
  • Bimbo Brainwash Bliss — $30    

    Hiya my luvz and all my newbiez to get with the program! So my new fyul is a commishun called Bimbo Brainwash Bliss, which basically givez Bambi a hot steamy shower and washes her mind away giglz It was fun to mayk so hope you lyk it and lemme know what you think! As usual listen at ur own risk and tysm to Bambi prime for the original series and all of you for ur lovely support cause this wouldnt be possibul withowt youuu! Kisses xoxo

    More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 11:32
    Downloads: 11