Making A File

This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique.

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Making A File

Postby Pantheria » March 20th, 2015, 1:10 am

I am looking to record a hypnosis file for myself to listen to at night. I was wondering how best to word things like as I am recording it for me to listen to should I say 'you' or 'I'?

Also if for example I wanted to improve my memory would I be better stating 'My/Your memory is improving' or 'I/You have a perfect memory' or would a mix be best?

Finally I am planning on recording singular statements and repeating them all night. How many different statments for something should I use. For example with memory improvement I could say 'I have a perfect memory' and 'I remember things easily' as two statments about the same thing, how many should I aim for as a minimum?

Sorry about the long post and thanks for any help
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Postby ProfessorPig » March 22nd, 2015, 1:41 am

picking the wording for files for yourself is the most forgiving situation you can hope for. just word it the way you would like to hear it :)

no matter how you word it, your subconscious will know what your talking about because you wrote it, so you know what you meant by it.

i tend to describe things as many ways as i can because you never know what way of phrasing something is going to click with someone, and the more you describe it the more it is reinforced.
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Matter of Preference

Postby Calimore » March 26th, 2015, 2:43 pm

As I respond quite well to mp3s from hypnotists I trust, I find it works well to word self-hypnosis mp3s in the second person. My subconscious has gotten quite used to being told what to do while in trance, though.

A suggestion: consider making yourself chant a few simple phrase that express the essence of the effect you desire while the mp3 continues to program finer detail into your mind.
If you only Believe in Hypnosis, It can Change Your Life.
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