Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

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Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Postby ThatoneGurll » July 19th, 2018, 3:16 am

Hi there.
As many of you know a lot of people frown upon the creation of an altar or tulpa but let's face it many of the files here on WMM done by request for an alter are not 100% safe and sane.
I've experimented heavily with various methods of creating tulpa or alters through hypnosis both in other subjects through live hypnosis and partially on myself and have come to a few realizations.

1) Unless it is specified in the file that the relationship is symbiotic there is no guarentee it will end up that way.
2) This is a serious thing to do and many subjects explore it thinking nah nothing will happen and then instantly regret having a new head partner.
3) If the personality or behavior of the tulpa or alter is not well defined often times unexpected results can happen.
4) If vague words are used to describe or define the alter or tulpa's personality in the file then the subject will fill in the blanks, effectively adding in potential insecurities of their own into the persona of the tulpa or altar.

Last night, and the night before I was browsing the pony transformation files and thought huh those look interesting, because they're so well described and formatted in the description. I'm of course talking about the ones that transform you into something from MLP, I hadn't previously found those files on this site so they must be new. They don't create altars however. None the less they're sort of in the same vein. Now I'm not really into My little pony, but I was half tempted to try the files.
This also helps to illustrate the same kind of curiosity people might have around altar files.
I didn't listen to any of them since I've been trying to work on transforming myself into a fox girl but not typical furry/anthro. literally just a girl with fox ears and a tail, and give myself slightly more desirable personality traits.
I am always trying to make my personality better using hypno and it always wears off without tons of reinforcement.

This brings me to my next point.
Altar creation files can be very powerful but they can also wear off fast, and this can create feelings of distress in an individual if they had a strong bond starting early with their altar but the altar starts to fade easily.
Most altars I had kept fading, and was a pain to reinforce them.
I know some people have had way better luck than me there.

So, if I want to create a series of friendly altar files, as well as a series of forced take over files, knowing all this that I know, what is some advice that can be given to me?
I want to appeal to the community here, I notice there's a stellar lack of alter creation files.
Also there are two categories of alters.
Category 1 is the type of altars created where the file suggestions they will be just as strong as the host and be able to take over.
Category 2 is the type of alters created where take over is suggested by not pushed heavily, and the altar is more a voice in the person's head.

Lastly I want to point out, any altar I had got stronger whenever they were able to have upwards of more than 10 hours straight, in total control of my body, to explore, see the internet, talk to people, and explore what is my life? How can they fit into it.
Final point: Most altars I have had expressed some form of being upset to some degree knowing they can't live my life in my place, and are just a side partner.
Some of them faded or had to 'leave', I won't go into detail.

So, in my experience it turns out the best way to make a truly long lasting altar is for them to have some control over the host body, while the host blacks out. The blacking out of the host makes the altars ability to explore their own identity so much more powerful. Every mind is different.
My mind can handle it, but none of the altars I had take over for extended periods of time knew very much, and even when they did, they didn't really have a strong motivation to do anything too different from things I'd normally do.
Except in a few rare cases, one of them took a huge interest in creating hypno files and even wanted to record alot of them.
She's not with me now.
Another one wanted to go outside way more often than I even have an interest in doing so. Maybe not just to be different from me but as another form of exploring.

Then we get onto what kind of relationship are you forming with a tulpa or altar?
First, I feel that 100% it should be as symbiotic as possible.
But many people aren't ready or willing to find personal space and give their altar about two hours a day or more time to itself when the altar finally emerges and can take over.
The alternative is an open forum like this one where the altar can talk or make posts or write a blog.
Or even a private blog.
The most important thing is to encourage any altar or tulpa to write down their thoughts and feelings and to give them that medium where they can do so.
Sometimes even allowing them to explore music, or other interests that the host might not neccesarily enjoy.
You can pre program every thing about them from the get go, tailored to exactly how you want them to behave, think, and even see the world.
Be weary, leave one detail out... and... it will be missing. Or it will be filled in by something random your own mind creates.

