
  • Mooove to the Edge v2    
    This is a Cow and Cow-Girl Transformation file. It reinforces many cow and cow-girl aspects and focuses on Mooing, Edging, and being on all fours. It suggests permanence while safe, but has little in the form of "safeties". This file was partially inspired by, and done from the ground up, in a style similar to Mari4199's ACPU file, of which, I particularly liked the techniques of statement then affirmation combined with looping. Without spoiling Mari4199's ACPU file, I will say, that there were 2 aspects of it that I wished to change for my personal tastes; the concept of the subliminal and the suggestions of servitude. This file contains a Linear Script track, a Loop Script track, a Music track, a Binaural track, and 9 sound effect tracks. There are 2 versions of this file. Version 1 uses the Loop track as the main one, and the Linear Script as the Subliminal, and Version 2 uses the opposite. Version 1 was the original design, but the tracks seemed to be swappable at some level, so Version 2 was included. This was my 1st file, and I wanted to try as many aspects of file creation as possible. That said, I am happy with the result overall, but feel that it may be slightly too much crammed into one soundspace. In the future I may attempt a slightly "cleaner" sound relying more on the script.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (7)
    Length: 29:49
    Downloads: 1725
    Trigger(by yourself)
    txt toooo speech pacing aside; this is the gooold standard fooor dyi files. Great joooob! moo
    Thanks. Yah I need to work on that. I tried slowing it down a bit, and I think the pace sounds better, but the file became closer to 45 minutes. I personally like files closer to 30 minutes, so I opted for overall length at the cost of pacing.
    Thanks. Yah I need to work on that. I tried slowing it down a bit, and I think the pace sounds better, but the file became closer to 45 minutes. I personally like files closer to 30 minutes, so I opted for overall length at the cost of pacing.
    Sorry for comment spam, they weren't showing up on browser then all showed up at once :( Please feel free to delete the extras.
    Really like the file wish the udder references focused on the breasts more. Or there was an actual milking part.
    Huhm i might give this a try i read the might i say incredibly long script, although i still have a few questions if i may ask those. I'll write them down before hand so if you choose to reply you can answer them. - do the safeties make sure that this file is only active when i'm alone and do not have anything i need/want to do?. - can i just come back myself whenever i want to this state as well as revert back on my own?.
    It's mostly a conditioning type file. It has 2 lines during the entire file that say "when it is safe to do so", 2 lines making it triggerable, and 2 lines about "reverting to normal". Those 2 lines are both in that main loop and subliminal. However, it is strongly worded to suggest that it will happen more and more, the more you listen, and that you will end up self triggering, for longer and longer.
    Both v1 and v2 were amazing files, but I feel I desperatedly need a v3 focused on releasing all this contained bliss. Moooo...!
    I moo love moo this moo hypnosis moo that moo you moo made moo
    When are you doing v3 moo
    Mooo I like moooo your file mooo mooo is dooogd moooo mooo i'm dumbe and need to be mooooooooooooooooo dumber mooo