Moderator: EMG
Dave564 wrote:Do these files help you decide what you want to do - or do they make you into something you're not?
Dave564 wrote:I'm trying to read into the stories of other people who have tried it but it's hard to understand what effect it has actually had.
Dave564 wrote:Firstly Alien4420 I want to say thanks for your thoughtful reply, I really appreciate it!
I guess your first 2 paragraphs pretty much sum it up, the file turns you into a homosexual, please don't take offence but yeah it is something I find hard to believe as someone who hasn't tried it but I can't argue with the results and if you're saying it has changed lots of people here then I believe you.
It's an incredible thought that someone who was straight could actually be moving out of their place and moving in with another man!
To answer your question about "why" I want to become gay, well the truth is I don't actually know if I want to be gay at all, I guess I was hoping that a file like this could help give a straight person gay feelings \ tendencies but then leave it up to them to actually make a choice about what they want to be once they've experienced things from both sides, but it sounds like this file just turns you gay completely.
As for the curious side, well I should explain - I am 100% attracted to women, and I FEEL straight, and always have done - I don't look at guys in a sexual way at all and simply don't find them attractive - I guess occasionally I just have thoughts about what it would actually be like to kiss a man etc and involve myself in those kinds of homosexual acts, but I'm certainly not a closet homosexual already attracted to men who just needs a push to come out - does that make sense?
Not bothered about bigotry, I live in a very liberal place, it already has a large gay community, and right now I have no real thoughts or cares about having a family although I know maybe I'm too young. (I am actually 23 soon :)
I wouldn't say I've come on here thinking about this because its a shortcut or alternative approach to finding a partner, but I've been through the motions with girls for years and have always had real big problems with relationships and thats after I've spoken to female friends and had tips and advice.
Dave564 wrote:hmm I must say this has left me feeling pretty confused.. not sure what the next step it.
Dave564 wrote:The problem all of these sorts of replies just make a curious guy like me even more curious!
jennewhalf wrote:I think that is wise.
I was really stupid with Curse Stroke Sissy. I thought this would be a joke. After about a year I left my wife and live with a guy. I am a real life sissy to him and beginig feminization. I realise that my thoughts were probably latent and deep inside but I don't think I would have gone down this route if I hadn't listened. Its strange but I was still bi when I listen to Curse Stroke Sissy however after two months of Curse forced gay I really switched and think only about men.
It was alos strange i fought and fought the effects then just gave in. I am happy but don't know if the files have made me so.
Last night tucked up in bed with my mans arms around me I did have a brief feeling how the heck did I get here but then I am and want him.
So really be careful make sure you want this.
As it does work.
sissy jen
Dave564 wrote:its strangely tempting, if not a little scary - almost like a leap into the unknown.
ftslave67 of course I've been on many dates! (no guys though) this isn't supposed to replace dating or to try and find myself a partner, I think that message is getting a bit confused here - that would just be odd.
I don't find the idea of being with a guy repulsive, as I said - strangely curious about the whole thing, but certainly wouldn't just act upon it!
experimenter wrote:Alien,
I'm curious as to what your reaction is to CFS. Since I've been listening to CFG, I've attempted to listen to CFS to reverse the effects. At first, CFS would reverse the effects of my desires, but it wouldn't break my desire to go back and listen to CFG. Now, I've been listening to CFG extensively, and now, I actually have anxiety about listening to CFS, like my brain wants to fight it, even though I consciously want to listen. My heart rate accelerates, and fights trance. So, I'm curious if you have a similar reaction.
Dave564 wrote:I hadn't realised there was a CFS, surely if this exists then there's really no risk attached to trying CFG?
I'm even more tempted now.
experimenter wrote:okay... I've got a tip for you if you want to try it.
Listen to CFS with a 4-5Hz binaural beat playing behind it. The binaural, when played long enough, will relax you, sort of like forcing your brain into trance. I listened to CFG with the same binaural in the background, and it intensified the effect. The binaural finally pushed me past the anxiety of listening to CFS. We'll see what happens.
Dave564 wrote:I hadn't realised there was a CFS, surely if this exists then there's really no risk attached to trying CFG?
I'm even more tempted now.
experimenter wrote:The problem with CFS is that it's recorded using a computerized female voice, as opposed to a real one. Now, there are those that say that the subconscious human mind is unable to detect inflection, tone, and emphasis. I'm personally not one of those people. I believe that the excited tone of voice that EMG used to record CFG makes it a more potent file. And when you combine it with the hypnotic effects of a binaural theta wave background, it's really powerful.
