
  • CountryBoy    
    This file makes the listener more "country". They will start talking with a southern accent, with poor grammer and all, words like y'all and aint would be regular parts of their vocabulary. The only type of music they would listen to is country. They would start wearing cowboy type boots, jeans, and button up shirts as their every day attire along with john deer hats or cowboy hats, anything with camoflage would also be accepable. They would start using smokeless tobacco, like copenhagen or skoal, all of the time and beer would be their beverage of choice. They would prefer to drive a truck over other vehicles and their favorite activities would be hunting, fishing, and occasionally line dancing..

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (23)
    Length: 23:14
    Downloads: 3858
    This is hilarious--and powerful. Now, where do I find me one of these country boys?!? I just don\'t approve of the chewin\' tobacca...
    I love the idea of these types of files where you are transfformed into a type of masculine stereotype. Any chance of one that turns you into an upper class English gent?
    i as a texan was laughing all throughout this file. stereotypes FTW! also do you think we could have a \"Ye olde english\" file?
    hey can you take out \"start using smokeless tobacco, like copenhagen or skoal, all of the time and beer would be their beverage of choice\"? otherwise i think i might do it
    It\'s pretty easy to edit out parts of the file with any editor. That said, this is a very intriguing file! Any chance there could be a version for girls?
    stero typical
    This file is fucking great. I always had a pure fascination with country men. Dippers have always been a massive turn on to me, but I could never bring myself to do it. Slowly I started to dip before I even knew this file existed. Now that I\'ve listened to this file a few times I am finding myself dipping more and enjoying it even more, even to a purely erotic level. I never thought camo looked good on me, but now every time I put some on and look in the mirror I instantly get an erection. Thanks for the awesome file partner!
    I listen to this file frequently, still a hardcore dipper, beer drinker, wearin my boots and cowboy hat, lots of camo. I want more bubba!
    Really want an extended version!