Fox Transformation v2

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Fox Transformation v2

Postby Draygone » September 5th, 2008, 10:23 am

*Wonders for a moment if this is better off in the furry transformation section. How many furs look in here?*

Some of you know about the fox transformation file I created a while back. Actually, it would seem a lot of you to. 1000 downloads? I'm impressed. But here's the original discussion, in case you missed it:

Supposedly, there's been several who have had success with the file. Not sure what the success rate here, specifically, is. However, I think that the original files are rather flawed. The biggest flaw being that they rely too much on visualization skill right from the get-go, essentially forcing the listener to attempt all the visualization with almost no help at all. So while looking for a solution, I remembered my experience with a furry-specific guided imagery file (not found here). The purpose of that file wasn't to put you into trance, but to relax your mind as you are guided through the visualization of your desired form. I found it very effective, but listening to it and the furry TF files proved very time-consuming.

So what I've decided to do is recreate the fox TF file, this time making it a combination guided imagery and hypnosis file. It would start off through relaxation through mind overload, go through a visualization process where the listener is trained to imagine visually and tactiley their transformation, moving on to a short hypnosis induction, and then finally the body where the rules of the transformation take place. I've already got some of it done:

This file is meant to hypnotically transform you into a fox anthro. In this session, I will first take you through a guided imagery where the changes will take place in a step-by-step fashion, before taking you into a full hypnotic trance when the suggestions for your transformation are given. Through this file, your subconcious will be trained to allow yourself to experience this transformation at any time. To help this transformation, I recommend that you imagine the changes onto yourself through your own concious mind. If you practice at it enough, the transformation will become so easy that it becomes second-nature to you, that your subconcious mind will act on it almost out of habit.

Now, starting off, I want you go ahead and find yourself someplace comfortable. Perhaps your living room sofa, or beneath the covers of your bed. Don't go to a place too quiet to listen. A little ambience noise will help in your relaxation. Stretch out your legs, and lay your arms along your sides, and relieve the tension in your neck, letting your head slowly weigh down, in as much of a comfortable position as possible. Now, if you haven't already, go ahead and close your eyes, and let yourself relax. Take a deep breath, and relax. Take another deep breath, and then, relax. Do this once more, breathing out all your worries. Another deep breath, breathing out your stress. Focus on your breathing. With each breath you take, you're breathing in relaxation, you're breathing out your tensions. Relaxing and simply listening to my voice, listening to my words, and relaxing more and more with every breath you take. Not quite enough to go into trance. Not quite yet. For now, we are just relaxing your mind and your body.

I now want you to listen to your surroundings. Open your ears and let the sounds travel into your mind. What can you hear right now? The fan of your computer? Or perhaps, the sound of your fridge running. Go ahead, focus on those sounds that you hear. Isolate each sound. Recognize it, listen to it. Hear all the ambience of the room reaching your ears. Focus on all the noises. Now, let them become louder and louder to you. Not just the sounds inside your home, but those outside as well. Wind blowing, dogs barking, cars driving by. Let all these sounds reach your ears. It almost seems overwhelming. So noisy. So distracting. And then, you notice my voice. You hear my voice, and you hear the music in the background. The calm, relaxing music and voice coming from your speakers. To you, it is a sound of hope among all the noise surrounding you. Focus on it. Focus on my voice. Focus on the music. So peaceful. So relaxing. As you focus on it more and more, all the other sounds seem to die away. You want to hear my voice and what I am saying. You want to hear the music peacefully playing. You listen, and begin ignoring all the other sounds. No more humming. No more blowing. No more barking. They are no longer important to you. Soon enough, all those loud and distracting noises seem to disappear. All that's left is the sound of my voice, and the peaceful music. They are a relief from all the other noises. The sounds you hear now are so very relaxing. And you find that you are even more relaxed than you were before.

Now, I want you to focus on your body. Focus on it, from top to bottom, as you recognize every part of your being. From your head to your shoulders, and down your arms to your hands and fingers. From your chest and down to your waist, and from your hips through your legs and down to your feet and toes. You can recognize this body as your own. You also find that your body is feeling sensations. Sensations of touch. What do you feel, as you focus on your body? A breeze blowing across your face? Your clothes wrapped around yourself? Perhaps the weight of a blanket on your chest and legs? Focus on these feelings. From your head to your toes, feel everything out. There's so much to recognize. So much of you is feeling these sensations of being touched, of being weighed on. There's so much of this, that it's becoming uncomfortable to you. Even your own weight on top of the chair, or bed, or whatever you might be sitting or lying on is distracting. You need to stop these distractions, and you will do so starting at your feet. Let your feet disappear. Ignore the sensations in your feet. Your feet no longer distract you, and you feel a little better, but it's not enough. You know what you need to do. Let the sensations disappear up your body now. From your legs, up to your hips. Even your own weight is disappearing. You feel lighter, and lighter still as the sensations disappear from your waist to your chest. Disappearing down from your shoulders through your arms, and to your hands and fingers. And finally, your neck and head disappear with the rest of you.

At last, you are at peace. All the noises around you, all the sensations of your body are gone. All that is left is my voice, my song, and yourself. You are at peace. Relaxed. The most relaxed you have been thus far. No sense of time. No sense of location. It is as though you were floating through space. Go ahead and enjoy this experience for a moment. So peaceful, so comfortable, and so relaxed. You don't want to lose this state. You want to continue just listening to me, as I guide you through this session. And guide you, I will. I am going to take you to another place. A place that is just as enjoyable as the one you are in now, if not moreso. You will awaken in this place as if you had fallen asleep in it. It is here that your journey to a new body will begin. Allow me to guide your imagination, now, as you begin to awaken in this new place.

