big warning about outcast + collecting his misdeeds

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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big warning about outcast + collecting his misdeeds

Postby desrever » May 14th, 2012, 2:00 am

since its pretty annoying how outcast seems to act,
and he also acted like a typical power abuser when he was in the chat,
I’d like to start this topic to have users write down his abuses and power missuses

so everyone please collect his wrongs

also pinning of this topic would be cool
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Postby outkast1728 » May 14th, 2012, 3:04 am

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Postby Korusi » May 14th, 2012, 3:32 am

First; it's only slander if it's not true. (Which lies with you to prove.)

Second; this topic should probably be locked.... this is not the place to discuss such things.
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Postby outkast1728 » May 14th, 2012, 3:39 am

agreed this needs to be locked
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Postby Korusi » May 14th, 2012, 3:47 am

You may want to also delete your other post too- one post regarding this subject is enough. If you are innocent then don't worry about it. Composure is important - maintaining a cool head despite what is being said shows that there is absolutely NO credence to it at all.
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Postby desrever » May 14th, 2012, 4:42 am

i can only comment on his in behavior in chat (bad) + what i have seen in the forums (not really good),

the collection of what i have seen so far gives of the feeling of being a problem,
which is why i started this topic
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Postby Korusi » May 14th, 2012, 5:24 am

Which will only lead to a possible flame war and attack a possibly innocent man. If there are issues related to this forum that break the sites rules then bring it to a mod or admin. If there are issues outside of the forum that cannot be resolved by them then the safest bet is maybe another site like suggested on another thread. The intent is to help others; I understand this but it is not in anyone's best interest to throw around accusations without proof. Especially if they are not true.

So; if he is found to have been breaking forum rules report it to the admins.

If he is abusing his position then he'll eventually be banned from this forum and cannot use it to harm anyone using this forum.

Remember; there are always better ways of handling a situation than a Witch Hunt.... because we all know what happened in Salem.
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Postby desrever » May 14th, 2012, 6:16 am

true, a witch-hunt is a bit rash

but i'm under the impression that reporting&co isn't happening
people are surprisingly apathetic when it comes to reporting such things,
in chat we only caught his misbehavior cause of the safety net we have there

actual victims wouldn't do the reporting

its rather puzzling
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Postby Inanenoble » May 14th, 2012, 8:51 pm

The problem is that unless people go out of their way to contact EMG with a copy of the transcript (assuming they can) there is no way to catch many people.

A better way this could have been done is asking anyone who has a legitimate complaint against Outkast to contact EMG preferably with a transcript.

Also yes Outkast Slander is something else. Plus if it was that easy to hit someone with slander then Comedy shows would be constantly sued all the time.
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Postby EMG » May 14th, 2012, 11:23 pm

If anyone has evidence that outkast is abusing users send me a chat log or other evidence(here or email Otherwise I consider this conversation dead and will kill the topic in 1 week.
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Postby sleepyjosh » May 16th, 2012, 11:42 am

Inanenoble wrote:The problem is that unless people go out of their way to contact EMG with a copy of the transcript (assuming they can) there is no way to catch many people.

A better way this could have been done is asking anyone who has a legitimate complaint against Outkast to contact EMG preferably with a transcript.

Also yes Outkast Slander is something else. Plus if it was that easy to hit someone with slander then Comedy shows would be constantly sued all the time.

You can't possibly sue anyone in this forum for slander, Outcast.
Slander is spoken; when it's something written it's called libel :P

Seriously, though, I've had some experience with Outcast (as his hypnotic subject). The worst thing I could say about him is that he is sometimes more enthusiastic than responsible. But I am convinced that he has never been deliberately malicious with me, or otherwise "abusive." He just sometimes gets ahead of himself.

The bottom line is, I will let him hypnotize me again. Anyone who has had a bad experience with Outcast should take the time to talk with him and express your concerns; that is a more appropriate and mature response than starting a flame war on a forum like this. In my experience, he WILL listen to your concerns, and be considerate of them.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » May 16th, 2012, 6:32 pm

My only dealings with Outkast were in the form of emails he sent to me demanding I make files or record scripts. They were very pushy and impolite in tone and did not engender a cooperative response from me. Because of these exchanges I chose not to have further dealings with him.

I do find it interesting that prior to the "Stop talking shit about me" post Outkast posted himself I had neither seen any post about anything abusive. I simply assumed it was all in his own mind.

My opinion is that Outkast has presented himself to me in a disrespectful and self serving manner I personally find objectionable. His forum posts and rants have only served to reinforce that opinion. He also represents himself as someone experienced and capable and given what he presented to me personally and on the forum boards that is obviously not the case.
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Gathering Outkast info

Postby jtslave » May 22nd, 2012, 3:49 pm

I like Outkast. Sure, he's enthusiastic, but he's not mean spirited, or pushy. And he's always respectful of me. If we're voting, he's cool.
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Re: Gathering Outkast info

Postby Tangy » May 22nd, 2012, 7:23 pm

jtslave wrote:I like Outkast. Sure, he's enthusiastic, but he's not mean spirited, or pushy. And he's always respectful of me. If we're voting, he's cool.

