
  • Seven plus or minus two    
    An induction which I found while roving around various web-sites. It is meant to be used with more analytical subjects and has some elements of distraction in it. Meant to be followed by a deepener script (Such as the Rainbow Deepener which I'll upload next).

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (13)
    Length: 10:37
    Downloads: 3172
    Only while under
    I believe this actually belongs to followthewatch
    Where else did you see it?
    This is a great file. I was listening to it just to see what it had in it and the differences from other inductions, and found myself waking up at the end when I was told to. I had no intentions of going into trance with it but it sank in and was successful.
    Logic, when did that happen? I just listened and there was no instruction to wake. Also no trance for me, but I suppose I expect that now. Have to try and find an actual hypnotist one of these days... Files have never once worked for me. Not a comment on this file as such, just I've been reading on inductions that work with ADHD and this was supposed to be one. Just disappointed, I guess.