
Latest Files

  • You Belong In A Cage — $20    

    This hypnosis file leads the listener to realize that they are beneath everyone else and deserve to be kept in a cage like an animal.  Includes a believe that they aren't even worthy of sitting on the furniture they are little more than(or even less than) an animal and deserve to be kept this way.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:35
    Downloads: 12

  • Insatiable Glutton — $30    

    This hypnosis file is intended to turn your appetite into that of an insatiable feeder.  We are not talking simple hunger, we are talking insatiable, a hunger that cannot be quenched, a desire to eat and eat until you are nothing more than a pig of a human your fingers swollen and thick, your body so massive your legs may not even be able to handle your weight.  You are an insatiable glutton and that is what this file will make you into.  Listen at your own risk, EMG and WarpMyMind are not responsible for any health risks associated with weight gain resulting from this file.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 21:54
    Downloads: 174

  • Cock Destroyer Curse — $35   , ,  

    There is nothing nice to this file, it's a curse, and as they go it's an unpleasant one.  This curse is intended to completely destroy your cock.  To make it so small, useless and impotent that even the act of masturbation is an act in personal humiliation.  What's worse, this curse is PERMANENT, even if you purchase something to remove it, even if you ask another hypnotist to help you this file will just dig itself further into your subconscious until you have a tiny little impotent cock that is of no use to anyone.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 22:38
    Downloads: 163

  • Curse - Humiliating Erections — $25   , ,  

    As a man you've probably had an erection when you really didn't want to have one.  Now imagine that it starts happening uncontrollably at the worst possible times.  Family dinners, meetings at work, the more humiliating it might be the more likely it is to happen.  This hypnosis file makes it so your own subconscious doesn't care, it will find every opportunity to make you hard at the worst possible time and the only way to stop it is to get me to remove the curse.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:23
    Downloads: 54

  • Trig Bodyslave - Remastered    

    This hypnosis file makes you body obey the commands of whoever says the trigger which is "body slave time" Once it is said your body will do what they say whether you want it or not, you'll still be able to move/act but their verbal commands will override your mind until they say "body slave time over" The file includes safeties to prevent potential abuse and wears off overnight.  Once triggered you will be totally awake, you just won't have full control of your body until they release you.

    The original file can be found here: https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=30

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 24:49
    Downloads: 378
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • Curse Perverted Cheater — $25    

    This file is a trip into the deepest of perversion.  It will make the listener want to cheat on their spouse(male or female) with other men craving the most perverted sorts of use and humiliation this includes but is not limted to Bakeback, Scat, Piss, K9, GolryHole etc.  The file creates the desire and makes it build and build until you act on it making you come back to this behavior again and again at least once a week.  This is a curse not to be taken lightly but it was recorded using my headset as the studio is still closed.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 25:42
    Downloads: 113

  • Hidden Commands    

    Day 23 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  In this hypnosis session I will set a trigger in your mind so that if someone you know sends you a command surrounded by brackets [] you will immediately and subconsciously follow the command.  This will work in email, text or chat but only if they are addressed to you(don't want random stories on the internet triggering people).  You will never remember the commands that are given, or even listening to this file.

    Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:31
    Downloads: 579
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • A Pink World    

    Day 3 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  This hypnosis file takes you down and leaves you experiencing the world in a whole new color.  Pink, when you wake up you will spend the entire day seeing everything you see shaded in the color pink.  No feminization, just the color pink.  Enjoy!

    Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 18:51
    Downloads: 260
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Curse Aroused By Men — $25   , ,  
    This wicked little file does not affect your sexuality.  It doesn't change your desires or feelings about men at all.  What it DOES do is make it so when you see a man even partly naked you get an erection anyway.  TV commercials, Pools, Gyms, Locker rooms, they will all be full of other men in varying states of undress and each and every one of them will cause your cock to get rock hard.  This curse can only be lifted by EMG.  Be warned, you won't be able to control this no matter whether you get humiliated by it or piss someone else offf and make them think you're a homosexual the file will still cause relentless erections around other men if they're not fully dressed.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 23:13
    Downloads: 88

  • Evil Cuckold Fantasies — $25   , ,  
    This file make the listener obsessed with being cuckolded, so obsessed that in time they only way they can get off is by masturbating while watching their partner having sex with someone else.  This file is as bad as any curse files in that it slowly destroys your sexuality reducing it to your own desperate desires to watch your partner being fucked by other, better men.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 24:32
    Downloads: 97

  • Best Boyfriend Ever read by Angel — $20 — ON SALE $16    

    This recording is for straight men. It drives you to increase the time you spend with outgoing, opinionated women and when you find one you like, confess you listened to this file. This file hypnotizes you to develop submissive tendencies toward any woman you confess this to. It also hypnotizes you to become completely focused on any woman's pussy shown to you, so that you must lick and worship it. If this becomes a regular thing, this woman is your girlfriend and you are the best boyfriend ever, completely obsessed with serving her orally. More recordings for your arousal at www.slutinmyhead.com. Your votes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for listening!

