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My first hypnosis file

by JackDrago

So, though I enjoyed "Curse : Porn Star Penis " I found the suggestions just weren't quite the kind of sexual being I want to be. So I set out on the adventure of making my own file.

Never realized just how powerful asking your subconscious what it really wants is. I started off by learning to do a passable imitation of EMG'S basic induction on tape and then sat down, still kinda trancing from saying the induction over and over again, and wrote out a list of suggestions I wanted and posted it to the masculinization forum to get some comments.

Even before I got it recorded I started noticing that the butching up instructions were starting to take just from writing them down. I felt inspired to edit my script to include an even stronger set of masculization instructions. (It was originally meant to be a horniness / top motivation induction; but the trope "walk like a man, talk like a man..." came to me and I found it irresistible. ) I immediately started my head spinning with fantasy about what kind of butch guy I wanted to be.

So I built in some safety instructions and recorded the suggestions part of the tape and the awakener. Listened to it for the first time last night and woke with morning wood as suggested - been sporting a semi all day long and feeling shameless about having a visible bulge in public. Started obsessing on being butch days ago and it's still going strong.

Not as horny as I was on Porn Star Penis; but I think I am responding to the new tape pretty well.


- JackDrago

Tried my file the first time last night. Been walking around with a bulge in my pants all day. Feeling the urge to reinforce the suggestions on the fly; trancing myself and repeating the instructions on my tape. Sex was very pleasurable, more so than usual and I found myself more oriented to being a partner pleaser. I feel really psyched - up to transform myself. To just go for it as hard as I can and brainwash myself into a total butch.

- JackDrago

Three days of listening to my new file and I am finding it totally transformative. I really had no clue my subconscious was so desperate to express my masculine side. I find myself picking the butchest outfit in my closet, thinking constantly about hiking and camping and plotting out a whole transformation program to live as a butch 24/7. I feel like I am going through a second adolescence and get to choose a gender expression and a place in society again, but make different choices this time. Somehow it feels perfectly natural and deeply right to do it. Sexually, I could not have asked for better: I have the long endurance and enhanced sensitivity I did with Porn Star Penis, but without the constant aching need for sex that cannot be fulfilled. The previous tape made me sexually selfish, my tape makes me be a considerate lover who cares more for his partners pleasure than his own. I still get erections in public all the time, but the embarrassment I felt before is gone, replaced by a wonderful sexy thrill instead.

- JackDrago

Did an extra hypnotic induction this morning and woah! It works way better first thing in the morning. My testosterone levels are super high today and I Went to the hick town over the mountains in my camouflage pants, leather jacket and hiking boots. Was officially the most #butch guy in a Walmart full of rednecks and real life cowboys. Feeling manly. Saw the local fire crew in all pink shirts for breasted cancer awareness month. And popped a huge boner in public. Something about the sissification of those guys made me want to fuck em.

- JackDrago

Had my hypnosis session last night interrupted and awoke without morning wood for the first time in weeks, was kinda starting to wonder if I was insufficiently hypnotized, but I had work to do and kinda ignored it until later in the day, when I tranced on some Vast Country stuff to undo an accidental suggestion I picked up in conversation... After that, I was running late so I dressed myself in a rush after a shower between work and shopping, and found that my subconscious dressed me up like heavy metal / punk rock guy without me even consciously looking. Was swaggering around the supermarket with a semi noticing all the pretty men in the store and speaking in a noticeably deeper voice. Maybe I'm just getting so used to this being my usual way of being that I don't notice it as much except for those rare moments when it's not happening as usual. Alternately, maybe Vast Country is just super powerful and allowed me to boost an unrelated hypnotic idea as a side effect.

- JackDrago

Finding myself more and more addicted to the manhood blessing, listened 6 times yesterday, fully tranced but not asleep, was horny with no release; then slept all night long with it on repeat the next night. In the morning I fucked a tight ass for 45 minutes straight and just couldn't bring myself to stop because it felt so incredibly good to stay inside and feel my dick getting bigger and bigger. Been walking around with a semi all day.

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