
Latest Files

  • I Want To Be Small Again — $25    

    This hypnosis file is a self triggerable file that makes you feel very little and small when you say "I want to be small again".  How small is up to your own imagination.  You will stay this way until either life demands you to be bigger or until you say I want to be big again.  It doesn't specify any sort of incontinence but if you get small enough it will certainly happen.  Essentially it just makes you little.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:52
    Downloads: 3
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Be a Baby All Night Long — $20    

    This hypnosis file is intended to be listened to at bedtime.  The file then shrinks you down and makes you as little as you want to be until morning.  You choose the age and your mind regresses you back to that size and age and leaves you experiencing the world that way until you wake up in the morning(or an alarm goes off).  Should you wake before morning you'll stay little until it's time to wake up properly.  Any dreams you have will be those of an infant/child and you will remember them when you awaken.  Should you be too small to control your bladder/bowel a diaper or training pant is recommended.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:41
    Downloads: 109
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Childish Words — $25    

    This age regression file can only be triggered by the listener, but every time someone else uses a childish word around you it makes you need to use the trigger a little more.  Words like baby, little, childish, brat, tantrum make you slowly feel smaller and smaller inside until you have to trigger yourself at which point you regress back to the age the words make you feel, possibly even a baby and stay that way until you're ready to be an adult again. 

    Age Regression
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:47
    Downloads: 11
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Little Baby Time — $20    
    Far less hardcore than most of my baby files, this file transforms you into a baby whenever you(and only you) say "baby time".  The file encourages you to trigger yourself whenever you need to feel safe, decompress from work, or have time that you just want to be a baby.  You can remain that way for as long as you wish.  The file includes talking like a baby, being unable to hold things, the possibility of wetting/messing so diapers are recommended but not required.  Just a nice way to relax and enjoy a little baby time when you need it most.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
    Length: 23:17
    Downloads: 20
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Curse Baby Regression — $25    
    This wicked little # curses the listener with spontaneous regressions to infancy. Imagine being perfectly normal one second and unable to walk or speak the next. That's what it does, but only when it's safe to do so. As the curse progresses your periods of regression will get longer and longer so be warned this one may be evil.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 22:18
    Downloads: 379

  • Age Confusion — $10    
    This file creates a temporary state of age regression by causing the subject to be confused about his or her age, using milestones of development rather than numbers.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
    Length: 22:18
    Downloads: 4744
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Curse PrePubescent    
    This file curses the listener with a body that becomes more and more pre-pubescent. pubic hair growth ceases, the penis and balls or breasts shrink, your voice gets higher and your body returns to the way it was before puberty. This curse cannot be removed for 6 months and any effects you get from it are permanent.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
    Length: 22:44
    Downloads: 11686

  • DaddysLittleGirl    
    This file regresses a female back to the age stated when she is triggered with "Daddy loves his cute (blank) year-old." At that point she will act whatever age she is told when triggered and treat the trigerer as Daddy until she hears "Big girl time" If she is regressed far enough she will become incontinent just like a young child. The file allows the listener to remember what happened and encourages them to enjoy it.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (23)
    Length: 23:35
    Downloads: 9562
    Trigger(by anyone)

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi (Daycare 2) — $20    

      Omg hiya baybz, sorry for the wayt but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi or Daycare 2!

      It was supposed to be a shorter Daycare but I got a bit carried away giglz Its actually so big itz now two fyulz and this is the first with the second coming soon (promise).

      Oh and trigger warning this fyul contaynz regresshun and diapers and scat and was designed to be more extreme and cover everything the first didnt so beware giglz Itz always fun to mayk different stuff and wanted to do something for the baby Bambis so hope you enjoy cutiez ♥ Anyways lemme kno if you like and kisses and awl that fun stuff xoxo

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 19:45
      Downloads: 13

    • Tea Time for You (Little Girl Transformation) — $30    

      Whenever you listen to this file or hear the trigger phrase, you will see yourself as a five-year-old little girl.  If you are wearing diapers and need to pee, you will wet them instead.  You will talk and think like a five-year-old little girl.  You will go to grown-ups for help if you need it. This will last until you hear an alarm go off or leave your safe space.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 09:24
      Downloads: 1
      Temporary(until event)

