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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing Down Part 7

by Sandrana

First of all I want to appologize to everyone for not posting sooner. But as you might have read in my last entry I was sick and this flue was really a nasty one that took some time to get away from. I even was at the doctor and gotsome pills that at firstn didn't really help. So since i was sepnding a lot of time in bed and just pretty much a brain dead mess without the files, we decided to not move from part 7 to 8 until i was better. Since i wasnt really able to keep up with it anyway. I still tried to listen and cum every day but im not sure i made taht. Hard to keep track of time. miht even have cum twice one day cause I forgt if i had cum or not. Wasn't sure if i could feel any effects. But there was tmies when I felt a little better. duirng that time i had to do a little math test, which was 100 basic questions and the first time i did them, I think 3 days ago? i olny got 23 right. Taht maed mea bit embarrassed but also turned me on a lot. It#s working and iM really getting so dumb that I cant do basic math anymore, oh my god. that feeling. its almost orgasmic.
A few minutes ago, i did another ne and there i had only 15 right. that was even worse, humiliating even. Especially writing here about it. Everyone will know how dukmb I am getting! Thats so... I don't know a proper word for it.

After getting back from the doctor i listend to part 7 and I just came soo very hard and messy, it was great. I think I was just so happy that i woulbe able to get back to listenin gto the next files and move along.
At the doctor I had a bit of a hard time listening to what he said, not because I was too dumb to understand it but becau e I was so horny and i just kept thinking about how badly I watned to suck his cock. and the guy isa bit older. probably going to retire soon. Not that it mattred. I just wanted to please him. But I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to make a move.
I can't say that I've become that much dumer other than that I realy started o hate math. When i saw numbers I wold just try to not look att hem cause they reminded me of math. During the test I also spent a lot longer on the questoins. it was just so hard. Several I gueseed because I didn't want to think about the answer anymore. it felt so wrong. Somtimes I would stare at them and it would feel like it was chinese. so confusing.
Sorry if im a bit allover the place wiht my report today. Lets blame it on the flu ;)
I am still very adcited to playing with my nipples, doing that when ever i can. I watched crazy maounts of porntoo. I love porn :) I started feeeling overall happier and laughing, or i should say giggling more than I used to. I like that. I haven't watched the news. I know some of the things going on but not really any details and i really don't crae. bimbos don't need to know that kind of stuff, right? smart men can take care of thinking about such things. I justwant to be horny and dumb.
I#m sorry thta this time my report is a bit short but there really isnt much to tell after the sickleave ;) I am very much loking forward to the nxet file. I'mcurious how mcuh "like" there will be in my langauge in the fugture.


Awesome! - isty

It doesnt matter about the length you are just rocking right along! I\'m sorry you had the flu, and Im glad youre better hun.

Glad to see you\'re back! - Necrops

It\'s good to see you back! Your health is more important than posting or listening to files. It\'s really sexy to see the files taking effect and having a lasting effect on you.

thanks - Sandrana

I like raelly aprepciate that yuo guys care about my haelth and um stuffs. This is raelly nic eof you :)

Keep it up! - uBun2

It\'s always nice to see how people get affected by this series! I took a reprise from them and seem to have mostly recooped, so you\'ll have to keep at the files to keep the effect strong! Looking forward to your deeper dive into idiocy!

Impact on job? - carohypno

Hello Sandrana,\r\n\r\ndo you start to feel n impact on your daily job, in relationships with your coworkers, your relatives?\r\n\r\nregards

Some impact - Sandrana

I will like totaly kepe it up uBun2! Adn thansk for the advice, i have haerd it a few times that i will need to keep listingn to keep it that way. Thats like good to know.
I have flet some impact with my friedns and relatives. Mostly like that im not kpeing up with nesw anymore cause I like used to be veyr well informded on things, much more than thye ever wree.

job impact - carohypno

thx for your answer\r\nany impact on your daily tasks at your office?

not really - Sandrana

No problme :) Tehre\'s no impact on my job at all.

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