feminization curses

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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feminization curses

Postby maidcandice » April 14th, 2005, 4:23 pm

Has anyone been through the super female whammy curse? I like it a lot-try to listen to it at least twice a day. Should I listen to it more?
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Postby makidas » April 14th, 2005, 4:33 pm

hey, im not at all into the fem files, but im really curious as to what kind of results you will get from this file. mostly curious if it will make your cock and balls shrink away like it says it will, that would be very interesting and also amazing.
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Postby BobbyS » April 15th, 2005, 1:36 pm

I have to say I'm a sceptic of files that claim to change your physical appearance (vagina growth being a prime example). I'm open to people telling your subconscious what to believe, but what chemicals to distribute? It seems a bit far fetched.
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Postby billpanty » April 16th, 2005, 2:24 pm

BobbyS wrote:I have to say I'm a sceptic of files that claim to change your physical appearance (vagina growth being a prime example). I'm open to people telling your subconscious what to believe, but what chemicals to distribute? It seems a bit far fetched.

Me too. I don't think hypnosis can make you grow a pussy or make your penis larger, smaller or anything anymore than it could make you grow a third arm.

But it certainly can make you think it has worked.
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Postby makidas » April 16th, 2005, 3:13 pm

i can say from experience that the penis growth file works exceptionally well! but it is a lot harder to take something away (ie.. cock and balls) than it is too give you something,(ie a bigger penis or changed hormones). So we'll see anyways, :D
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Postby BobbyS » April 16th, 2005, 3:49 pm

Totally. I get improving your body's metabolism and speeding the growth of new cells, but reduction seems unlikely, still, I guess we might find out in the Success Stories section...
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Postby sandy82 » April 18th, 2005, 8:45 pm

billpanty wrote:
BobbyS wrote:I have to say I'm a sceptic of files that claim to change your physical appearance (vagina growth being a prime example). I'm open to people telling your subconscious what to believe, but what chemicals to distribute? It seems a bit far fetched.

Me too. I don't think hypnosis can make you grow a pussy or make your penis larger, smaller or anything anymore than it could make you grow a third arm.

But it certainly can make you think it has worked.

Where do you draw the line? External stimuli can make you run faster and jump higher. A guy comes at you with a knife, causes justified fear, prompts your adrenal gland to kick in--and you become a track star in making your escape. The experts now know that stress can impair the immune system, opening the door to diseases that otherwise you might never get. What stimulates the pituitary? Something external (as well as internal) does: American children are routinely taller than their parents. Can external events change the functioning of the thyroid gland? Probably. If so, the same number of calories can leave one person gaining weight and another losing weight.

It's 2005, and I don't see any third arms yet. But maybe hypnotism can trigger a chemical change that contributes to breast expansion. And something tells stem cells how to differentiate into arms, legs, penises.

We haven't begun to tap the healing/changing powers of the brain (which, after all, is the biggest sex organ).

In the meantime, there is always the Oral alternative.

What was the last name of that TV...er...television preacher? :-)
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Postby donna2001 » April 19th, 2005, 8:11 pm

I tried the super female whammy file for a couple of weeks but the penis shrink portion worked first and too well-I'm not ready. Maybe a shemale curse would be better for me.
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Postby makidas » April 20th, 2005, 1:48 pm

interesting, im reaslly curious as to what the effects would have been if you had continued listening, smooth crotch??? hmmm
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Postby donna2001 » April 20th, 2005, 6:36 pm

Quite possibly, but I wasn't willing to take the chance of living my life with a 1 inch willy. It would be great to hear from others more adventurous. If anyone has given the superfemalewhammy a long term test please respond.
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proof of files working

Postby THE_Wolf_2005 » April 21st, 2005, 2:51 pm

I also find it hard to believe physical changes can occurr. I was considering trying it to find out but I am not a man that wishes to become a woman and so didn't take the chance.
I am however interested in hearing other peoples experiences and seeing photographic evidence if possible. So any tv's or sissies that have had success please show me the proof.
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Postby Jack » April 21st, 2005, 4:38 pm

