general post

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general post

Postby andrew100 » September 18th, 2019, 11:58 am

There is alot I know and alot I dont know, what I know is how files and the brain work together obviously its not just me who doesnt think the subconscious should be used for hypnosis but for much much more. My research over the last 8 years can be concluded to a few points.

You dont need to be in trance to accept a subliminal message or hypnosis suggestibility. If you gotten as far as I have with the accelerated hypnosis file then you will know how fast it can work. Success is important and results matter which is why quality is important. It doesnt have to be perfect but what it must achieve is its intended use of impact. If it doesnt do this then you may read another 10 books on hypnosis. Maybe Im being slightly harsh here but trust me when I say talking someone to relaxation can be done with different beta waves which I see as the key to unlocking the subconscious to the files intentions.

Curse files are my favourite mainly because they stay if I could say which is better single use or permanent then I would say permanent because knowing that it worked and its what you wanted never goes away. So far Ive been trying to turn myself into a fox but the curse files arent working which Is why Im putting emphasis on hypnosis science for this type of thing in relation to curses who doesnt have fun with these? think of building a house this is the way I see it.

For file ideas in relation to fox files we want to surround it with other suitable files that would make a whole out of pieces and my research is not yet complete to conclude the secret of what every hypnotist dwells on but I would use myself for the hypnosis of science which already been doing but for a much deeper depth in the field because it could definitely be a breakthrough. Imagine a world where the subconscious shapes it for the conscious and anything is roughly achievable if your as serious as I am at what hypnosis can actually do.

The limits are important I guess its like alchemy only one can understand unless they have practised it. But I feel like ive been putting extra pressure on the steel combustion because alot of what I know is only from the experiments I have tried and I havent gotten everything I needed for the perfect conclusion but from what I know it can take a really long time but this is what makes it worth it.

There is scripts, mp3s and videos.
From my experience you dont need to be in trance for videos to have an effect on you which is why only watch videos about it if its for you rather than experimenting because while there are many sceptics out there not many of them have blown their mind full with files just to see what its like. Success can happen anywhere which is what leads me to the next paragraph.

Your mind is your region or temple while this will never change what surrounds it will. This is the basic formula of calculated math. If you intend a file to work then being sure you want this is important sometimes you dont really want it to so opposites of it would surround the mind like is this such a good idea or maybe you dont really care as you can see emptyness and resistance are two different things. Every file you listen to plays to your minds activity and hypnosis is very just for that.
Hypnosis was ment for the activity of the mind. When you try to change that activity it can be hard to relax or get into it and you might end up thinking about a different file that worked in the process, a files success is determined by how good it is at changing the activity of the mind. So remember if its increases activity you will be less prone to its suggestibility but most of the time when a file fails your mind will have experienced no change and you will be conscious of that so a successful file does the opposite of that. Its not about accepting it its more about letting it change you and once it does then you can assume it is about accepting it but this element is very important.

So what have I achieved from this process? I tried an experiment involving pictures and words. The words would build a connection with the picture while the subliminal would cause it to trigger the picture while the trance would be based on a hypnotic spiral with flashing images and words. The aim was for the words to become before the picture so when the video was played twice it would associate the words with the picture and the subliminal afterwards. So the result was I ended up believing they were real and whenever I would dream if I hit a trigger the pictures would show up and somehow two people or animals got added to my dream, It was really weird stuff. So what did I learn from this? scripts played alongside the subliminal of a video can create some weird reactions in chemistry and what does this mean? it means dreams can outpour into your consciousness as if the subconscious is somehow feeding the consciousness but only if the suggestion or words are in the subconscious and obviously dreaming of it is just one result of possibilities.

So speaking for the science of hypnosis I might look into genetic modifying next because Ive seen how mindsets can be created and remember the brain creates the chemical reactions needed for the functioning brain which can be seen as the reason for mindset but this is just plasticity and hypnosis can change that. I still have alot of work to do before I can do a summary but for now this should give you more of an idea to create better files with a simple idea. And just remember if it achieves over time then put in you will see changes occur as a suggestibility because it makes it valid to the brain aka the key to my research.
But so far what I've achieved Fox curse files. It made me like Fox's. I get jealous when someone calls them-self a fox. I have been sneakier at card games and basically if something has fox written on it I consume all of it. As you can see I got carried away but the mind is a fragile thing this is what I wanted but never expected it would be as this.

I will do another post soon.
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Joined: December 11th, 2012, 1:00 am

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