
  • A Time To Be Willing    

    File will encourage you to wet naturally by creating an inner voice that helps you along

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (6)
    Length: 17:57
    Downloads: 2473
    Fun audio with some sly wordplay. Love that it doesn't specifically reference diapers - anyone who wants to wet will find it useful. Soothing narrative and quality recording.
    A Very Strong File! My innerself react very Strong to your Voice, i pee'd myself always after your hypnosis!
    Thanks for the lovely file. I must admit that I initially blocked the visit to my childhood home. Then, during the night, I remembered my room when I was a young teen. I shared it with my baby brother. His crib, and dresser were on one side and m bed and dresser on the other. Suddenly, my dream put me in the crib. In the dresser were all the things that the baby needed to stay clean and dry. In the bathroom, I remembered the yellow diaper pail. baby pants hanging do dry on the shower rod, and the potty seat. Somehow my dream made them all mine! Thanks
    I should have commented on this sooner, but the response from duckypin is a classic example of what Erickson calls an unconscious search. That's how these things are supposed to work.