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (2)
    Length: 22:19
    Downloads: 270

  • Monogamous Nipple Slut — $20 — ON SALE $16   , , ,  
    In this recording, the listener is given an increasingly addictive trigger to become obedient and submissive to nipple stimulation. Sexual desire is heightened. Next, comes programming to become increasingly flirtatious, uninhibited, sexually experimental and demanding. Develop a complex style of negotiation using sexual arousal as currency. Find it more and more natural doing for each other when you're turned on - and reinforcing that. As your thoughts and interests become increasingly slutty, focus all that sexual energy on your partner. Got a thing for nipples? This recording takes that to the next level. Pronouns he, him and his reference your partner, but this recording is otherwise gender nonspecific. Please comment here or in the forums. Find more recordings at www.slutinmyhead.com. Thanks for listening!

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 33:11
    Downloads: 83

  • Inner Slut — $20 — ON SALE $16    
    Get in touch with your feminine side. This recording helps you construct the perfect inner slut. Direct her thoughts and actions with your mind and feel them reflect back onto you. This file is designed for sissies looking to embrace a feminine mindset. Learn to channel this sexy slut! Watching women in porn may also serve to reinforce this over the top horny and eager to please attitude. Want some porn to watch while listening? Check out my tumblr slideshow at slidr.kitzmiller.org/?tumblr=sinmyh. Feedback is always appreciated, here or in the forums. Check out my other recordings at www.slutinmyhead.com. Thanks for listening!

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 16:34
    Downloads: 102
    Only while under

  • Habit Forming 2    
    This recording encourages good habits including eating smaller portions. Also learn the secrets to beating procrastination, boosting motivation and solving that whole problem of lack of will power. This is just a good all around file that promotes good health and self-improvement, with slightly erotic language. More at slutinmyhead.com.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 12:37
    Downloads: 1145

  • Only When I Drink — $15 — ON SALE $12    

    This file affects you by making you attracted to people of the same sex anytime you drink alcohol. You're a gay drunk. Likewise, if you have a significant other, you won't mind them getting in on the action too, especially if you can use them as bait to attract more people of your gender to fool around with. You hear yourself acting this way, but can't help it. It happens anytime you drink. This file is gender neutral.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 18:51
    Downloads: 119
    Trigger(by item)

  • Sing Praises to my Ass — $20 — ON SALE $16    

    This script was written by Angel, edited and recorded by me. This file makes you want to orally worship my ass and sing its praises. You will want to make up songs about my ass and share them everywhere. Sing them from the mountaintops. This is some fine quality ass. More recordings at slutinmyhead.com and gayhypnosis.com.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 16:24
    Downloads: 463

  • Dopamine    
    The neurotransmitter dopamine is the root of all motivation and desire. It's also extremely easy to hack using novelty. This recording encourages you to increase novelty in your life by becoming increasingly curious, suggestible and enthusiastic to experience everything. It's a relatively vanilla file with a fair amount of wiggle room for the right listener interested in trying new things. Feedback and comments are appreciated. Lack of them is kind of disappointing, so please, contribute. More recordings available for your perusal at slutinmyhead.com. Thanks for listening.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
    Length: 16:09
    Downloads: 1470

  • Frigid No More — $10 — ON SALE $8    

    Tired of the whining about not getting enough sex? Sometimes a woman needs hypnotic encouragement. This recording is all about dressing sexier, flirting more and increasing a woman's sex drive. Women become kinkier, hornier and more assertive after listening. Be careful what you wish for. Comments and feedback appreciated. Check out the rest at slutinmyhead.com.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 22:47
    Downloads: 1454

  • Absurdly Generous — $20 — ON SALE $16    

    A crisis of conscience held me off recording this script for over a year. This file is seriously going to make you want to spend money on me. I have never thought of myself an exploitive hypnodomme, but apparently, I do this kind of recording too. Financial domination is one of my most frequent requests and I can understand why. It is hard wired into us men to be providers, and in many species, providing is what earns males sex. Pretty reinforcing... I am a fan of this theme and figure for most the people out there, it is only slightly risky. You are probably not going to go off the deep end, though there may be outliers, similar to how people gamble now and then, but only a sub-sect becomes addicted. This should be interesting. Please do not download this if you think you might be unhealthy. I worry about you sometimes. That does not mean I am going to refuse presents. Everyone loves being spoiled... http://amzn.com/w/1J8F9IPBMXZRS

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 1:06:39
    Downloads: 129

  • SimH - Fucking Doggy — $10 — ON SALE $8    
    This recording enhances your appreciation of doggy style. Get hot thinking about it, getting it, showing off your ass so men want you... Feel confident and flirty. You get wet so easily now. It seems as if you are constantly dripping from between your legs. It empowers you when men check out your ass, and when you have one inside you, to bond with him over a couple of orgasms. The bond is the best part. You feel so close to a man who orgasms fucking you doggy. This script is based on the same outline as Fucking A, intended for gay men and available at gayhypnosis.com. Feedback appreciated, either here, under Success Stories in the forums, by private message or at slutinmyhead.com. Thanks for trusting me in your head.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
    Length: 40:49
    Downloads: 337
    Only while under

  • Bedtime Slut — $15    

    Do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled and bored whenever you lie down to go to bed at night? Do you wish that you could be having the most erotic, sexual experiences of your life each and every time that you close your eyes? You know that you have always desired to be able to act on your slutty desires whenever you fall asleep. Prepare to let your erotic dreams become your new reality!

