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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing Down Part 5

by Sandrana

This file has been very interesting. The frist day I was able to listen to I was coming down with a cold so I didn't listen to it right away after getting up. Instead I did that after a hot bath and a nice coffee that made me feel better. And apparenlty was succesful cause that cold never really came after all.

I was excited to listen, as with any nw file. Wondering what it will do to me. How it will work. The background voice that chants dumb and blisful happy and bubbly was really catchy. Easy to start repeating it over and over in my head while listening. and it made me feel sooo very good. I lost track of time so that I wasn't evn able to tell how long it tok me to cum.
I loved the file. Having happy thoughts is really nice and much better than my normal thoughts. I was a bit sad that I had to stop listening afetr my orgasm. I let the file run to the end before I stopped and got up again. I could still hear the voice telling me to be dumb bissful happy and bubbly and that just got me turned on even more. I had had a great orgasm but that didnt really satisfy me for very long. Not even an hour later I was right back to being carzy horny and so very needy.

I had a busy day whree I needed to do a lot of thinking so I didn't really feel dumb or horny or happy much of it. Only once I got back to being alone and could relax it all came back to me. The same is true for the second day I listened to the file. And there it was even worse, the day had been so annoying that even when I was finally on my own with nobody bohtering me i couldn't get back into the happy and blisful zone.

However things were much better the day after that. I even woke up before my alarm went off, being very eager to listen to the file :) Which I did for about an hour. I felt so happy and so good. It made me feel as if with every breath out I wuold push out my throughts and the air i would breath in would go straight into my head to fill it with air instead of thoguths. After my orgasm I needed some time to recover before I could get out of bed. I could hear the voice again and I often found myself reapting it out loud when I was alone. I even edged in the shower repeating the words and I had a very hard time keeping my hands of my nippels, prboably thanks to the addictive brestplay file I keep listening to.
I had a deliverry man come by that day and I was so horny that I really wanted to fuck him. I'm pretty sure he was looking at my nipples because they were hard and pointing thorugh my shirt. And if that wasn't enough for him to know that I was turned on, he must hav enoticed my faster breathing. I even brushed my nipples with my hands but I'm not sure he saw. I kept thinking please le tme suck your cock, fuck me right here.
When he left I stood in the doorway rubbing my nippls for a bit before going back in. i was soo wet. The rest of the day I just felt out of it. Ralely horny but also a bit dumb. Making all kind of little mistakes during the day, like wantnign to get milk and then forgetting why i went there in the first place, forgetting to put sugar in my coffee and stuff like that. Even when I went to bed that night I still could hear the voice telling me to be hpapy and blisssful...

Yesterday I set a new pesronal record on time spent with the file, 90 minutes! Whcih meant that I had to give myself some extra time in the future before getting out of bed. I had a very lenghty orgasm that was really three but they came one after antoher so I don't think that counts as more than one ;) I felt really empty headed afterwards as if i had just lost a big part of my brain in that orgasm. That made me grin like a moron. The rest of the day my breain felt a lot emptier than usual. It was just so quiet compared to my usal speedy thoughts. The voice was still chanting as well and it was hrad to not constantly repeat it as well. By now i have gottne used to the small mistakes during the day but I still get turned on every time i realiz that I made one. It also fels like every time I do get turned on by it, that a tiny part of the resistance breaks up and that then just makes me even hornier.

Today then my last day of file 5 I gave mself two extra hours in the morning. I was exctied to say the least. Still i wasnt able to cum quickly. I don't think i can at all anymore, the file keeps me from getting there too fast. I get to the edge quikcly and then I just ride it for a time. I'm glad bceause the longer it takes the olnger i get to listen :) Todya I was even more horny than yesterday. all my free time i spent edging, playing with my nipples or wahthing porn. I didn't read the news, I neglected conversations because they were about borings things that just distracted me from being horny. I hve reallly enjoyd this file and I cna tell thing are moving aolng prtty nicely.


Well Done - isty

You are definitely coming along nicely Sandrana. The files seem to be helping you achieve your goal.

Amazing! - Erotion

It\'s getting more and more interesting to read all your journals, Sandrana! They\'re getting better and better, and it\'s fantastic to see how you\'re proceeding with your journey! That was one lucky devilery man ;)

Thanks! - Sandrana

I\'m gald you are enjoyin it :) I justwish that delivery man had ben eevn mroe lucky ;)

Don\'t forget to try Dumbing Down 6B - The_Fabled_Aesop

Start out with Dumbing Down, 6, let that thoroughly soak your brain with pussy juice ... then switch over to 6B. It\'ll make you really happy.

Already on it - Sandrana

I havnt forgoten about the 6b file. In fact i getto litsen to both 6 and 6b during the next days :) More inmy netx jornal entry on that :D

Increible! - Moral_Lowground

You know, I think we can say that you have passed the tipping point here, from what I can see from your journals you already are a Bimbo. A wonderful, wonderful Bimbo. Not only have you gotten delightfully more and more stupid with each update, your encounter with the delivery man makes you sound like a character from a Porn plot. Its a shame you didn\'t get to suck his cock, that would have been a perfect reward for how well you\'ve embraced being a dumb Bimbo. I haven\'t read any good Bimbofication stories in a while, but your real life transformation is more than enough to get my blood pumping.\r\n\r\nI remember your first posts on the dumbing down thread - you came across so as much more intelligent in those than you do now. Now, like so many others who use Vivies files, its more noticeable when you spell a word correctly within that mass of errors. It was like you were the articulate female while makemeabimbo was the dumb-dumb, now your getting more and more down to her level. It\'s that kind of shift from \"hey guys, trying out the first file, not noticing much\" to \"heey guyz on feil 5ive naow so horni\" that makes me love reading the Dumbing Down success thread so much. The experiences you describe sound utterly amazing, and I\'d be lying if I didn\'t say I\'m not insanely horny right now. \r\n\r\nI look forward to your next entry, Sandrana the Bimbo.

Nice - Sandrana

I\'m relaly gald and very happy eveyr time I haer that somone enjoys or better yet, gets turned on by reading my journals :) It in turn make sme hornier than I already am :) I agree it is a shame I didn\'t get to suck the delivery man\'s cock. Thatwould have been so hot!

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