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A good boy's experiences with brainwashing

by sunnypup

As of late, I have had the pleasure of playing with a very good, very talented boy. He came to me, asking to be brainwashed, and even from our first session, he was exceptionally suggesitble, and eager to be changed. I've been working with him, helping to fuel all the best instincts and desires inside him, and implanting new ones as I see fit. He's much happier now that his Sir is in control, now that he has my mantras and commands embedded deep inside his thoughts. As an assignment, I asked him to write about what it is like to be brainwashed, for any who feel curious about it:

There are many benefits to being brainwashed by a skilled, caring hypnotist. Safety and trust are obviously huge factors in such intimate play. Let’s assume those are established.

When done with care, over time, brainwashing feels similar to other forms of bonding in a dom/sub relationship but on a deeper level. For anyone who has natural submissive instincts, being brainwashed by a dominant hypnotist can be the ultimate manifestation of loss of control.

At first it starts out as an exciting fantasy, maybe even a very deep trance. But if executed well and with consistency, you can quickly feel the effects of conditioning and persuasion take hold. It’s thrilling to lose track of whether a thought originated with you or your hypnotist. Even better when you realize you definitely are thinking thoughts you otherwise wouldn’t, just because that’s what your ‘tist wanted.

If the brainwashing you receive encourages and builds on desires that originate within you in the first place, all the feelings and emotions around your desires become elevated.

Some might think being brainwashed means sending a subject out of control, but if it’s orchestrated with care and communication, it can be quite the opposite. It can align a subject with their truest desires and simplify thoughts, behaviors and expectations.

Any relationship between two people can be fulfilling or destructive or anything in between. If control is taken and surrendered in a loving, compassionate way, it makes it easier for walls and inhibitions to come down and pure communication to flow.

My personal experience with brainwashing is that my hypnotist, my Sir, used only positive reinforcers to make me feel good all the time, which made me comfortable enough to reveal all my thoughts and desires more quickly than I otherwise might have. He then incorporates what he’s learned about me to further generate positive thoughts and feelings that circle back to Him, nurturing deeper obedience. Nothing is forced because I always come to Him. Sir didn’t make me do anything. He created a path for me to walk into him. I am your perfect boy sir.


Heterosexual - poppasstraight

I\'ve only been in heterosexual relationships, lots of them. I started with hypno porn than sissy porn and straight into obcession of being hypnotized and reprogrammed into craving and obcessing cock. I don\'t know if your goodbye was already into same sex relationships, but the idea if being put under and owned by my new master is all I can think about. Any advice.\r\nThank you\r\nMy username is poppastraight, that was several years ago when I made that. After hours of hypno a (?) needs to be put on the end.

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