    Discover your love of masturbating right before you fall asleep. Find your dreams spiraling into erotic, sexual encounters and discover yourself pushing the boundaries of the sexual situations that you allow yourself to experience. Remember how you have always had intensely sexual dreams and that you find it completely erotic to picture yourself performing the actions that you experience in your dreams in real life whenever you are provided with the opportunity.

    Become a whore in the sheets and in the streets. Release your fears and inhibitions today and become the perfect Bedtime Slut.


    Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

    Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

    Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:01
    Downloads: 1

  • harmed - Dumb Broken Brain — $25    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will break your brain. That is a promise. The concept is simple, we remove your object permanence.  Your newfound inability to remember where things are, your short term memory shrinking. This one will fuck you up. You’ve been warned.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 13

  • harmed - Dumb & Ditzy — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Ditzy. Silly and stupid. Vacant and vapid. Finding yourself laughing and giggling and flirting with hunky, dreamy men. Show off your Dumb and Ditzy, a perfect pair.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 7

  • harmed - Dumb & Ignorant — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Ignorant. Building a wall around your mind. No news. No opinions. Simply set in your ways. You know all you need to know. And if you don’t know, then you just don’t need to know it.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 4

  • harmed - Dumb Narcissist — $20    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you a Dumb Narcissist. Thinking you’re the best. Knowing you’re the best. Surrounding yourself with people who recognize this basic truth. Letting yourself run wild out in the world. Your world.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 1

  • harmed - Dumb Passive Thing — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you a Dumb Passive Thing. Simply letting the world pass you by. Just going with the flow. No aspirations. No motivation. Simply letting other dominate your life. Just as you like it, don’t you?


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 6

  • harmed - Dumb & Impulsive — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Impulsive. Rash and reckless.  Finding yourself taking risks and being stupid. Prioritizing pleasure above all else. Living in the moment, as it were. Right where you need to be.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 10

  • You Want Me To Make It Worse — $40    

    This powerful humiliation file is for losers who want to sink deeper into addiction to Mistress Clarissa’s sweet poison. It’s perfect for emotional masochists who like to be insightfully broken and twisted.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent and soft soothing voice.

    This is an intense psychologically charged power exchange humiliation file which may make real changes to your life and your interactions with Mistress Clarissa it’s aimed at emotional masochists.  Contains intense humiliation, psychological destruction, cuckolding, cock sucking and submission.

    This file is not suitable for those who are unstable, fragile or experiencing mental illness. 45m06s

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 45:06
    Downloads: 1

  • Pussy Fear — $15    

    Do you find yourself annoyingly attracted to women when all that you desire is a hard cock between your lips? Do you wish that you could just forget about ever having been attracted to a woman's pussy and instead become more attracted to the hard cocks and hunky men that you love to be around?

    In this file, you will learn to develop a healthy fear and aversion to a woman's vagina. Experience nausea and become upset whenever you think about a disgusting and gross pussy and find yourself wanting to throw up if you ever get anywhere close to a woman’s sex. Become fearful and nervous and worried if a woman ever invites you to fuck them and remember that you have never been able to become aroused long enough in order to satisfy a vagina. Know that you have always had a fear of a woman's pussy and that you prefer to be around hard cocks and hunky men as much as possible.

    Listen now to develop the pussy fear that you have always desired. Give yourself that extra push to start dating and fucking all of those sexy men you have always craved and fantasized about.


    Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

    Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

    Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:52
    Downloads: 10

  • Pathetic Premie Loser (AI) — $30    

    An intense file featuring hypnosis and multi-voiced humiliation which will turn you into a premature ejaculator for the rest of your life.  You will be forced to accept that you are a loser who does not deserve to have sex with women and you will learn to become turned on from accepting this.  You will then be taken down into a powerful trance which will cause you to develop a lifelong fetish for becoming a premature ejaculator which will ensure that you are no longer capable of sexual intercourse.  The final part of this file features a humiliating practice session to assist in this delicious new lifestyle.

    You will become addicted to this file and every time you listen your premature ejaculation problem will get worse.  You may even reach the point where you can climax without even touching yourself just from thinking about what a loser you are.  And despite the shame and the humiliation it is going to feel so good.

    This recording includes relentless and intense humiliation and is only recommended for the psychologically robust. It was prodiced using several high quality AI voices.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 42:25
    Downloads: 23

  • masturbation is a crime DEMONIC CHOIR   ,  

    with DEMONIC CHOIR as background and echoed voices to further trance effects

    this file transforms men into emaciated emasculated slaves to believe masturbation is a crime. 

    they need to be caged chaste, starving themselves, sniffing fat man arse farts 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 21:46
    Downloads: 14
    Permanent(when safe)

  • masturbation is a crime WITH ECHOES   ,  

    the same file with voices echoed.