For those who doubt, I suggest you ponder the following. Your mother and father had sex. One sperm joined with one egg. That one cell multiplied by mitosis until a fully human baby was formed and ready to be born after around nine months of gestation, from there you grew to an adult human being... Now, your body is constantly renewing itself every second of every day... and what is it that directs this process? Your unconscious.
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Postby makidas » April 21st, 2005, 7:41 pm

interestin, i love it when people scratch my brain! :D :D :D
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Postby Jack » April 21st, 2005, 7:54 pm

I hoped someone might find that an interesting thought like I did.
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Postby loadedkaos » April 21st, 2005, 11:11 pm

In one book I'm reading they actually say that your cells renew themselves every 11 months so almost every year you are a new person.
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Postby Jack » April 22nd, 2005, 6:22 am

If you were to listen to Deepak Chopra he goes into depth about how often each system renews all of its cells.
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Postby elding » April 23rd, 2005, 7:29 am

But, in that case, the cells simply divide into copies of themselves (except for blood cells, I think).
For them to do what some of these files say (especially genital growth), they'd have to acquire an extra X chromosoe somwhere. I think i'd be nervous if my body misplaced an entire chromosome :P
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Postby rodentgrl » April 23rd, 2005, 9:51 am

Once a cell differentiates, it will only make others of it's kind... only stem cells are capable of replicating into any type of tissue. And that requires very precise chemical codes to do. This isn't to say that adjustments in biochemistry can't happen, but new tissues and organs I would say the odds are very low.

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Postby loadedkaos » April 23rd, 2005, 10:01 am

So you're telling me theres a chance!lol
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Postby Jack » April 23rd, 2005, 11:07 am

By the way, there is such a thing as genetic mutation, which is part of how the process of evolution(if you believe in science) occurs.
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Postby BobbyS » April 23rd, 2005, 2:59 pm

No, genetic mutation means you are BORN with a freak gene that has a special property (e.g. greater water retension). If there is a drought, for example, you can retain water better so while everyone else is dying of thirst, you reatin more water are more likely to live and pass on your gene so it becomes more common.
I have no idea about genetic mutation due to hypnosis but if you are talking about evolution and natural selection then you have to be BORN with a gene, you can't just mutate it at will. Otherwise we'd all be super smart, super tough and super strong.
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Postby sandy82 » April 23rd, 2005, 9:34 pm

BobbyS wrote:No, genetic mutation means you are BORN with a freak gene.

Bobby, I'm confused. If a person has to be "born with a freak gene," then where did that gene come from? If a gene can't change in a person during his/her lifetime, then parents can't hand down changed or mutated genes to their children, can they? After all, parents are persons, too.

So, when do you think a gene mutation can occur? Not why or how. When.

Thanks for any help you can give on this.
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Postby Kobold » April 24th, 2005, 1:44 am

Genetic mutation can and does occur in adults, either naturally or due too external factors like radiation. But normally, these changes in the DNA are not expressed, because (a) it's only a single cell and its descendants and (b) the boy is fully developed and many genes seem to become inactive at that time (I say 'seem' here because AFAIK, nobody knows for sure). An example of mutation in adults where the genetic change is expressed is cancer.
But if a mutation occurs in a sperm or ovum, you get a child with a mutation that may be expressed during growth.

Please correct me if I'm wrong with any of this, I'm just trying to remember from biology lessons
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HuntingFalcons 2 cents

Postby HuntingFalcon » April 26th, 2005, 8:02 pm

k lets have another pole who all on this website are mutants? i for one am i was born with a third cromisom. and obviously it did not help my spelling. :lol:
mutations can occur for many resons and you would be suprized about all the genetic memorie stored in each cell.
some scientists state that the human body is basicly geneticly female till puberty.
dont know if this is true but figured i would throw it out there.
also one way new mutations come about is we already had the code for them in our sistem but other codes blocked them from taking effect. but as some codes are removed as a "weekness" the recesive codes take effect.
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Postby Jack » April 26th, 2005, 8:25 pm

Something interesting I found out a couple of weeks ago reading a medical journal that I had thought about but hadn't thought through...

When each of us is gestating in the womb, we have no genetalia up until a certain point(when the chromosomes that designate sex kick in). All each of us has is a little protuberance(all the plumbing is still there, just hasn't deveoloped into uterus&eggs or penis&testes). When the chromosomes take effect, that determines whether we become physically male, or female.

