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JackDrago's Recent Entries

The accidental alter

by JackDrago

I had an incident a few days ago when I had handled some material that my suggestions made me feel bad about certain things that I had not felt bad about before, and I chose to handle it by naming and addressing the "part of my mind that is dedicated to growing your manhood" directly. This was highly effective in quelling the immediate problem; but it had a very interesting side effect.

That part of my mind, once referred to by name, became an entity unto itself, operating independent of my primary consciousness and manifesting desires and fears independent of the programming that created it. I think I have accidentally created a full on hypnotic alter of the sort that inductions like "your other half" or "female takeover" deliberately make.

I made certain promises to that part of my mind when I was comforting in the moment when it was created and I feel a strong moral obligation to follow through on those promises. It feels very much like having accidentally impregnated a woman and being obliged to take care of the resulting child.

I seem to have progressed way beyond the scope of my original intent with hypnosis, and I strongly feel the need to write a set of instructions that will give me the tools to live with my new alter safely, so that he can rise to full conscious alterhood without me getting in trouble or losing control.

First order of business is to write an induction to create a safe place, where I can go to be safe when I need to and to give me the ability to send him there when he gets upset or when I need to function without influence from my suggestions. Next step is to make a more explicit program for the alter so he grows in a predictable way.

I feel a deep love for the entity I have created... there is no fear in this, just a lot of practical issues about how to pull it off without fucking myself up too bad.

Do any of you have alters or experience in creating and managing them in others?


- JackDrago

Had quite the existential angst nightmare last night. In the dream I got sent to a mental hospital for people who fuck up their hypnosis, something very much like the hospital presented in Ken Keysey's novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" but with a twist. If you misbehave, In lieu of lobotomy, they had a more modern technology that could erase your personality entirely, leaving you a zombie that could follow commands but that left you a permanently unconscious being - the eyes stare but nobody is home ever again. I think Butch is trying to show me what his existential angst is about. If true, then he must participate in my consciousness at least a little bit; because it would not make sense to fear that if you didn't have the experience of consciousness in the first place. If so, he's a sentient being by definition...

- JackDrago

Well, a proper strengthener will have to wait for me to get paid so I can buy and analyze "Your Other Half" to write it, but for the moment Butch is getting stronger on his own in the meantime. I was able to be co- conscious with him out of trance for the first time today - i invited him in and he was happy to be my imaginary friend for the afternoon. Turns out I am way freakier to him than he is to me. It's interesting to re see the world for the first time, even basic things like the taste of chicken and the smell of rain are all brand new to him. I think i kinda like being a multiple.

- JackDrago

Today is the big plunge into making my alter a permanent fixture of my mind. The script for the tape is ready and will probably be the most complex set of suggestions that my subconscious has ever tried to absorb. 12 pages of suggestions! Will probably be an all night file for quite some time.

- JackDrago

Tranced hard to the custom induction to finalize my alter last night, I think the suggestions are starting to take properly in my mind as Butch and I have been trading off on Co conscious control all morning. Switching a lot today, and it's actually a turn on now instead of being scary - i had been doing a lot of work on sprucing up my inner space to make it more pleasant to go to; so I actually find myself longing to go inside and let Butch run my body more. It feels really good to have him in my body, to just let myself fade away and let him take over for a little while.

- JackDrago

The file that created Butch is now here: http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/9012/Alters%3A-Manly-Spirit.php

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