    Dominant Master warps You to start believing that masturbation is a crime to a true slave. 

    Further, slaves will need to cage their cocks, and Worship Fat Man Arses.

    they will crave to sniff farts and they will eat less, tone their bodies and feel ashamed for eating food. they only eat to survive. 

    slaves need to lean out, thin out, get smaller.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:24
    Downloads: 6
    Permanent(when safe)

  • harmed - Twitter Hoe    

    You. An exhibitionist. An internet whore.  Taking picture after picture of your body. So proud. Every opportunity. Every like. Every retweet. Reprogramming your brain to crave the attention.

    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that


    For Easy Access

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 37

  • Cuckold Fitness    

    Jack sends a message to a cuckold about getting strong and taking care of the girl he is fucking. 


    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 29:13
    Downloads: 25

  • EMG Curse Pink Rhumba Panties    

    This file was edited from EMG Curse 24/7 Incontinence. This file is posted with approval from EMG. Edit is to remove 24/7 incontinence and focus on wearing pink panties or pink rhumba panties. 1 reference near the end for childish print or sissy panties. Remains a curse file. Includes original induction, but the wakener has been removed.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 15:35
    Downloads: 17

  • Feederism Animalistic hunger   , , , , , ,  

    Just listen and let your mind sink into feral hunger

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 16:47
    Downloads: 18

  • 7.MoreSusceptable   , , , , , ,  

    This file is meant to assist in making hypnosis more potent for the listener. much like a muscle with practice and training hypnosis can become a stronger force in your life and this file intends to improve that to some degree.

    relaxation fractal induction with visual aspects.

    hypnosis in general is 2x effective
    hypnosis from a trusted source is 4x effective
    hypnosis from kazebi are 8x effective

    there is no detrimental wording in this file, this benefits all parties to some degree, at no point is there any exclusivity made.

    as always, after listening to this file make sure you are vigilant about who you are being hypnotized by, as this will increase the effectiveness of it all around, it is up to you to screen scripts and audio files before hand.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 25:40
    Downloads: 52

  • 2. Dominance Dial trigger   , , , , , ,  

    Mk lovely ones, this one is a little different, done in one sitting with only a brief pause, a stream of consciousness just to experiment. no script, just my mind working to chain things together.

    this file contains a self controlled trigger for increasing dominance and submissiveness.
    the induction has themes of being burred in the earth to facilitate a sense of heaviness and depth, if you have claustrophobia (a fear of confined spaces) please message me, and i will recreate a new induction for this file.
    there's a lot of praise from me to you in this file intended to work as a way of letting you know your doing well.
    a brief mention during induction of how my voice feels more powerful while under trance (designed to increase the potency of THIS one file specifically with no intended lasting effects in relation to other files.)
    This file is very dependent on what your own personal perception of dominance and submission is. BEFORE you listen, give that some very serious thought. does your image of someone being a dominant person mean they are abusive? then i recommend NOT LISTENING TO THIS FILE. does your image of a submissive person mean being woefully abused financially/ physically/ emotionally? then i recommend NOT LISTENING TO THIS FILE. the first step to protecting yourself is knowing what your stepping into. dont step into a bad situation. please stay safe. your wellness is important.
    YOU (yes you) are responsible for how you and others around you use this trigger. i gave you the means to break the trigger within the hypnosis itself. i am not liable for your own personal interactions with others under the affects of this trigger. choose your play partners wisely and carefully. if any doubt is there, it is better to be safe than sorry.

    one fractional induction using a red ball, falling and sinking into the earth in the sense that your being burred.
    one panel that is always in reach
    one dial affixed to the panel that clicks in one of two directions, labeled dominance, that is set in the middle to begin with.
    one switch that only you can touch to activate or deactivate this trigger
    the trigger phrases "dominance increase" (increasing what you believe dominance is within yourself) "dominance decrease" (increasing what you believe submissiveness is within yourself) "neutralize" (returning the dial to the center to return to the natural you)
    a fair bit of praise sprinkled through he file, because who doesn't like being told they are awesome.
    a reminder that you are in charge of who you play with.
    an invitation after the hypnosis ends to return again sometime and see if i have something new to explore.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 29:16
    Downloads: 12
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • 1. Drone Trigger   , , , , , ,  

    This file contains a trigger set up, please be aware of that.

    audio is 20+ minutes long. recorded with an Elgato wave 3 using Audacity's free recording software.

    file includes: relaxation induction, drone trigger (trigger phrase "Drone Activate" with the end phrase "Drone Deactivate"). drone themes include servitude to an unnamed owner (it is gently implied that the owner is the one that activated the trigger), the invitation to feel pleasure in performing services, sense of satisfaction, invitation to perform self maintenance, feeling of accomplishment when performing tasks and completing tasks, ability to deny anything that is beyond your capacity to do under self care protocols, the ability to set who has access to activate the trigger while in trance and an invitation AFTER the trance is concluded to visit me once more to see if i have anything new to offer.

    safety precautions against being commanded to perform self harm/ being taken advantage of while a drone (both physically and financially).

    this is in no way meant to treat any kind of behavior ailments or be a substitution for any kind of therapy, this is purely for fun and entertainment purposes.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:27
    Downloads: 18
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Christmas special with Master Tony    

    more on my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mastertonywright8070

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 06:37
    Downloads: 8

  • Fat Trucker - Gainer - FatBoy54   ,  

    You a trucker who wants to gain? This may be for you!