    • I Want To Be Small Again — $25    

      This hypnosis file is a self triggerable file that makes you feel very little and small when you say "I want to be small again".  How small is up to your own imagination.  You will stay this way until either life demands you to be bigger or until you say I want to be big again.  It doesn't specify any sort of incontinence but if you get small enough it will certainly happen.  Essentially it just makes you little.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 20:52
      Downloads: 3
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:07
      Downloads: 20
      Temporary(until event)

    • GoonerAudioLabs - Transform Into A Baby and Sleep — $10    

      This file is designed to regress the listener back in time to when they were a baby. Even though the file ends by encouraging the listener to go to sleep after transforming into a baby, the listener can remain in a state of babyhood for as long as they wish.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 10:06
      Downloads: 4
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • GoonerAudioLabs - Regress Into Suckling/Infancy — $20    

      This file is designed to regress the listener into a mental state of infancy. This file includes references to wearing a diaper, going "pee pee" and "poo poo", as well as suckling from a bottle and/or pacifier.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
      Length: 19:30
      Downloads: 35
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Baby's Day at the Park — $30    

      For Patreon exclusive tracks Stroller & Nap Time, become a Brainwash Slut member for 15% off and access to my full 100+ file collection.

      Relax and let yourself go as you are transported to an exciting day in the park with your loving and caring parent. Be guided by my voice as I give you new memories to make your troublesome adult life slowly drift away like a distant memory. Learn how much you have always loved to act like a little baby and how pleasant it is to let all of your cares and worries and problems slip away as your every need is catered to and taken care of.

      1. The Big Day
      Wake up excited for the start of your big day. Feel your wet night-time diapers and experience the natural euphoria that comes from releasing yourself completely and unconsciously in your sleep. Learn how pleasurable it is to suck on your thumb happily as your loving parent changes you into a fresh outfit.

      2. Car Ride
      Bounce along happily as your loving parent carries you into the car and places you into your comfortable children’s seat. Clap your hands and giggle with the children’s music on the radio as you are driven to your favorite place.

      3. Park 
      Continue sucking on your delicious thumb as your loving parent walks you to a beautiful park bench underneath a tree and starts to unpack the picnic that they have brought with them. Find yourself completely and naturally relieving your bladder into your comfortable diapers, as you are scooped up and fed the delicious toddler food that your caregiver has brought for you.

      4. Playground
      Giggle as your smart parent changes your diaper on the park bench before allowing you to play in the jungle gym with the other children. Remember that your parent is always watching you and looking out for you and remember how much safer you have always felt whenever you are being looked after by somebody bigger and stronger and smarter than you.

      5. New Friend
      Meet a new friend on the playground. Learn new ways to act that will help you show the world how much of a little child you love being.

      6. Lullaby
      Open your eyes as you are unbuckled from your car seat and walked into your house. Coo and babble and fall asleep happily as your strong, loving parent sings you a gentle lullaby goodnight after a long and exciting day.

      Everyone needs a day off. Why not spend yours at the park?


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 48:40
      Downloads: 19

    • Diaper Change Hypnosis — $15    

      A soothing 13 minute ABDL, age regression experience. I lead you into a hypnotic trance, where you can enter a nice daydream. Then... It looks like someone has a wet diaper! Time for me to change your diaper. As you listen you will find that you regress very easily and that you can mentally feel the diaper against your body, even if you are not wearing it.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 14:28
      Downloads: 38
      Only while under

    • ABDL Wetting Accident and Punishment — $15    

      In this 21 minute file, you fall into an age regressed state. I tell you in my firm voice that you really should go to the bathroom because I see how you are wiggling. You, however, are sure you can make it to the bathroom. When you have a wetting accident, I am NOT pleased. If you act like a little pants wetter, I need to treat you like one. The only way to punish a pants wetter is to put you in diapers. This hypnosis file is best listened to with a full bladder. You will likely find it is hard to keep yourself from wetting yourself when listening. When the hypnotic trance ends, you return to a normal state of mind.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 28
      Only while under

    • Dark ABDL: Covertly Regressing and Wetting — $25    

      In this 30 minute file, I use covert hypnosis to get you to regress. As your defenses are lowered, I make you regress more and more until you are so regressed, you can't control your bladder! The subliminal suggestion will leave effects for 15 minutes after listening. This file uses covert, subliminal suggestion - meaning there is no formal induction. It sounds like a normal conversation, that turns stranger and more hypnotic as I talk to you like you like you are so little... as I get your mind to feel little and helpless.. and you realize you cannot fight my suggestive power. It's best to wear diapers while you listen, as you might have a wetting accident by the end of the file.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 29:47
      Downloads: 78
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Unedutainment - Diapee Distraction    

