
  • Bambi Speak and Spell — $25    

    Hello awl my vintage Barbiez and brand new bimbo dolleez ♥ Sorry for the wayt but I finalee finished my new fyul Bambi Speak and Spell! This fyul is mayd to unlearn the old self's programming and condishun a cuter, more appropriate mindset for a good girl lyk Bambi! This fyul contaynz IQ redukshun and stuff so listen at your own risk or whatevz. No indukshun or awakener. Tysm to the commishuner for shareen with the rest of the community, prime and awl you bambeez for your amazeen support. Enjoy! Mwah xoxo 

    More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 15:00
    Downloads: 10