
  • Let Me Hypnotize Your Lover — $15    

    A Homewrecker file for couples! This file uses cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to distance you amiably from your female romantic partner.  It can be listened to alone or together.  You are immersed in a scenario where I hypnotize your lover to turn her gay.  Listening turns you gay too.  The fantasy is that this is gradual and that you can both enjoy the window of bisexuality as your respective sexual orientations slide gently down the spectrum.  Ultimately, though, you come to think of you both as gay - capable of being close friends - but divorced of sexual or romantic interest in each other. Feel how it affects you. Going your separate ways just makes sense. More available at www.slutinmyhead.com. Please remember to vote and leave comments.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 34:35
    Downloads: 272