    You'll find yourself mindlessly eating as you drive. The vibrations of the road emptying your stomach so quickly, making you so very hungry all the time. Gorging yourself at truck stops. Belly outgrowing your shirts and getting turned on when the other truckers notice! Nothing in here overtly gay besides that aspect.

    Contains pleasure and trance triggers in case we ever chat ;)

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 18:57
    Downloads: 86

  • MajorPixel - Diaper Scat Slave 02 - The Bag   ,  

    You're a twisted up pervert huh? Great. Here... Exactly what you need. You... in diapers and being made into a ass worshiping, toilet mouth sewer. Fuck yes. For use with your other files by me found here on WMM. Part of a series thats coming along...

    Diaper Scat Slave Series

    you, in your diaper, being made into a scat slave? Fuck yes. Exactly what you deserve. 
    1. Being there
    2. The Bag
    more... coming.
    Part of the Slow series. Feel free to mix it in with your other files found here, by me. 
    Link to all my files here - https://www.warpmymind.com/HFiles/#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInNlbFNvcnQiOlsiNCJdLCJ0eHRTZWFyY2giOiIiLCJzZWxBdXRob3JzIjpbIjc5MzEiXX0=
    my NF+ feed where you'll find more bits for perverts - https://www.niteflirt.com/plus/thevoice666

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 181

  • MajorPixel - Diaper Scat Slave 01 - Being There   ,  

    You're a twisted up pervert huh? Great. Here... Exactly what you need. You... in diapers and being made into a ass worshiping, toilet mouth sewer. Fuck yes. For use with your other files by me found here on WMM. Part of a series thats coming along...

    Diaper Scat Slave Series

    you, in your diaper, being made into a scat slave? Fuck yes. Exactly what you deserve. 
    1. Being there
    2. The Bag
    more... coming.
    Part of the Slow series. Feel free to mix it in with your other files found here, by me. 
    Link to all my files here - https://www.warpmymind.com/HFiles/#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInNlbFNvcnQiOlsiNCJdLCJ0eHRTZWFyY2giOiIiLCJzZWxBdXRob3JzIjpbIjc5MzEiXX0=
    my NF+ feed where you'll find more bits for perverts - https://www.niteflirt.com/plus/thevoice666

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 199

  • harmed - Dumb Fuck    

    Mmm yes.  Losing your mind, your intelligence. More and more with each passing day. Creating opportunities to show off how dumb you are. Permanently. Don't say you weren't warned...

    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.

    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.

    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (5)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 687

  • harmed - Public Pervert    

    Discover new urges. Give in to filthy obsessions. Unable to stop yourself from flashing and mooning. Again and again. Feeling so filthy. This file isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.

    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.

    Need more? I like that

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 254

  • Homo Affirmations   ,  

    Affirming Mantras for Gay/bi men

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 08:33
    Downloads: 155

  • VIVE ft. EMG Flirting - Condtioning File    

    A Condtioning file that will condition you to flirt with everyone you find attractive, as well as becoming more dominant.

    -VIVE's Flirting body file

    -Parts of EMG's DC Predator

    -Parts of EMG's Train Evil

    -Binaural beats

    -Sexy background noises

    All credit to the respective creators. Listen at your own risk.


    Rating: ★★★★☆ (2)
    Length: 15:28
    Downloads: 149

  • GAL - Ugly, Unimpressive Indian Penis    

    Runtime: 4:38

    This was a commissioned custom audio that the patreon requested to be released to the public. This file contains light raceplay themes between the Indian listener and white women. I'm aware the audience for this is likely extremely niche, but I figured maybe someone on here would enjoy it!



    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 04:37
    Downloads: 31
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Major Pixel - You Fake - For use with Slow   ,  

    You fake fuck. Let this loop to break your self image forever. You Fake - Everyone Sees Right Through You... A nice file reminding you that everyone knows you're a strange, odd pervert. Find yourself unable to look people in the eye without knowing that they know just what kind of a pervert you are. For use with your Slow files found here and around the web.

    More? You'll find me here on WMM and on Niteflirt. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 203

  • Trig-YoungTeenageBoy-Audio-Male Voice   ,  

    This is a male TTS of the script file of AshleyJoshG/Kittyboy. The original description was: When you say the phrase "teen time", you will become overwhelmed with the sensations of being a young, teenage boy.