Considering that puberty "fills out" each genders bodies, it's no wonder that some scientists would state that the body is basically female until then. I personally think that androgynous is more suitable a term.

Just my 2 cents.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 26th, 2005, 10:15 pm

if you had a cold and you said mallet it would sound like ballot
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Postby danmalara » April 26th, 2005, 10:44 pm

HEY!!!!! I'm a mod for this forum and I need to YELL AT YOU FOLSOM_GOD FOR LEADING THIS TOPIC AWAY FROM IT'S TOPIC!!!!!! Don't do it again or I will just delete it, because I have the power to do so. So keep the forum on topic.....or else...
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 12:29 am

Nice Moderating Danmalara.

Just wondering, if a subject does start to go off topic, but you want to continue the conversation, should you just start up a new topic?

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Postby danmalara » April 27th, 2005, 9:10 pm

oh hell, I don't know...lol. I guess it depends on how imporant it is.
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Postby Folsom_god » April 27th, 2005, 9:37 pm

just because you lost the goddamn nipple war doesnt mean you should go bossing me around. gosh
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Postby rodentgrl » April 28th, 2005, 12:39 pm

Well, concidering that the human body defaults to female, and that it's only the actions of a small number of genes being activated at a critical point that makes male reproductive organs develop, and those genes located on both the X & Y chromosomes... and that the Y chromosome is essentially a defective X that has mananged to prove useful enough that it's become biologically necessary...

We spend WAY too much time thinking men and women are different.
From a medical and biological standpoint, reproduction aside, there's no biological difference between men and women that is not simply the result of hormonal action on the body.

Society is so bias on sexual differences... and to be completely honest, there really aren't any that matter.

As a movie I've seen said "Men are just women with a little something added on." "So you're trying to tell me that Mel Gibson is just a woman with extra bits?"

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Postby Jack » April 28th, 2005, 2:19 pm

What movie was that? =)
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Postby rodentgrl » April 28th, 2005, 4:49 pm

Don't remember, just something on cable I saw years ago before my life fell apart. It's amazing what you see when you're an insomniac with digital cable and premium stations...

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Postby chormin » April 28th, 2005, 11:14 pm

Well, there are a few other differences between primary and secondary sex characteristics as they are commonly referred to. For example, the corpus collosum [a knotted bunch of nerves between cerebral hemispheres] is larger in females, denoting a better capability to act on something requiring either both at once, or a quick change from one to the other.
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Postby rodentgrl » April 29th, 2005, 12:31 am

That increase in cross connections is caused by the effects of sex hormones on the brain in the womb, as are some other minor difference in brain structure. There really isn't a difference in biochemistry, or any biological function though that isn't caused by sex hormones other than which way the reproductive systems differentiate. Even those start out identical in early fetal development. And even that is triggered soley by a certain chemical present at a certain time.

Side note of interest in my Human Biology book, a chemical can be administered at a certain point to reverse the reproductive development in a fetus for a certain amount of time after the differentiation begins with no adverse effects, other than having the "wrong" chromosomes...
Since it's been more than 10 years, don't ask me the time frame, or the chemical involved in that please.

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Penis shrinkage

Postby gurlbidesign » July 31st, 2005, 6:07 pm

It isn't much of a stretch to believe that if properly stimulated our minds could induce glands of the body to produce certain hormones. It is the estrogen that shrinks the penis and testicles and causes breast growth. A mans' body produces a small amount of estrogen just as a womans' produces small amounts of testosterone. Don't forget we were all female in an early stage in the womb. Guys, if you look at your scrotum you will see a line running straight up it, that was your vagina before the XX or XY thing got sorted out. I can certainly attest to the success of estrogen shrinking the male plumbing.....its great!!!
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Postby primaelgen » August 9th, 2005, 2:25 pm

There's an entire book written about this. I think the title is called "Adam's Curse". The book shows how the common *scientific* myth of the body defaulting to the female body except for an addition of testosterone at certain time during pregnancy. This is largely true, however, the truth is a lot more complicated than that.

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