How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

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How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby thistimeforsure » March 27th, 2019, 7:30 am

Hi! Just lurking and I'm at this point where I want to get into a file but I don't know to what extent do I let it in me, if that makes any sense. Part of it I think is to help me just embrace my sexuality and understand myself better (it's the jock files btw).

My question is for anyone here. How seriously do you take the files? Like past sexual fantasy, in real life, how is it for you living with it?

For example, for the feminization files, have you brought up with your close friends that you're doing this self hypnosis audio stuff to want to be more feminine? For those into dog hypnosis, has your partner ever worried about this and did you end up resolving it, or breaking up even? Have your goals in life changed because of it, like if back then you aspired to be let's say, a neurosurgeon or work for NASA, but then you crave files that dumb you down til you can't think of anything other than dumbing down and being horny all day long. Not that I'm saying the two can't coexist, but I guess I'm also wondering how people make it work, the intersections of sexual fantasy and how they are in their everyday.
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Re: How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby JackDrago » April 1st, 2019, 3:14 pm

I strongly suggest every subject treat every file as if it's going to work like a charm. This is not always true; but I have found that whenever a subject listens to a file on the grounds that "this will never work anyways" it's practically always their subconscious mind fooling them into doing a file it wants that the conscious mind isn't sure about. Practically everyone who ever listened to Teenie Weenie with that attitude has practically no penis left now; so be absolutely certain you want the effects of a potentially life changing file before you listen to it, as many files are difficult or impossible to get out of once you have started using them.
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Re: How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby sarnoga » June 30th, 2019, 6:06 pm

I agree with Jack.

If you are just starting to experiment with hypnosis files you might want to begin with files that do nothing more than take you into trance. Get used to going into trance before you start on other more substantive files. From there i would suggest proceeding to a file that is not intended to make any changes, especially permanent changes. Try out files where the hypnosis is just a means of guiding you into and enhancing a fantasy experience.

The other thing you should be aware of is that some files are of better quality than others because some hypnotists are more skilled than others. This can be manifest in many different ways. Some can be so poorly put together that there is little chance that they will take you into trance on their own. The bigger concern should be putting one of those files in a play list after an induction that does take you into trance. If they are not carefully constructed who knows what effects they may have that were never intended or never even considered by the file's creator.

This site has a great mix of files. I can only recall one or two times when EMG has put his foot down and said, that doesn't go here, and he did so for very good reason. The result is, that you get the good with the bad, the quality with the crap, and it is up to the user to sort though and make a decision what they want to listen to and then ultimately be responsible for the results. I for one, happen to agree with EMG's nearly complete lack of any censorship. I cannot imagine any other way that could result in such a large and glorious library of hypnosis files.

So again, I agree with Jack. Start with the premise that you treat every file as if it is going to work like a charm. Be responsible and try to make wise decisions. The more familiar you become with hypnosis the easier it will be for you to sort the good from the bad, find the things you like and want and avoid the junk.


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Re: How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby mindpaws » July 31st, 2019, 3:24 pm

They don't really work on me so I don't take them seriously at all :) I just listen to them for excitement. I like the thought of listening to something life changing and irreversible. But it's never worked so I am just having fun.
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Re: How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby cloudstalker » August 1st, 2019, 5:58 am

This brings up another question: the use of comments for criticism. There was one recent file, for example, where it appears that a TTS engine was used, but a script for one fetish was edited to include another fetish, and there was clearly insufficient proof "listening", as some references were removed, causing a great big "huh?" on my part. It does appear possible (although I have never tried it) to fix and re-upload a defective recording, but the comments can neither be edited nor deleted.
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Re: How seriously do you take hypnosis files?

Postby Jackstock » September 22nd, 2019, 4:58 am

I find that everyone is very different and unique. Some people will take it seriously, some will just have fun with it. some people fetishize it. Some just want self improvement. Some will tell friends. Some keep it secret.
I just make the files so that people can do their own thing with it. It's a tool.
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