    This version is a Male TTS.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 13:01
    Downloads: 242
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • Curse Cum — $10    
    This curse makes the listener permanently addicted to their own cum, needing to drink it at every opportunity.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (101)
    Length: 25:43
    Downloads: 35983

  • Curse Forced Gay — $10    
    This file forces the male listener to become gay. It will make it so he cannot become aroused by women and that whether it humiliates him or not he wants men's cocks.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (68)
    Length: 23:36
    Downloads: 19498

  • Be a slut    
    This is a loopable NLP file which fills the listeners head with suggestions on how to become a slut. It will leave the listener feeling horny and slutty, and is excellent to workout or chill out to. Repeated use will find her wearing short skirts, high heels and craving cum as well as boosting confidence and sociability.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (48)
    Length: 01:00
    Downloads: 25446

  • A New Recording of Unwanted Bimbo    
    Because so many people were having sound problems, I finally broke down and did the obvious thing of re-recording Curse of The Unwanted Bimbo from scratch. I’ll be adding more files here soon, until then you can find my other hypno fetish recordings at: http://www.sylviablackx.com For those who don’t remember, this curse encodes all the aspects of an airheaded sex crazed blonde bimbo just beneath your identity, causing the various traits to slip out at the worst possible moment. Becoming a total ditz when you really need to solve a problem, suddenly realizing you want to suck the cock of the guy you're arguing with and hoping he'll spank you for being so naughty and disagreeable. Aside for the specific changes that come and go, you'll still be you, so you'll get to relish the humiliation of all these new feelings and limitations, and the harder you fight it, the worse it will become.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (45)
    Length: 33:41
    Downloads: 22890

  • SLUT   ,  
    Slut brainwashing file for very submissive women using TTS voices. Slut will be trained in sexual liberation, objectification and addiction. This file features heavy brainwave frequencies, random reinforcement triggers, orgasm control and other such devious techniques. This file is designed to be looped but gives slut a chance to stop the file at the end of each listen. Feedback very much appreciated. File size about 35Mb. Warning: this file is invasive and addictive. Listen entirely at your own risk.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (38)
    Length: 15:24
    Downloads: 14367

  • Stroke Manly   ,  
    As you stroke your penis, you will feel a growing need to become a butch, masculine, dominant alpha male and every time you masturbate and cum your gains will be locked in. Should work equally well for both straight and gay men. WARNING: This file works by causing extreme sexual arousal will make you masturbate compulsively; the more you masturbate the more masculine you find yourself becoming, so just go with it.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (27)
    Length: 16:50
    Downloads: 7848

  • MajorPixel - Old Man Cockslut    
    This file builds a deep yearning within the listener to service old men as an oral slut. Caution. This file encourages reckless behavior and overt actions from the consumer.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (30)
    Length: 19:46
    Downloads: 13839

  • Masturbating Pig    
    Listen to this loop while masturbating. Makes you feel like a humiliated worthless masturbating pig until orgasm. Makes you feel horny and degraded. Suppresses you ego and self worth until orgasm. Encourages you to make pig sounds to feel more humiliated and more pleasure. May not exactly be the file for everyone - Heavy Humiliation!

    Rating: ★★★★★ (25)
    Length: 03:39
    Downloads: 9294
    Only while under

  • you need cock!   , , ,  
    it's a file to listen during the day. it will help you to stay focus on your lovely fetish. bye Miss Love

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (25)
    Length: 06:18
    Downloads: 10555

  • True You - Sex Obsessed Bimbo   ,  
    This is my take on what is a very common subject matter! It does not reference the listener's original gender and so can be used by males or females. This follows some fairly standard content for a bimbo file, such as decreased intelligence, limiting thoughts to focus on sex with men (though does not state anything about losing attraction to females), clothes, makeup, and a submissive personality. It does however have some very strong wording that if successful will lead to permanent changes to dress sexily including makeup everyday, if you are male, this will lead to a 24/7 female lifestyle, and regardless of gender the listener will have as provocative as possible an appearance and desire to seek out sex at all times. That's your only warning! As always, this is read by a high quality female text to speech voice with multiple layered tracks, intended to be looped all day while working and all night while sleeping at a relatively low volume. Enjoy :)

    Rating: ★★★★★ (23)
    Length: 23:06
    Downloads: 11542

  • Just Ten Seconds   , ,  

    Ten seconds is all it takes. Can you watch for just that long? This is a test of your willpower, and I will show you that I own your will. Ten seconds is all it takes to have you stupefied. Mesmerized, and under My control.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 293

  • Premature For Big Dick 4 — $15    

    I'm going to train you to cum faster than ever at just the sight of a huge cock.

    This time, it seems you are so sensitive that you would blow too fast if you saw it in full.

    The audio is not so mild, though.

    This one contains somewhat heavy verbal degradation and belittling.

    Do you know why you cum so fast for big cock?

    it's because you know that you are not worthy of it.

    not everyone has a big huge cock.

    Let's be honest.

    It's valuable.

    A very valuable thing.

    It's more valuable than you are.

    You know you would have to work awfully hard to impress a man with a huge cock.

    You know that you are not worthy of it.

    You know that a big cock is better than you, and if you had the opportunity to be with a man with a cock this big, you would fail, and you would fail quickly.

    It's about Size.

    Size that you don't have.

    size that you are not worthy of touching.

    that's right, you don't even get to touch a big dick.