      Try your hardest to clap along to the music as the voices in your ears babble out another uneducational lesson! Diapee Distraction is here to teach you about crinkles, draining your brain, and always obeying your diapers, all to the irresistibly bouncy tune of "If You're Happy And You Know It". Has grownup life been feeling a bit too hard lately? Is it becoming more and more difficult for you to keep up with all the other big boys and girls? If so, perhaps you just weren't ready to grow up in the first place. Maybe you'd be better off letting your diapers take control of your life, ensuring that you stay dumb, happy, and little, like a good diaper dummy.

      This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop is a call and response this time around ("Dummies belong in diapees","Diapees belong on me"), while 4 mantra loops alternate between the back-left, front-left, back-right, and front-right directions (Basic themes are: "(action) for diapers", "Diapee distracts me", "Diaper use/love/change loop", "(thing) belongs in diapee"). A foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb. In addition to the mantra loops, the foreground track also alternates heavily between audio directions, making headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support a strong recommendation.

      Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, ability to interact or socialize on an adult level, and their capacity for complex adult thought or interests. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing and obeying your diapees. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

      Again, headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support are strongly recommended, as well as a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied if you're listening in front of a screen (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.).

      (Edit: Download has been updated, corrected a level balance issue with the mantra loops)

      (Edit2: Download has been updated again. Rebalanced all tracks to make mantras, sound effects, and music equally audible in comparison to the primary track)

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 11:31
      Downloads: 79

    • Boy's Bookshelf - A Little Dash of Danger   , ,  

      Info: An NSFW under trance experience where you, the listener, become a secret agent that infiltrates an enemy stronghold. However, your mission doesn't go quite as expected, and it seems there's someone who's awaiting your arrival.

      Notes: This file contains direct mentions of arousal and orgasms. This was a request from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I usually don't make files with sexual connotations, much less direct references to sexual urges, but if its ever a request from someone I don't necessarily mind it. As this file was a free commission, I hadn't put in the highest amount of quality into the product, so many of the sounds might be off-putting. This file is slightly edited with a couple SFX portions, but aside from that is raw voice.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 40:48
      Downloads: 921
      Only while under

    • ChampTehOtter Daddy's Rules   , , ,  

      This is an audio version of my most popular post on Tumblr, called Daddy's rules. You may have seen a clean version of this floating around somewhere, but this is the original. I hope you enjoy your new rules, little one! 

      Warning: NSFW Themes including cocksucking and masturbation. Read script for full description of rules.

      If you enjoy this file, consider checking out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter where new files post each month! Thanks for listening! ~<3 Champ

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (3)
      Length: 13:06
      Downloads: 1406
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Baby Pride Loop    

      Update: i submitted the incorrect file for MP3 so it had that harsh cut at the end.  Apologies for that!

      This is basically version 2 of the previous Baby Pride body but was worked over to be more of a loop.   This session inclues a modified version of ViVes Bimbo Pride and a portion of WinterRoses Dollification Loop. 

      MP3 is the base file. 

      Binaural is the file without a background binaural.

      Body is the file without any voice FX for the main script.

      Subliminal is the file without voice FX for the main script or a background binaural.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
      Length: 10:33
      Downloads: 797

    • Baby Pride body    

      This is an age regression file that uses a modified version of the body of ViVes Bimbo Pride.    

      The MP3 file was updated with an actual mp3 file and not an ogg file.

      The Body file is just the main script without any echo, reverb, or background sound effects.


      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 09:06
      Downloads: 381

    • Boy's Bookshelf - Cub Scouts   , ,  

      Info: This is the second installment to the Bookshelf, a series of under-trance stories where you are the main character. "Cub Scouts" is about a seven year old boy who is sent to Camp Clearlake because they want him to meet some new friends. He wants to, but he has an embarrassing problem that gets in the way. This is the enhanced version, for those who need a little help staying in trance. Use the alternate file for the unedited version. This file contains a suggestion at the end.

