File Requests I won't do.

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File Requests I won't do.

Postby EMG » May 8th, 2021, 1:54 am

Recently a user(who will remain unnamed) requested one of a very few types of files that I simply will not do. They wanted a file disguised as something else to manipulate their gf into becoming part of their eventual harem. The reasons I won't do files like this are pretty simple.

1) I may enslave you, warp your mind into that of a baby or feminize the shit out of your but I will always tell you what I'm doing first and I expect it not only of myself but of anyone else who posts on the site. I will never disguise what I'm doing as something else.
2) it won't work. Even if your GF listens to it and loves it and accepts everything I say, when you use it on future gf #2 she may not be quite so accepting and may decide that what you need is a good kick in the crotch and when she explains why, gf#1 may help her.
3) While this site is about hypnosis as a fetish, this could conceivably get me into legal trouble and I don't want GF#1-7 showing up at my door asking for my head, my balls, or all my money.

Take my advice, if you want to permanently change your GF/Wife/etc make them an active participant, if you try to subvert their free will NOTHING good will come of it and odds are the worst thing that could happen here is you succeed because then you'll try again and at some point it WILL come back to haunt you.

Oh, and I also don't do anything that borders on pedophilia that's just wrong and I'll contact the authorities even if you simply inquire gently. This doesn't mean I won't make you into a baby, but touch one(or any innocent) and I'll be first in line with my rusty chainsaw to cut off the protruding parts of your anatomy.

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify this, to rant a bit. For anyone interested, the text of the file request is included below.

I'm here with a request for a custom file of yours, let me know your price. Here it is. Suggest female acquaintances and friends into becoming my girlfriends, if already a girlfriend, enhance the love between us. While also making the female audience open to the idea of polyamory, with increased desires to workout and eating healthy, always wants to improve herself and looking good, with increased feelings of bliss, happiness, pleasure, positive mindset, sexiness, and beauty at the end of the file when they awake from the trance. Script should start with concealing the true purpose of the file by mentioning that this is a guided meditation session for stress relief and feeling good about herself, only when the female subjects are in deep trance will be okay to mention the true purpose of this script. When the females finished listening to this file and comes out of the trance, they will only remember the script as something that made them feeling sexy, relaxed, blessed, happy, beautiful, and having a reinforced positive mindset, so this could open up the possibilities for repeated listening sessions. Please include suggestions that actually reliefs stress and elicit good feelings, and link them with the true purpose of the file, such as being poly-amorous, being in love with me and loving other females, eating healthy and working out as well as looking good help with stress relief and staying positive about herself. I want this file to be a positive experience for the females, while also bring my own dream to reality, having a harem of beautiful women, all in love with me, and loving each other equally. This brings us to the polyamory factor. Polyamory is a form of consensual polygamy relationship, so please include something that suggests the female audience that they will not get jealous, angry, or sad when I am with another female, in fact, they actually completely accept me of being with another female, and being very supportive for me pursuing another woman. Females that I altered with this file will also be very open to meet, talk, and seduce other woman, while also very eagerly want to introduce me to their female friends and telling them how much I helped them feeling great with this file. Their desire to meet other males will remain unchanged. Suggest that repeated listening sessions, should the female choose to do, will further increase romantic feelings toward me, as well as the good feelings. Triggers: A trigger phrase that whenever I say it, it increases a female’s romantic feelings toward me, as well bringing more happiness, and more feeling of sexiness. This is for me to use only, also I can use this trigger in text messages as well as emails. A shareable trigger that whenever being said, females that are altered by this file will become more romantically interested toward the female(s) sitting next to them, as well bringing more happiness, and more feeling of sexiness. This trigger will not affect the romantic feelings toward me, but more like adding onto it in addition to loving me. This can be used by anyone who knows it but can only be used as spoken words. Additional things for file: A binaural beat in the background that increases suggestibility, please read in a tone that is very seductive.
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Re: File Requests I won't do.

Postby outkast1728 » May 8th, 2021, 10:47 pm

Anyone that thinks files like this ought to be made shouldn't be allowed in this community for very clear reasons. Personally this individual should be removed from this site...
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Re: File Requests I won't do.

Postby zappernapper » June 21st, 2021, 6:34 am

The way this user is referring to "females" almost makes me feel like he doesn't totally see them as people like himself. Likely barely sees "males" as people either. The one are pets, and the other is just competition. I'm sure he doesn't see it that way. If you asked how he would like it reversed, he envisions some hot woman seducing him into sexual servitude and is both in love with and terrified of the idea. But what if she wasn't attractive to him, at all. Would he really be OK with having his will stripped away and tricked into loving her? Would he really be OK with being forced to share the woman he loves with a harem of other men. Having his sexuality altered so he feels closer with them the way he wants subjects of his files to feel closer to the other "females"?

I wonder if the person who requested this file would feel it's alright for a *male* friend of his to give him a "guided meditation" file under the guise of simply wanting to help a friend out who seems stressed. And that file subtly hints at making him feel more relaxed and sexual whenever he's around his male friend. I suspect whoever requested this file might be scared of getting sexually assaulted by this friend who is taking advantage of the subliminal triggers they implanted. And I hope that maybe the person who requested this file thinks really hard about whether or not that's really the kind of guy they want to be.
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Re: File Requests I won't do.

Postby Jackstock » January 10th, 2022, 10:36 am

The user does not really understand what's possible with hypnosis, and what is acceptable with hypnosis. I would explain to him the reality of what is doable and acceptable.
Don't completely brush off this request though. It would be fine to make a file that helps the listeners live a healthy and open life. But the rest of it is a dumb fantasy.
Listeners WILL remember the content within the file. It would barely even work if they forgot it. These women would be seriously creeped out by the weird suggestions in that file. You cannot make people do things against their desires, and you shouldn't try.

Maybe they would like to listen to healthy lifestyle audios with these women. MAYBE they will enjoy this, and maybe the girl will end up liking them. This is how you do this.
There is a realistic and respectful way to do this.
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