
Category: Inductions
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Casey's Recent Entries

Exist to Pleasure Series

by Casey

Exist to Suffer Series has been a big hit... Many have wanted

the same program focused on pleasure and not pain,

So, here I present you with.


Exist to Pleasure Programs: 

But, many people have requested wanting me to create pleasure based series...

So, by request. Here is the Exist to Pleasure Series. (Work in progress, check back for updates.)

Exist to Pleasure Conditioning File 10$: https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=12489

Exist to Pleasure Induction File 10$: https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=12566

Exist to Pleasure: Increasing Licked craving, no arousal


Exist to Pleasure: Craving no arousal


Exist to Pleasure: Arousal No release


In the Works:

ETP loop licking arousal no release — $10

ETP The Tongue Interrogation — $15

ETP the pleasure pumper — $15


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