
  • Little Miss Squidgy: Bimbo with Northern Master — $25   ,  
    The final re-recording in my Little Miss Squidgy series for all those sissies who need a man's voice to control them.  One of my most legendary and powerful files - listen as the dominant voice of Northern Master explains how much of a cock sucking bimbo you truly are as he drains your mind of intelligence.  This recording contains some new material but is faiirly faithful to the original Little Miss Squidgy Bimbo script and as such the below description applies.

    This file will make you dumb. You will lose all male interests and be transformed in a dumb but happy, feminized bimbo whose only thoughts are finding a guy who'll let you suck his cock. It will just about leave you enough intelligence to be able to carry on in any employment you may have, except when you are triggered of course, but your IQ will be significantly lowered and you will have cock on the brain all the time. As always this file is permanent and non-reversible. This file makes no reference to impotence but will be more effective if used with the other files in the series.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 51:37
    Downloads: 35
    Thank you Ms. J.