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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Chronicles of a Kink Hypnotist - Episode 7

by MN_FriendlyGuy

Hi!  Thanks for checking out my journal.   Today's topic is obedience.
That's right, I'm going to tell you:  You're going to obey.  
But first…

I'm reminding you to support WarpMyMind.  It's easy.  It's quick.  And it's the best way to tell EMG (hypnotist/owner/hypnotist/operator/hypnotist) that you love the fun here.  Some ways you can support the site are:

- Subscribe as a premium member (Check out the benefits you get!)

- Buy a hypno file or two.

- Submit a hypnosis story that you've written  (I love telling you to submit!)

- Post a fun journal entry letting other members know what what.

- Create the kinkiest hypno recording or video you can dream up - then upload it.  If EMG asks WTF?, tell him I hypnotized you into doing it.  ;-)

Now, on with the fun!

I don't know what your favorite hypno is.  But you do. 
 - - maybe an irresistible induction
 - - maybe feminization
 - - maybe slavery

You're going to obey.

There's no need to tell me what that favorite is.  

Instead,  give yourself permission right now, in the privacy of your mind, to enjoy that favorite in a profound, new way.

You're going to obey.

It's okay if you don't consciously understand what that means.
It's okay if you don't understand because there's nothing to consciously do anyway. 
 - - It's better to just feel curious and a little excited about listening in a profound new way.

Do you ever wonder why you keep coming back to WMM over and over?  Wonder why that hypno fetish keeps pulling you back...
 - - just to check what's new
 - - an urge to browse or chat
 - - Tempted to finally buy that file

Awhile ago, a guy contacted me.  In his note, he told how scared he got as he listened to just a couple minutes of an mp3 of mine.  Fear had caused him to switch it off without finishing.  It wasn't the words that scared him.  Instead, an eerie feeling overwhelmed him.

It made me smile to remind him; like I'm reminding you now:  Feelings and sensations are the language of your subconscious.    Your subconscious mind speaks without words…  speaking to you in dreams, in your fears, and in those kinky desires.

You're going to obey.


One last thought to wrap up this week's entry:

In movies and on TV, there's a fun meme about hypnosis:   You're under my control.  You must obey.

So it's kind of surprising that - as you Look for stuff here on WMM about obedience - you'll find only a little about it.  Isn't that surprising?  Maybe you're aware of stuff I overlooked, but here's what I found as I was writing this journal entry:

In the STORIES section of WMM, as I searched for titles that included the keyword obey, I found only one…  Relax and Obey by 221. 

In FORUM postings, during the last year, there was only one entry with the word "obey" in the title:  This one, posted by bear76812

I had better luck with journal entries.  There were six - four of them from one member.

Obeying Master by Luckout

I need to obey by hypnotommy

I obey (part 1) by Gardman

I obey (part 2) by Gardman

I obey (part 3) by Gardman

I obey (part 4) by Gardman

Maybe you're aware of stuff I overlooked?

That's it for this episode!  Use the comment section below to ask questions, to share your thoughts, or to point me toward overlooked entries that say:  You're going to obey.



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