
  • AFA - Skunktember Rubber Skunk Drone    

    Skunktember is almost over, but if you would like to be a Good Rubber Skunk Drone for the rest of the month or next year you should really give this file a try. This file will make you a Rubber Skunk Drone for the month of September. Happy and obedient, losing all aspect of ones self till they are just a genderless Rubber Skunk Drone. If you are looking for your designation after this file just look on twitter for your fellow skunk drones.

    Note: There are three triggers placed in this file, one that causes pleasure and makes the drone aspects stronger, one is a emergency revert, and the last is a deepener used primarily by the file but if needed I can use on you. Also there are limits where you will only be a ubber Skunk Drone when it is safe top be so.

    Welcome to the collective Good Rubber Skunk Drone

    .5Hz binaural by Mari4199

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (7)
    Length: 25:29
    Downloads: 1423
    Temporary(fixed time)
    Skunk drone wants more o.o
    Can you email me the triggers? outkast1728@gmail.com
    Could a version of thos be made to work outside of September? It's amazing and works so well for me, but I'd love to have it be triggerable outside of September by someone trusted or a master :D
    I think this is the most effective file I’ve listened to yet! No convincing myself, no acting, it just worked. Not to mention the “subject matter” is super appealing to me.