
  • Bimbo Trigger Training — $25    

    Omg lyk hiya bambiz4eva, hope ur all doween amazeen! So this munth I'm lyk so sooper happee to share my latest (commishun) fyul, which we named Bimbo Trigger Training! As you can prolly guess itz new training for Bambi to reinforce her triggerz and increase the effectiveness of all other conditioning, perfect for looping over and over again giglz! As usual listen at ur own risk and tysm to blaynk for allowing me to share with the community, prime and each and everyone of you for ur support. Enjoy! ♥

    More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 16:49
    Downloads: 25