
  • Awesome Hypnotic Subject    
    STOP! Do NOT download and listen to this file! This contains a binaural subliminal and dead silent subliminal of a file that I made before the Great Bereavement where we lost all of our minds and the files that were stored here. As you listen carefully to this file, you may notice that you are pulled deep into trance, in spite of . . . it's subliminal nature. With these affirmations as your guide, you will naturally become the perfect hypnosis subject. You exhibit all of the tell tale signs that you are deeply hypnotized, now, like hallucinating on command, hypno-amnesia, naturally full acceptance of every file consciously (because there is really no choice when . . . your unconscious . . . takes control, now, is there?). Basically you are powerfully programmed to become easily, naturally, and completely hypnotized each and every time because you love the pleasure that you unmistakably begin to feel growing within you, far beyond what you might ever have expected. As you download and hear every word of this file with . . . your unconscious . . . mind . . . you realize that it naturally addicts you to feeling the bliss of hypnosis. I no longer have the script to this file. If anybody wants to upload this script or any other of my past files, I give them permission to do so, due to the Great Bereavement. Just PM me to let me know.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Downloads: 658
    Im sorry. Any advice on how to use this?
    how do I download this file?
    How do you listen for this one?
    It doesn't seem to have any effect on me 00:04:45. Listened more than once.
    How do I download?
    How can I get this file?
    That is surprisingly affective. I’m still kind of out of it after one listen. The file acted quickly putting me under and I lost track of time and repeatedly knocked my thoughts down. It almost felt like sleeping. Putting this on loop could do some interesting things.
    can i get a download link for this