
  • Curse Always Pregnant    
    A curse file that will make you believe and feel that you are pregnant all of the time for as long as you keep listening to the file, if you stop listening to the file then you start to lose the effects... The only problem is that you will have a very hard time trying to stop listening to it. ;)

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
    Length: 20:07
    Downloads: 4595
    I love this file
    There are two major flaws to this file.\n\n1) Nearly the entire file consists of telling the user to be addicted to the file, theres hardly any other content besides that. If there was more about the listener feeling/believeing that he/she was pregnant then it would be fine, but theres hardly any of that here. About 90% of the file is like this which is the biggest turn off.\n\n2) EMG continuously discourages the listener to want to feel pregnant by going over the negative side effects constantly and saying things like \"even though you may not enjoy it in a few hours...\" fallowed by more file addiction stuff like above.\n\n--------------------\n\n\"Even though you may not enjoy feeling pregnant, you will constantly be hooked to this file\".\n\nIf a new pregnancy file is made, it should encourage the listener to want the pregnancy more and more as a reason to keep coming back and focus heavily on what the person feels and/or see\'s.
    CB7: I understand what you are saying, and yes, positive reinforcement typically does do better in most cases. However, if I understand things correctly, there are a lot of people here that are turned on by \"bad\" things happening to them, especially if they have no control over them. This would explain many of the \"curse\" files, etc. I assume that EMG is catering to this crowd. But your reasons do suggest a possible idea for a new file. Perhaps you should put it down in the voting section?
    I probably will put in another file on the voting page, some of the pregnancy files (including this one) that were uplaoded by emg were put on the voting page by me. :D\r\n\r\nThey usually get good votes.
    I did get some odd sensations while listening to this file, so it worked a little, I guess.\nIt says that it will make you feel and believe that you are pregnant. I did feel, but I stopped believing when I didn\'t see that I suddenly had a huge pregnant belly.\nAnyhow, the fact that I felt something is evidence that I\'m not immune to hypnosis after all, and that\'s a good start.\nI\'ll try it some more, maybe I\'ll get what I was after...
    i Agree with what you all are saying about the negative statements but i do go to the bathroom alot more now and feel heavier, can feel my big belly when i touch it and look down, bloated and gassy not much movement of the baby yet or having trouble sitting or standing but i know it will come soon because i know i am pregnant and believe that i am pregnant
    i thought i would add another comment to let people know my progress i still go to the bathroom alot and still feel heavier. i feel movement every now and then still don\'t have trouble sitting or standing but who knows it may happen any time now cause i love this file and listen most days 2 or 3 times a day
    I first used this yesterday, and did not have the time to listen until later today, and all day I was craving it.\n\nThis file is one of the best I have used in a long time, the first time I didn\'t notice too much in the way of pregnancy, but the second time through I was amazed.\n\nEven though I\'m a guy, I feel bloated, swollen, I can feel kicks now and again, and I can\'t get it out of my head that I feel like I have a child inside of me.\n\nGreat file, although I\'m probably permanently addicted to it now. XD
    I love this file
    I love the addiction/curse aspect to this, but I do wish there was more details and description to better reinforce the feeling of this pregnancy.