
  • Curse PrePubescent    
    This file curses the listener with a body that becomes more and more pre-pubescent. pubic hair growth ceases, the penis and balls or breasts shrink, your voice gets higher and your body returns to the way it was before puberty. This curse cannot be removed for 6 months and any effects you get from it are permanent.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
    Length: 22:44
    Downloads: 11686
    ...I laughed at this file but after two months i'm in size 4 shoes (was size 8) My breasts went from DDD to maybe a C my face is changing becoming rounder and a lil chubbish in cheeks i'm also shrunk almost 2 inches! I'm pretty freaked out and so is my family but secrectly...I'm loving everything that is happening!
    does this file really work?
    Im not sure what is actually in this file, because the induction is soo good - I cant remain out of trance when I listen to it, and Ive tried 10 times to stay "awake" but each time Im put right back into trance. Does it work? I don't know. Im going to try again to find out what it is saying, wish me luck!
    if this file effects you the way intended you will not regrow from it be warned
    How do I stop it if I want to after the six months?
    my guess would be you have to contact EMG or you have to go all the way back through puberty
    Very tempting...
    do it work
    This seems to have worked for me. I have less heai and my male equipment seems to have shrunk. Sort of cool looking like a boy again.
    What happens if the curse is not removed after 6months? Will it keep going? Also will stopping testosterone production make you fat and depressed?
    Like adby, I\'d like to see this redone with various effects to make it stronger (although I don\'t mind it being a curse.)\n\nAlso, what sort of results have people had? Any updates from Kennyb, babymaddie, or joshytn?\n\n
    yea i wanna know, please any updates pictures of before and after please.
    will i be able to grow back? like im 18 and want to look and feel young again but i dont want my family to really notice
    Maybe EMG could make a puberty file?
    tempted very tempted (wonder if daddy would like it) any befor and after pictures
    I\'m tempted with the pubic hair, penis and balls, and the voice, but the rest of my body too? I\'m tempted, but I\'d turn into a baby before a pre teen.
    How long does it take to work?
    if this file works on you and it should if you believe and don\'t listen to doubters, you will remain prepubescent till you die, that is how it is worded, so beware, only listen if you truly want the effects of this file
    I did not believe this would happen but after six months I look just like a kid. I haven\'t had an erection in 3 months and fit into kids sized clothing. Be careful and sure this is what you want
    would really like before and after pictures\n
    This appears to be working on me, but I did have to wait a couple of weeks to see any noticeable change. My male equipment has shrunk a lot. My erections aren\'t as strong as they were and I can *only just* masturbate. When I do masturbate, I don\'t get much and it is very thin almost watery. I was never very tall but I think I am shorter *slightly* than I was. I have noticed some of the hair on my arms at the tips has started to go blonde. My wrists, legs, arms and collar size are all slightly smaller than they were. My watch has become annoying because it moves around too much. Lastly I have gone from a size 7 shoe to a size 6 (which is awesome!). I can fit in kids velcro shoes with reflective bits on! I also fit in kids clothes which used to be *slightly* on the tight size. 15/16 years or a large fitting 14 years fit me fine. My face looks a bit younger. I still have adult hair but it hardly grows and is noticeably \"struggling\". I think this whole process is awesome! No one has commented that I look noticeably younger yet but I am seeing noticeable and real physical changes. Smaller feet is a great example. I never managed to fit in a boys size 6!
    Is there a way to stop it\n
    You can stop it by no longer listening to it. Well, I stopped listening and everything went normal again... The curse element doesn\'t seem to have got me.
    Since previously listening to this, I went back to it a month ago. This time the curse has truly caught hold of me. I have to listen to this every night now. It is like the rule. It can take a little while to notice changes and you should expect to notice not just physical changes but other things too that people go through during puberty. This for example includes \'growing pains\' but you shrink instead (so yes it does make certain places hurt - or more specifically ache). I have also had a sore throat a few times (which teens can get during puberty). Expect your shoes to all of a sudden slip up and down (that caught me out). Rather than growing out of shoes you shrink into a smaller size. Last time I tried this I was merely playing with it in part, last time I probably got to about size 6.5 shoes (remember of course feet expand during the day and contract at night). This time round I have arm hair falling out (not in clumps yet) and both of may feet are comfortably a size 6. THIS FILE DOES WORK, IT TAKES TIME BUT IT WORKS. As you are basically reversing puberty you do have to go back through it (and you do get some of the negative side effects that are temporary). If you aren\'t sure if something unusual is related to this file try googling said unusual thing with the word \'puberty\' or even \'fourteen\'.
    I have the file slightly changed, in particular removed the curse and the \"if you are a women\" part ... So far, it has no physical effect. But I trust myself to act more childish when I feel like it and when it is possible. And that is already a success. Perhaps the physical changes will follow. I expect them eager and impatient.
    how about some before and after shots?
    hi there yes this file realy works iam 40 and have lissent a lot of times to this file at first y was septic about but it realy worked have the body of a young boy again whey say to people aim 40 the dond believe me the think most of the time iam 11 ore 12 so if you not to be sure you like to be this way dond lissing to this file
    I think this link needs to be renewed or something. It always opens as php instead of mp3 for me.
    So I am curious. If you listen to this file and the curse takes hold and you get the curse removal, does that mean you start aging normally again from prepuberty or that within a few months you are back to the age you started from before you listened to the file? Also wondering why in the prepubescent shemale curse file you would start aging after hitting prepuberty and you wouldn\'t with this file?
    It depends entirely on the person. What ever you believe will happen will.
    Is anyone else having trouble downloading files from here? I can\'t find any mp3 files
    I totally fell asleep listening to this, I think. The next file on my phone started playing and I honestly do not remember much of this file after the count. I\'ll update again in a week or so.
    Sounds like an amazing file, will it make you look young for the rest of your life? I know you wont be immortal but will you look young
    I'd really love to try it... But everytime I try using it, I chicken out and finally give up on listening to it after barely 15 seconds of listening, before even they talk of regression... Can someone help me ? Posting it here because for some strange reason I can't post in the forums.
    I'd really like to know if this works well with women. I'd prefer a file that did these changes focused on a female only.