    You could never keep a man of such high value.

    You're nothing.

    You're no one.

    And any man with a huge cock would move on to something better.

    And you would burst instantly with a man like this.

    Because you know you're not worth it.

    It would overwhelm you and you would blow your shot.

    All it would take would be a few feather strokes.

    Leaving you humiliated.



    Your cock is weak.

    It doesn't even matter your size.

    Your cock is weak.

    Your nerves are weak when you are in the presence of thick cock meat.

    It overwhelms you.

    It degrades you.

    You become nothing.

    You know you cannot handle it.

    It's too much.

    Accept what you are.

    Accept your nothingness.

    Your cock feels like there's no time to waste.

    Your biology is trying to make you breed before the opportunity is over.

    You know that this kind of man could change his mind very quickly.

    I mean why would a man of such high value want to have sex with a premature ejaculator like you?

    Why would he want you?

    A loser like you.

    Your dick better come before you lose the opportunity.

    You'd be lucky to get the attention of anyone, let alone an alpha male with a gigantic cock.

    One of those cocks that EVERYONE worships.

    One of those cocks that everyone talks about.

    Everyone in their friend group knows how big it is.

    They have the HIGHEST value.

    They are prized.

    You would tremble in the presence of a man like that.

    You could not hold your cum in front of a man like that.

    You would wet your underwear with cum just being in the same room with a man like that.


    You don't deserve a man like that.

    Let's be honest.

    Premature ejaculators don't deserve shit.

    Worthless, useless cock.

    It's a wonder you even have one.

    Guys with big cocks get laid however they want.

    Men, women, whatever the fuck they want.

    Whenever they want.

    How they want.

    Do you get that??

    No, you don't.

    Big cocks belong to gods.

    Oh, you want it to be fair?

    You want everyone to be served an equal opportunity?

    Well wake up to reality, bitch.

    Life is not fair and not equal.

    Some of us are higher up.

    Some of us are more valuable.

    Some of us have cocks that spurt easily and instantly.

    It doesn't compare.

    A big, thick, dildo of a cock with unbreakable stamina is worth so much more than yours.

    You're really nothing..

    You're really worthless, look at it spurt and go limp.

    A thick, long, mighty cock vs.

    a limp flap of skin.

    That's what we are dealing with here today.

    This is unattainable for you.

    That's why you cum so fast.

    You are easily overwhelmed by big dicks.

    Everyones going to know when you blow your load instantly.

    Friends tell friends about it.

    you lose all respect.

    You can be dominated easily.

    even just a big thick bulge makes your dick  weak.

    You don't even deserve to see a big dick.

    You're  lucky that you can enter a perverse internet world where a loser like you gets to gaze upon a gorgeous huge cock that you don't deserve to see.

    it makes your dick overly excited and makes you burst with barely a glancing touch.

    This cock deserves more attention.

    You don't even deserve a second of attention.

    No one wants a premature cock.

    Everyone wants a strong, tough cock.

    You don't have that.

    You will NEVER have that.

    IF you see a big dick you will cum.

    Big dick is too much for you to handle.

    You cum too fast and too early for a big dick.

    Your lack of stamina makes you too nervous to perform when you see a big cock.

    It freezes you in place.

    It gives you nervous butterflies all the way down to your pathetic dick, and that's why you can't help but cum.

    You will cum before you ever manage to please a man with a big dick.

    This ensures that you will never EVER get a chance to touch a big dick.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 57

  • Findom and Porn Relapse — $30    

    You're not just indulging in your addiction to porn videos and findom. You are hurting without it. Let me show you. I'm going to give you a proper brainfucking until you have no choice but to submit. Fucking try me. See if you can resist. Your brain will melt into nothing and you will have no willpower the moment you turn on this video. 

    This video features some forms of pup play, sph, edging fetish, sniffing  

    For the High-Quality Version visit JackDominates.com

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 65

  • Taking Control Satanic Spiral    

    One look into my demonic eyes and you will be falling. You are captured. I control your body, I take over your limbs. I take over your hands, making you unable to control yourself. 


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 177

  • You Don't Deserve Dick — $15    

    You are truly a loser that is not worthy of even gazing at this God-like cock. I'm about to tell you what you really are while you desperately try to see me, but you can only see a censored version of me. This is all you deserve. You will get into your place as you experience this intense humiliation, tease, and denial session. 

    Tags: Degradation, humiliation


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 28

  • Gay Club Simp Brain Train    

    You've stepped into a gay sex club, and now I have decided to make you mine. 

    You are not sure what's happening to your brain, but it's becoming very confused. 

    You are very compliant now. This is perfectly crafted to really warp your brain.

    Head over to my video site to get the full quality, as bandwidth is restricted by WMM.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 280

  • Curse - addicted to feets    

    this file will make you addicted to feets.

    you can also check my youtube channel.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 94

  • twisted dicklet video brainwashing   ,  

    A video brainwashing file that makes your cock twist backwards and sideways and warps it permanently

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 164

  • evil food aversion brainwashing therapy    

    This Video is an evil food aversion therapy brainwashing, making you anorectic through fat man ass Worship

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 91

  • Bedtime Slut — $15    

    Do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled and bored whenever you lie down to go to bed at night? Do you wish that you could be having the most erotic, sexual experiences of your life each and every time that you close your eyes? You know that you have always desired to be able to act on your slutty desires whenever you fall asleep. Prepare to let your erotic dreams become your new reality!