All of this and more is one reason why creating and maintaining a tulpa for those of us who don't find dis association the easiest thing in the world to achieve can be very troubling.
Then there is the question of why and I want to put a huge disclaimer here.

The WHY, should NOT be any of these reasons:
1) I want to escape my life
2) I want to escape certain experiences or have someone else take them on instead of me.
3) I don't want to do X task or X work in my day/life.
4) I want someone else to make hard choices for me.
5) I want someone better than me to help me so I can gain from them being a better person than I am and doing things better than I would.
6) I find it arousing but I don't really want a tulpa/alter interfering with my real life.
7) I want to know what it feels like to be 'taken' over, I find it hot.

In many people I've spoken to, or many posts or forums I've read on different sites and even in chat rooms.
Sometimes, these were the initial reasons for someone seeking out to create an altar.
It is with great sadness that I state those reasons are very self destructive, and actually self sabotaging.

A tulpa or an altar should be treated and regarded as an equal, and a partner except in the case of true permanent take over files (like curse female takeover). But even then, with the right effort you could probably convert them into a partner altar and not a take over but it would be hard.

What is some advice, that the community can give me on creating such files. I am not seeking to damage anyone's life.
I basically want to fill in the gap which I see as a gap. There are not very many custom specialized tulpa or alter creation files that have pre designed personalities for the altar already to make the process easier.
In my personal experience, creating altars or tulpas in subjects is easy with hypnosis if you have a strong idea of the personality you're going to give them.

What is better? Pre designed personality, goals, view points. Or, totally open ended, leave it up to the mind of the sub.
Or hybrid: Some suggestions about the altars personality.
Also the target audience is obviously people who have the time of day to let their altars take over, or who are willing to let them take over to begin with.

Lastly, is a TTS voice good enough for files like that? I have recently got some IVONA voices. And I learned how to use a compressor in FL studio as per BAMBIS advice on one site but I'm still a newbie when it comes to sound engineering. I've been experimenting with much higher quality files.
I basically just overall want advice on how to make a high quality take over or tulpa creation file that appeals to a larger audience. Too niche and only like 3 people will ever use it.
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Re: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Postby JackDrago » July 20th, 2018, 12:16 pm

I have had little luck with maintenance of alters who don't get regular out time in the body. Best results come with alters who come out on a near daily basis for minutes to hours at a time. Butch, my Manly Spirit is out an hour a day, 5 days a week serving as jock alter, while my Programmable Robot has to beg for an hour of out time here and there to avoid fading away entirely. Oddly, this has never been a problem with the natural alters in the system.

As for safeties, I will PM you the scripts to these files. Programmable Robot has the most badass safeties of any file I ever wrote (more safety suggestions than robot obes) and Manly Spirit was written with the help of an NLP master who is also a natural multiple with the express intent of creating a stable, reliably friendly alter.

I strongly recommend study of other hypnotists scripts before attempting to write alter files. they are surprisingly easy to make work, but also very easy to create a monster if you mess up.
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Re: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Postby ThatoneGurll » July 21st, 2018, 5:51 am

Yeah in my experience JackDrago natural alters in a system seem to be fine but articially created ones fade really easily / fast and take a ton of maintenence.

Any ideas as to why that is?
Thanks for the advice on studying other scripts I will definitely look into that as well.
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Re: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Postby JackDrago » July 21st, 2018, 12:33 pm

Varies a lot from file to file. Manly Spirit alters usually persist fairly well without maintenance trancing as long as they are allowed to come out regularly. Your Inner Demon alters are often VERY difficult to be rid of, but the Robots fade much more easily.
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Re: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Postby bear76812 » September 8th, 2020, 6:28 pm

@JackDrago, can i ask what is the purpose of Robot alter apart from the Manly Spirit?
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