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The Subliminal Hunt --- Werewoman Subliminals

by greenham

Explaining the Painful Transformation Fetish

Have you ever wanted to just transform yourself? I am sure anyone and everyone from the TG community could just WISH their gender away. To hope that, one day, it just happens in their sleep, completely painless and easy.


Unfortunately, that is not the way of the world. It's just not possible to just make a wish on a star and become your oh so sought out gender. But with persistence and patience, you could get closer than ever to your wishes.


But that's not this story is about. This story is about my personal fetish: Painful Transformation.


I myself do not understand why I have this fetish. There's just something about  about the bones cracking in and out of place, the forced sharp movements, the body pulses...I could go on for a bit about it, but that's boring.


One day, I had the revolution of Werewomen: a werewolf, but instead of a bloodthirsty wolf, it's a sex-crazed woman. Turns out, it already was a concept- professionally called a "Gynethrope" (Those that change gender at night).


I find it amazing that there is no one ever thought of making a subliminal about this. I could only pray to find that satisfaction of breaking bones and a agonizing, long painful transformation.


--If you find any, please let me know.--


>Until next time<  ~Greenham


I would like to know - asdasq

I haven\'t found any but of you found any I would like to know

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