Lets have some fun, how many people think outkast is Cool? :roll:

How many people think that outcast was under a hypnotic Spell and a second personality took over that outkast do not know anything about? :roll:

How many people think outkast is just being attacked because of jealousy? :roll:

I think outkast is a good person
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Postby KIY » May 23rd, 2012, 4:55 pm

I really don't know anything about Outkast, so I really have no opinion on him one way or another.

I really don't know why you are dragging this out again. I'm pretty certain EMG and most of us would rather let the whole issue rest.
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Postby Mutazoa » May 28th, 2012, 9:39 pm

KIY wrote:I really don't know anything about Outkast, so I really have no opinion on him one way or another.

I really don't know why you are dragging this out again. I'm pretty certain EMG and most of us would rather let the whole issue rest.

Well there's a problem with just letting the whole issue rest. If there is a problem (not specifically referring to anybody specific here), letting things rest only allow the problem to continue and possibly get worse.

Starting a post to "name [so and so]'s abuses" can serve as a form of PSA to avoid the Tist in question and document any experiences people may have had, but also can be abused it self. In the end it's not very effectual.

If you have a problem with some one on the Forum, I would suggest logging (copy-pasta works well) the incident(s) and perhaps simply making a post requesting info on the tist in question (e.i. "I'm thinking of responding to [tist]'s posting for a subject. Does anybody have an opinion on him/her"). You are less likely to inadvertently start a bashing thread and get honest critique.

On the subject of Outkast him-self I'll simply say that I've noticed that he responds to nearly all posts seeking subjects, posts multiple threads looking for subjects himself, and has very recently posted an ad seeking a perma-pet, then posted another thread seeking to give the pet away. This alone would be enough to qualify as abusive, if not for his obvious young age and inexperience. (One should not go around making a bunch of pets/slaves if your not going to be responsible for them...take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.)

I would label him irresponsible and caution those dealing with him to do so with caution, merely due to the fact that I suspect Outkast enjoys the ideal of making a pet/slave more than he does actually owning said pet/slave.

I would assume that he enjoys fapping to the idea but is not ready for the responsibility of his (hypnotic) actions. Lately he has added the addendum to his perma-pet thread that subjects must have a master/owner to take over their control after he turns them. His addendum seems to promote this theory.

Personality wise he comes off to me as rather quick to take offense to criticism, which would suggest that said criticisms hit a little close to their mark. On another Forum he touted a file for making people walk on the balls of their feet for extended periods of time (permanently I believe) and when I pointed out the medical complications that could arise from this I was instantly attacked.

Take it as you will. I don't think he is consciously abusive, I just feel that he is a bit new to all this and is still maturing, both as a tist and as a young adult. I would not recommend entering into any kind of "permanent" situation with him (e.i. a perma-pet or any other lasting effect) until he grows up a bit.
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Postby demigraff » May 29th, 2012, 4:41 am

Mutazoa wrote:and has very recently posted an ad seeking a perma-pet, then posted another thread seeking to give the pet away.

I don't know about anyone else, but to me that by itself is a reason not to get involved with someone. There's a link between power and responsibility, and posting that you want to give/sell/trade a person shows a complete lack of both responsibility and respect.

Maybe some people want to be objectified in that way; but even if that's the subject's specific kink, you wouldn't advertise on a forum like this. Because if the 'master' is a good one, they must accept responsibility for the pet's welfare. You don't give a pet away until you can be sure the new owner is going to treat it well.
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Postby Akron » June 2nd, 2012, 10:55 pm

Every time I repost my e-mail address in either of the threads, within a day I will receive a response from him. He ignores what I actually wrote in my post every time. He seems like he's more interested in getting slaves than anything else. To me, this comes off as uncaring and selfish.
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Postby Changer » June 3rd, 2012, 7:03 pm

I am inclined to Agree with Inanoble, this sort of matter should be delt with directly with EMG. Publicly shaming and discrediting someone because you don't like how he appears to behave in 'public' is just bad form.

I understand you are concerned, which is why you should privately urge those who had a bad experience to talk to an admin privately. If he is guilty they can take care of it, and if he is innocent he won't have to deal with this drama.
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outkast is nice

Postby aramodo » June 6th, 2012, 7:28 am

I duno i really liek Outkast. Hes my fave tist. Hes good to me.
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Postby xvaragornvx » June 6th, 2012, 2:37 pm

Having given him a chance despite the warnings I'll give a pro and con.

Pro: very creative, quite entertaining, does work with the sub to figure out what they like

Con: puts his spin on everything, wants to ultimately make you into his ideal and not your own, does not respect boundrys well

If you are looking for a 100% master/slave relationship with a tist, he would probably work for you. If you are looking for casual fun and someone to help you explore, I suggest finding a different tist.

Lesson I learned: people really don't change. My first impression of him was the right one after speaking to him.

In hypnosis, like all the internet it is smart to be safe and work long enough with someone to trust them before you let them have full reign. (Needless to say I am no longer working with him, but I don't hold a grudge either)
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