      Notes: In the first installment called "Two Little Cubs" I had specific dialogue that I voice-acted for the listener, which in retrospect I realized could be off-putting. So in this one, I decided to void all listener dialogue and instead explain what the main character said. Feel free to let me know which you prefer. Then, I thought it would be better if some stories were not all so short, thus the file being as long as it is. I may or may not make one or more sequels to this file - write down a comment if you wish to listen to them. I also think its worth mentioning that I do not mind creating files for Girls as well - however due to the time needed to make the necessary changes and edits (mainly to the body of the file) I only do them once requested. This file itself took me very long to create, taking me almost two weeks. I cut down about 20 minutes worth of errors, if that says anything.

      If you have an idea for a file you'd like to hear, let me know. Hope you enjoy little guy!

      - Ghinda

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
      Length: 1:07:24
      Downloads: 704
      Temporary(until event)

    • Boy's Bookshelf (Raw) - Cub Scouts   , ,  

      Info: This is the second installment to the Bookshelf, a series of under-trance stories where you are the main character. "Cub Scouts" is about a seven year old boy who is sent to Camp Clearlake because they want him to meet some new friends. He wants to, but he has an embarrassing problem that gets in the way. This is the unedited version, for those who find sound effects and the like distracting. Use the alternate file for an enhanced experience. This file contains a suggestion at the end.

      Notes: In the first installment called "Two Little Cubs" I had specific dialogue that I voice-acted for the listener, which in retrospect I realized could be off-putting. So in this one, I decided to void all listener dialogue and instead explain what the main character said. Feel free to let me know which you prefer. Then, I thought it would be even better if some stories were not all so short, thus the file being as long as it is. I may or may not make one or more sequels to this file - write down a comment if you wish to listen to them. I also think its worth mentioning that I do not mind creating files for Girls as well - however due to the time needed to make the necessary changes and edits (mainly to the body of the file) I only do them once requested. This file itself took me very long to create, the enhanced version taking almost two weeks. I cut down about 20 minutes worth of errors, if that says anything.

      If you have an idea for a file you'd like to hear, let me know. Hope you enjoy little guy!

      - Ghinda

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 1:07:24
      Downloads: 341
      Temporary(until event)

    • Age Regression 4yo    

      This file includes ThatoneGurll's induction file called 321 sleep now trainer and also ablackcloak9 script called 4 year-old girl regression.


      Music is copyright free chillstep Liquid Memoirs - Lucid (choped and edited of course)

      Contains constant 60hz and switchs to 55hz and 65hz.


      The script is suppose to be for females to regress back. Not sure if this actually works but sounds cool.



      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 09:12
      Downloads: 467
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Baby Regression for Boys - Lite Version   , ,  

      Hello there! This file was a request, and I decided to use my Trigger for this file (hence the "Lite Version" in the title) due to its simplicity. Because of that, in order for this to work effectively, you'll need to listen to my file called "AR Trigger (Boys) Human Remix" which will be used to send you down into trance. This file, however, regresses you down to a baby, with all the feelings and sensations of one. It doesn't include any wetting or messing, you will merely have fun being a little baby boy for however long you want.

      This version includes the Enhanced, edited file. Generally for those who need a little extra help staying in trance for the body of the file.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 11:34
      Downloads: 796
      Temporary(until event)

    • Baby Regression for Boys - Lite Version (Raw)   , ,  

      Hello there! This file was a request, and I decided to use my Trigger for this file (hence the "Lite Version" in the title) due to its simplicity. Because of that, in order for this to work effectively, you'll need to listen to my file called "AR Trigger (Boys) Human Remix" which will be used to send you down into trance. This file, however, regresses you down to a baby, with all the feelings and sensations of one. It doesn't include any wetting or messing, you will merely have fun being a little baby boy for however long you want.

