Partly because it doesn't involve diapers, feminization or grown adults wetting themselves, but also because it's a great little fun'n' games suggestion.

I once gave a suggestion to someone who wanted help becoming more slutty and exhibitionist that when she left for the supermarket that night, she would unconsciously put on sexy attire before leaving and not realise until she got there.

The next time I spoke to her it transpired that her unconscious mind must have exerted some control because she had managed to restrain herself to just sexy lingerie. Still, I'd have loved to see the look on her face when she got there!
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Re: Roleplayers

Postby Henrique » January 26th, 2008, 2:55 pm

missypuss wrote:
Edited to add, that some of the best experiences Ive had are where I cant remember the hypnosis and find myself later on doing something I totally have no control over, only to report back about it and discover it was a command given during the session.
I love that! :twisted:

I would love so much to be put under and get this type of suggestion!
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Postby missypuss » January 26th, 2008, 4:52 pm

BobbyS wrote:I once gave a suggestion to someone who wanted help becoming more slutty and exhibitionist that when she left for the supermarket that night, she would unconsciously put on sexy attire before leaving and not realise until she got there.
The next time I spoke to her it transpired that her unconscious mind must have exerted some control because she had managed to restrain herself to just sexy lingerie. Still, I'd have loved to see the look on her face when she got there!

The things I find myself doing doing subconciously are a little more hardcore than the supermarket.
But , yes, this is the kind of thing I love to happen after a session...

And a real tist has no problem with this... :twisted:
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Postby BobbyS » January 26th, 2008, 5:38 pm

The things I find myself doing doing subconciously are a little more hardcore than the supermarket.

Oh I'm sure they are... <snick snick>

As this was someone I'd only known for only a couple of sessions I wanted to ease her in gently. That and not scare her off completely... :wink: [/i]
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no recall?

Postby strictausmstr » January 27th, 2008, 3:36 pm

oh yeah!

the best are the sessions where a post suggestion is put in and the subject carries out an action and halfway through is enabled to think "Oh my God!!!" :)

The satisfaction from that is immense from my end of town.
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Re: Roleplayers - one of the worst kind of erotic hypnosis f

Postby Kharon » February 12th, 2008, 12:10 pm

BobbyS wrote:Yet everytime I asked a roleplayer if they really want to do this (and point out how a half hour induction would be a boring roleplay device) they say they're genuine.

Now, now. Being a roleplayer (and hypno-fetishist) myself, I love a good half-hour (or longer!) induction RP as much as I love a genuine trance experience. And personally I enjoy being on either side of the RP. I play RP inductions almost as seriously as real ones, and I do let my friends know that.

Yes, I do, obviously, like to know WHICH of the two experiences I am in for in advance, though. I would be quite rightfully pissed off if someone insisted to me that she or he wanted a genuine induction, but then left as soon as they had gotten their jollies.

Do they have no respect for people's time? I put in half an hour of my life with an induction in order to improve technique, try out new things and most importantly, have fun, for both concerned. Roleplaying under false pretences is the cyber equivalent of pissing over a handmade present.

As I said, as long as I know it's RP and not for real, I'm fine with it. Just let me know in advance.

Worst I ever had was on MiRC when someone claimed repeatedly to be in it for real and two minutes into the induction I caught him/her chatting away on another channel. Needless to say I exposed he or she for the fraudster they were.

Don't they realise if they SAY they're looking for roleplay there are miuch better possibilities for their scenario than real hypnosis? Real hypnosis is limited by the small matter of reality - roleplay could allow for all kinds of wacky inductions.

Of course. And I love having fantastic inductions too. Once in a furry one, I hypnotized a catgirl by swinging catnip. You can take advantage of many fantastic and impossible (or at least implausible) induction methods when you know it's just for fun. And you can make it more fun on both sides since nobody has to really enter a trance, and you can have whatever fun you want.

Hey-ho, the upside is I'm now adept at spotting and sifting through roleplayers - probably more so than at actual hypnosis. :-(

Sorry this has been such a long rant but roleplayers are something that have plagued me since the beginning of practicing hypnosis online and piss me off something rotten.

I agree completely, and I like to make it clear that if all they want is to roleplay, I'm fine with that, but if they want to go for real, they need to be honest with me before, as well as during, the trance. If they can't commit to that, I won't go further. And yes, a LOT of people expect the "blank out" reaction and are surprised that it really just feels nice, not like they are, or have been, drained.

Though, I suppose I would like to find one just to pull off a real induction and get a nice suggestion in that will freak them out.
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Postby BobbyS » February 12th, 2008, 1:13 pm

Absolutely - I have come across a couple of people who have admitted (when asked) all they're looking for is roleplay and we just leave it at that - nice and amenable.

The sheer irritation is people constantly insisting they want genuine hypnosis, but then roleplaying.
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