The sound of leaves rustling in the breeze reaches your ears. It is slowly awakening you, and you begin to notice the feeling of your own weight on the hard but grassy ground. The feeling of your body returns as well. It is your human body, and you can feel that you are fully clothed. Now, you open your eyes. They focus, and you see the canopy of the trees above you. You slowly get up, and observe your surroundings. You seem to be in a forest. It seems to be a peaceful place, untouched by civilization. The temperature of the air feels just right. But wait, how did you get here? Is it all a dream? You walk up to one of the trees. You place your hand against it. You can feel the rough wooden bark. It is a familiar feeling to you. You pull off a piece of bark now, and hold it in your hand. You can feel its light weight in your hand. You then let it drop onto the ground, hearing it land on the grass.

Your ears catch another sound. The sound of running water can be heard to your right. You look in the direction the sound is coming from, and start following it. Walking through the forest, around the trees, the sound becoming louder little by little. Finally, you can see a stream in a clearing ahead. Walking up to it, closer and closer, until you reach it. You look down at the crystal clear water. You can see it reflecting the sky above. You then get down on your hands and knees, and put a hand in the cold, wet water. You can see and feel the water flowing around your hand. You take your hand out, it dripping the water, and lightly shake it dry. You then lean over the water, looking at your face reflecting on the water's surface.

You look your face over. Your eyes, your nose, your pointed ears. You close your eyes and give your head a light shake. You look again, and sure enough, your ears seem to have a point in them. You can feel them twitching a little, and you watch in wonder, as they climb up your head. And they are becoming animalistic in shape. Triangular, and with a tip. They finish changing. You can feel the weight of your ears shifted to their new place. Unsure, you reach up to lightly touch one. It itches a bit, and twitches as a reflex. You focus a little, and try to move them, with some success. You notice that there is a bit of a dark orange fur on their backs, and fuzz inside. They are fox ears. You reach up to one again, giving it a light rub. You can feel it. And you can feel it being touched. You can also hear it being rubbed, and at this point you notice that everything seems a little louder. Not a whole lot, but almost as though you were cupping your ears to hear better. You rotate your ears, and you find that they can easily sense any noise in the direction they face. You can hear a bird chirping at the side. You look back at your reflexion. This sudden change is making you nervous, and it shows in your ears, as they have flattened out.

You get the feeling of having a running nose. You reach up to wipe it, but as you do so, you find that your nose feels a little tough...

My intention for the relaxation is to overload the listener's senses, only to relax them back using a bit of a "fringe benifit" effect. Hopefully by the time the guided imagery starts, the listener will have plenty relaxed himself and has begun to ignore distractions. The portion of the guided imagery before the transformation is to start the player off with practice seeing and feeling things that aren't really there, things that the listener has likely already had experience with, rather than throwing the listener straight into the unfamiliar transformation.

The transformation is going to be slow-going, but it will be an interactive experience that should work better than the monotone descriptions that took place in the old Fox TF files. The practice seeing and feeling your transformed self should help with doing the same when not listening to the hypnosis.

After the transformation is over, then I'm thinking of a short portion where the the listener is transported in spirit next to his own relaxed transformed body. Re-entering that body will essentially reinforce the idea that the transformation took place in reality, rather than it just being a dream. Then the real induction will take place, taking the already-relaxed listener into trance with the images of the transformation fresh on the listener's mind. Once in trance, then the instructions for the transformation will take place. As in the old file, it will once again reinforce that the listener will remember his old self, and that the old self is how he would appear to everyone else. But this time, I'm going to be using trigger phrases, instead of a permanent file (so many who had success with the old file did so not expecting success and wishing they hadn't gone as far as they had). Though for those who want it to be permanent, the transformation will once more be triggered just by listening to the file, so no trigger usage would have to be done on the listener's part.

Here's various notes I wrote when working on the file:

"Your concious mind will fall asleep and dream of your transformation, while your subconcious will be wide awake, listening to my words, willing to follow any instructions I give it."

Detailed tactile descriptions, practice (such as feeling the table, describing how smooth or rough it is).

"Even though you may have a little trouble visualizing at first, don't get frustrated."

After transformation, close eyes and visualize in third person. Then open them to find oneself in room looking upon his transformed self, feeling the being, and merging into the being and closing eyes, nowing that when he opens them, this is how he'll find himself awakened.

Perhaps attempt awakening without completely exiting the trance.

Associating the trigger phrase ("fox in the forest") with the visualization ("there you are, a fox in the forest").

Generic file could take place in a room with a large mirror. Having a window showing an outside environment. Touching the window for tactile practice.

That one about not completely exiting trance is an important one. I've been reading people's experiences with transformation files, and people have described how the file seemed to be working while they were in trance, but wore out once they were awakened. So I've been thinking, if the listener was allowed to get up and move about without being awakened all the way, the effects of the trance might linger longer.

Now, besides the original file being somewhat difficult, I did have other problems with it. Its length, for example. But I'm hoping the transformation in the visualization will prove shorter than it did in the original file. For one, no silly separation of steps that could've just as easily been a single step; ie, nose blackening and then becoming rubbery. It's also not gonna have that snowballing recap after every change with the "your nose and eyes are changing" and then "your nose and eyes and ears are changing" and then "your nose and eyes and ears and hands are changing". I mean, the last recap took most of a minute to go through in the old files, and that will not do. And lastly, no droning on and on boringly about each change. The transformation should be fun and interesting, not described in textbook fashion.

So that's the idea and the progress I made. I stopped progress for a while, partly because I was uncertain in what direction to take the transformation. That is, what changes should take place when. I want to get back into it, though, and bringing it up here might help with fresh motivation. Sure, the file idea is entirely untested, but so was the original Fox TF, and I still managed it.
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Joined: November 28th, 2006, 1:00 am

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