
  • Iron Man Sleep Induction    

    I’ve become increasingly fascinated recently with the power, danger and notoriety of the Bambi Sleep files. Having been briefly attracted to and dabbled with sissy hypno in the past, I know first-hand how enticing and addictive it can be. But the accounts I’m reading in forums and posts are astonishing. The changes taking place in listeners due to repeated and extended exposure to these files is clearly very real. So it got me thinking. Could I hack the power of Bambi for my own purposes?


    I don’t want to be a sissy (to be clear, I have nothing against sissies). But there are many things I would love to improve, change or replace about myself, my personality, my sexuality. So I decided to pull apart a few Bambi files, rewrite them, repurpose them, and put them back together again.


    So far, I’ve done three files:


    Bubble Induction

    Bubble Deepener

    Body Transformation


    These seem to be the basic conditioning files.


    As mentioned, I don’t want to go down the sissy rabbit hole. Instead, I want to be a more masculine man, a better lover, develop a bigger, harder, more efficient penis, an enhanced physique, improved sexual confidence. Essentially, the antithesis of Bambi.


    I call him, Iron Man. The Iron Man reference seemed apt. Iron Man, although a hero, is a mortal man. He's a billionaire playboy. He's charming, handsome, women love him, he's cool, sexy and, well, heroic. And the Iron Man character is played by Robert Downey Jr, also something of a rich playboy.

    I’ve changed Bambi to Iron Man.

    I’ve changed bimbo into playboy.

    I’ve changed fake plastic into liquid iron.

    And I’ve made many other changes too, notably, I’ve removed third person references and kept everything first person. I’m not really interested in creating a Tulpa. I don’t want to split my personality or create a new one.


    The files I have created are very similar to the original Bambi files in terms of sound and structure. I have used the exact same TTS voice (in fact, the enhanced ‘neural’ version). I have used a background binaural beat (not the one Bambi uses because I can’t verify whether there is any subliminal messaging hidden in it so I’ve replaced it with a vanilla tone).


    And I’ve created a background, subliminal voice track which loops positive sexual phrases. These are what the voices say (spoiler alert):


    I am sexually confident. / My body tingles with sexual magnetism. / I am a great lover. / Sexual confidence comes naturally to me. / I am a powerful sexual being. / My penis stays hard and erect. / My penis is never flaccid. / I am in touch with my deepest sexual nature and desire. / Feeling sexually confident is a natural part of my life. / I always please my partner. / My penis stays hard and erect. / My penis is never flaccid. / Sexual exploration is natural and normal. / I am open to new sexual experiences. / My penis stays hard and erect. / My penis is never flaccid. / I am secure in my body and celebrate its sexuality. / I express my deepest sexual needs. / I am full of sexual energy and potential. / I have unlimited sexual power. / My penis stays hard and erect. / My penis is never flaccid. / I love pleasuring my partner. / I can please my partner endlessly. / I love trying new things sexually. / My penis stays hard and erect. / My penis is never flaccid.


    Something I should mention (in case it’s not already clear), is that I have suffered from erectile dysfunction for my whole adult life, which I wanted to address in the files I created. The changes are designed to be permanent but it's not a curse. I've kept much of the 'obey me' and 'forgetting feels good' conditioning because I think it's part of the power of the files. I want to tap into the deep conditioning nature of the style rather than go down the hypnotherapy route. Tbh, some of my problem is that I get caught up in my head, over think and over analyse. I hope these files can help me forget to be in my head so much.


    I created these files for myself and to help my own set of issues, although I suspect many of these issues are not unique to me, which is why I wanted to freely share them. I’m not seeking any payment. If the site adds them to premium then I’m afraid that’s out of my control.


    One thing I have realised is that these kinds of files take an enormous amount of time to create. From writing to formatting, recording and editing. And I’ve only adapted the Bambi files, that were already existing. It must take Bambi ages to create this stuff. I know how to use the mixing software but I went on quite a steep learning curve to put the files together. It will take me less time in future now that I know what I’m doing with the TTS but it’s still time-consuming. I plan to create a few more, and I’ll update them here if there’s an appetite for them and people like them and find them useful.


    I doubt these files will be as potent as the original Bambi, especially as I’m not looking to create DID or a Tulpa, but it’s a start.


    The Bubble Induction focuses on deep relaxation and conditioning. You're encouraged to imagine yourself in a bubble, floating freely. Inside the bubble you don't have to worry about anything. All your worries, fears, doubts, anxieties etc. are outside of the bubble. The trigger phrase, "Iron Man, Iron Man, Iron Man." brings you back into the bubble and returned to a deep state of relaxation. This file also establishes some conditioning to listen to and obey the (TTS) voice.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 18:07
    Downloads: 436
    Trigger(by yourself)
    Just to give some feedback, I really enjoyed listening to these files and hope you make more,Nice to see content like this on here and the voice works very well, Thank you for making these.
    Thank you for all of your work in making these, and sharing them. Looking forward to checking them out.
    Hey, i dont have a premium account, can i attain this file somehow else?
    Great work. Enjoying.