    Discover your love of masturbating right before you fall asleep. Find your dreams spiraling into erotic, sexual encounters and discover yourself pushing the boundaries of the sexual situations that you allow yourself to experience. Remember how you have always had intensely sexual dreams and that you find it completely erotic to picture yourself performing the actions that you experience in your dreams in real life whenever you are provided with the opportunity.

    Become a whore in the sheets and in the streets. Release your fears and inhibitions today and become the perfect Bedtime Slut.


    Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

    Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

    Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:01
    Downloads: 1

  • harmed - Dumb Broken Brain — $25    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will break your brain. That is a promise. The concept is simple, we remove your object permanence.  Your newfound inability to remember where things are, your short term memory shrinking. This one will fuck you up. You’ve been warned.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 13

  • harmed - Dumb & Ditzy — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Ditzy. Silly and stupid. Vacant and vapid. Finding yourself laughing and giggling and flirting with hunky, dreamy men. Show off your Dumb and Ditzy, a perfect pair.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 7

  • harmed - Dumb & Ignorant — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Ignorant. Building a wall around your mind. No news. No opinions. Simply set in your ways. You know all you need to know. And if you don’t know, then you just don’t need to know it.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 4

  • harmed - Dumb Narcissist — $20    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you a Dumb Narcissist. Thinking you’re the best. Knowing you’re the best. Surrounding yourself with people who recognize this basic truth. Letting yourself run wild out in the world. Your world.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 1

  • harmed - Dumb Passive Thing — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you a Dumb Passive Thing. Simply letting the world pass you by. Just going with the flow. No aspirations. No motivation. Simply letting other dominate your life. Just as you like it, don’t you?


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 6

  • harmed - Dumb & Impulsive — $15    

    Mmm yes. Professor Harm is back with more. Uniting us all with our shared fantasy. Just like that….


    These files are effective. Tried and true. You will get dumber. And it will be permanent. Because this is real hypnosis we’re doing.  And as real as it is, it’s also incredibly fun, isn’t it?


    This one will make you Dumb & Impulsive. Rash and reckless.  Finding yourself taking risks and being stupid. Prioritizing pleasure above all else. Living in the moment, as it were. Right where you need to be.


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Feeling stupid?? I like that

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 10

  • You Want Me To Make It Worse — $40    

    This powerful humiliation file is for losers who want to sink deeper into addiction to Mistress Clarissa’s sweet poison. It’s perfect for emotional masochists who like to be insightfully broken and twisted.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent and soft soothing voice.

    This is an intense psychologically charged power exchange humiliation file which may make real changes to your life and your interactions with Mistress Clarissa it’s aimed at emotional masochists.  Contains intense humiliation, psychological destruction, cuckolding, cock sucking and submission.

    This file is not suitable for those who are unstable, fragile or experiencing mental illness. 45m06s

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 45:06
    Downloads: 1

  • Pussy Fear — $15    

    Do you find yourself annoyingly attracted to women when all that you desire is a hard cock between your lips? Do you wish that you could just forget about ever having been attracted to a woman's pussy and instead become more attracted to the hard cocks and hunky men that you love to be around?

    In this file, you will learn to develop a healthy fear and aversion to a woman's vagina. Experience nausea and become upset whenever you think about a disgusting and gross pussy and find yourself wanting to throw up if you ever get anywhere close to a woman’s sex. Become fearful and nervous and worried if a woman ever invites you to fuck them and remember that you have never been able to become aroused long enough in order to satisfy a vagina. Know that you have always had a fear of a woman's pussy and that you prefer to be around hard cocks and hunky men as much as possible.

    Listen now to develop the pussy fear that you have always desired. Give yourself that extra push to start dating and fucking all of those sexy men you have always craved and fantasized about.


    Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

    Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

    Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:52
    Downloads: 10

  • Pathetic Premie Loser (AI) — $30    

    An intense file featuring hypnosis and multi-voiced humiliation which will turn you into a premature ejaculator for the rest of your life.  You will be forced to accept that you are a loser who does not deserve to have sex with women and you will learn to become turned on from accepting this.  You will then be taken down into a powerful trance which will cause you to develop a lifelong fetish for becoming a premature ejaculator which will ensure that you are no longer capable of sexual intercourse.  The final part of this file features a humiliating practice session to assist in this delicious new lifestyle.

    You will become addicted to this file and every time you listen your premature ejaculation problem will get worse.  You may even reach the point where you can climax without even touching yourself just from thinking about what a loser you are.  And despite the shame and the humiliation it is going to feel so good.

    This recording includes relentless and intense humiliation and is only recommended for the psychologically robust. It was prodiced using several high quality AI voices.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 42:25
    Downloads: 23

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