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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing down Part 3

by Sandrana

I was really ecixted to start listening to the third file as you could tell in my last journal entry. My reward for finnshing the second file was Addictive Breast Play which is raelly awesome. I listend to it a lot and I can barely keep my hands of my nippels these days. I play wiht them when ever I don't need my hands for something else.

I switchde from listening to the file in the evning to listening right after getting up. That means I have to get up much earlier as I need about an hour to cum currently.
I started noticing effects before and wanted to know if they only last a short time or if they would last all day. As it turns out they last all day but vanish after sleeping.
I think I started feeling them after the second listen of file 3, but I don't qutie remember. I felt like a giant hand was squeezing my head or my brain. It wasn't unpleasant just stnrage. I also noticed that I was slower after listening. Mainly at typing. I would lose my train of thought more often than before and the feeling that something I wanted to say was just on the tip of my tongue happedn more often as well. When that happened I would remember why and that made my pussy tiwtch. It was a really big turnon.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning and the next file. I'm very curious if it will have any effect on my "media habbits".


Good Progress - Necrops

Nice to see the file is having a similar effect on you as makemebimbo. Keep it up because it\'s obviously working!

:) - Sandrana

Thanks for the encouragement :)

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