I'm past the anxiety of listening to CFS now, and it's working. But again, what CFS doesn't do is remove my desire to go back and listen to CFG again. Who knows how long this yo-yo effect will last?
Rossyfox wrote:If you guys are happy with the effects of CFG, why do you want to listen to CFS?
Alien4420 wrote:Rossyfox wrote:If you guys are happy with the effects of CFG, why do you want to listen to CFS?
You ask good questions, they get right to the crux of the matter.
Actually, your post in the other thread was one of the things that lead me to try it. I mean, it's not like I set out to be gay, I just succumbed to the temptation to skate close to the edge, and it's been a blast but your post reminded me of that. And I thought if I'm going to try to go back it's now or never. Now I'm having doubts. I mean, if I'm honest with myself, 90% of the reason I'm trying to change back is social pressure. Is that a good reason? I don't know. I ended up listening to CFS again, but that may have been because it tells you to . . .
stereoxchild wrote:
Social pressure or not, you were not gay before so the file still MADE you that way & MADE you believe you are happy with it..
Or you just weren't happy when you still checked out girls?
In my opinion you should not allow some file on the internet influence the course of your life that much.
Alien4420 wrote:I know it was a dumb mistake to listen
Rossyfox wrote:Alien4420 wrote:I know it was a dumb mistake to listen
If you still believe in hypnosis in general though...
then do you believe it's also a mistake for gay guys to not try listening to CFS (whether they were always gay or used CFG) as you are doing?
Think a bit before you answer... if you really want to say yes, then do.
Alien4420 wrote:Not at all! Not that I'd knock them if they wanted to. I'd just say do what makes you happy.
Rossyfox wrote:
CFG has apparently made you happy though. CFS must have suggestions that do that also. You clearly think that being under the influence of CFS is better than being under the influence of CFG (you cannot now, it seems, be under the influence of neither).
Would you suggest it to them, at least?
Alien4420 wrote:So right now there's a battle between my wanting not to change back and . . . well, between my id and my superego.
Rossyfox wrote:
It's possible of course, that it's not just the file, and the 'real' you doesn't want you to change back either, even though the 'real' you didn't want CFG to work at first.
Dave564 wrote:Alien4420 can I ask - if you've never had any gay experiences, then can you explain what it is about your CFG change that you enjoy?
What is it that makes you so much happier than you were before?
stereoxchild wrote:Some people can have a fetishistic liking for 'being controlled' in a way. Or have a fetish for transformation. Or they can just like the submissive side of these kind of files. In the end, hypnosis is a way of submitting to someone's will. And yes, we know, a subject has to accept the suggestions of a file himself, else it won't work. And indeed, they don't fight it, but what if they just get a lot of sexually arousal because of the fact that they are SUBMITTING to something and CHANGING into something they normally would not want, than because of just 'being gay'?
For many people almost 90% of the excitement & arousal of these kind of files is because they are changing and seemingly can't do anything about it, it is 'beyond your control'. It's a form of mental BDSM. People like that.
In that way, it does not directly mean you already were gay when you seem to accept these files' suggestions.
Alien4420 wrote:Though I don't think that necessarily applies to every suggestion, since a capable hypnotist can change the way you feel and what you believe so that you'll accept things you didn't before.
One thing I'm sure of, and I wouldn't have believed it before I'd played with these files -- they really do change sexual orientation. Hell, I feel like a weather vane at this point.
Rossyfox wrote:Alien4420 wrote:Though I don't think that necessarily applies to every suggestion, since a capable hypnotist can change the way you feel and what you believe so that you'll accept things you didn't before.
One thing I'm sure of, and I wouldn't have believed it before I'd played with these files -- they really do change sexual orientation. Hell, I feel like a weather vane at this point.
So do you get turned on when you think "I COULD have been straight right now... but I played around with a file I didn't think would really affect me..."
I mean, I know it must frustrate you a bit at the moment when you're trying to get back to straightness and CFG's suggestions pop up again, but is it sometimes erotic also that you're failing to get back to what you were before?
Also, I'd love to talk about this in detail over IM sometime :3
Rossyfox wrote:So do you get turned on when you think "I COULD have been straight right now... but I played around with a file I didn't think would really affect me..."
Rossyfox wrote:
I mean, I know it must frustrate you a bit at the moment when you're trying to get back to straightness and CFG's suggestions pop up again, but is it sometimes erotic also that you're failing to get back to what you were before?
Rossyfox wrote:
Also, I'd love to talk about this in detail over IM sometime :3
Dave564 wrote:I'm considering listening to it tonight.
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