      This version includes the Raw, unedited file. Generally for those who find sound effects during trance to be distracting.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 11:34
      Downloads: 337
      Temporary(until event)

    • Feel free to be a baby    
      Hi this is my first audio so I hope u like it, you can feel free and relaxed when u listen it

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 03:00
      Downloads: 256
      Only while under

    • Sarnoga - Daddy's Little Boy    
      This file regresses a male back to early childhood when he is triggered by hearing someone say, "Daddy loves his little boy." At that point whoever triggered him will be his daddy and his daddy can further trigger him to be any age he desires by saying "Daddy loves his (number) year old" Daddy's little boy will experience being whatever age daddy has triggered him to be and will think and act like a boy that age and will have whatever abilities a boy that age would normally have. He will remain that age until his daddy triggers him with another age or until he hears his daddy say, "Big boy time for you," at which time he will return to his normal age. This file allows the listener to remember what has happened and encourages him to enjoy it.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (24)
      Length: 30:10
      Downloads: 7110
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Age Confusion — $10    
      This file creates a temporary state of age regression by causing the subject to be confused about his or her age, using milestones of development rather than numbers.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
      Length: 22:18
      Downloads: 4744
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Sarnoga - Mommy's Little Boy    
      This file regresses a male back to early childhood when he is triggered by hearing someone say "Mommy loves her little boy." At that point whoever triggered him will be his Mommy and his Mommy can further trigger him to be any age she desires by saying "Mommy loves her (number) year old." Mommys little boy will experience being whatever age Mommy has triggered him to be and will think and act like a boy that age and will have whatever abilities a boy that age would normally have. He will remain that age until his Mommy triggers him with another age or until he hears his Mommy say "Big boy time for you," at which time he will return to his normal age. This file allows the listener to remember what has happened and encourages him to enjoy it.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
      Length: 29:30
      Downloads: 5225
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Baby Boy Age Regression Binaural   , ,  
      This file takes you gently back through the years, to the time that you were just a sweet, happy little baby. Mommy guides you through the transformation, keeping you safe, and ending with a suggestion to wake as a baby, and have some baby-ish fun. This file uses the classic 'seven plus or minus two' induction. Effects last until baby boys are ready to grow up again. rnrnThis session and more are available at http://arkadiandream.net. Originally from Arkadia

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (11)
      Length: 21:53
      Downloads: 6566
      Temporary(until event)

    • Childs Eyes    
      This file will allow the listener to experience everything as if like a child experiencing it for the first time. Everything you see, everywhere you go, everything you learn will all seem so amazing and full of wonder, just like it did when you were a child. This file is great for Adult Babies and Adult Kids, but contains no regressive suggestions, making it suitable for anyone.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
      Length: 17:23
      Downloads: 2813
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Curse PrePubescent    
      This file curses the listener with a body that becomes more and more pre-pubescent. pubic hair growth ceases, the penis and balls or breasts shrink, your voice gets higher and your body returns to the way it was before puberty. This curse cannot be removed for 6 months and any effects you get from it are permanent.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
      Length: 22:44
      Downloads: 11686

    • Babyspeak    
      As you listen to this file, you will find yourself slipping into a younger and younger mode of speech and even typing, with lots of spelling typos (as babies can't spell), lots of "lilspeak", and even some babyish sounds, until you find yourself unable to express yourself at all, except as an infant would. This file will not effect you while you're in a situation where you need to be able to speak and function like an adult... only when you feel secure and safe enough to let the little one you are out.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (35)
      Length: 17:27
      Downloads: 10265
      Permanent(when safe)

    • Baby Dreams    
      A progressive relaxation file, brings the listener to their own private inner nursery, and encourages more and more infantile dreams. This file does include suggestions that may lead to wetting or messing, while awake or asleep, if that is what the listener wants. It is designed for looping, but can be listened to as part of a list.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (26)
      Length: 12:24
      Downloads: 12624

    • DaddysLittleGirl    
      This file regresses a female back to the age stated when she is triggered with "Daddy loves his cute (blank) year-old." At that point she will act whatever age she is told when triggered and treat the trigerer as Daddy until she hears "Big girl time" If she is regressed far enough she will become incontinent just like a young child. The file allows the listener to remember what happened and encourages them to enjoy it.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★☆☆ (23)
      Length: 23:35
      Downloads: 9562
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Baby Princess - Curse    
      A powerful file that slowly transforms you into a girl, then regresses you through the years to babyhood.

      You will come out of the experience with a better understanding of what it means to be a girl.
      You want to be a good girl.
      You want to please your mommy.

      It is recommended you wear a diaper before the transformation, or at least lie down on a towel - just in case.

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
      Length: 1:16:20
      Downloads: 4060

      • Rock-a-bye Bambi (Daycare 2) — $20    

        Omg hiya baybz, sorry for the wayt but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi or Daycare 2!

        It was supposed to be a shorter Daycare but I got a bit carried away giglz Its actually so big itz now two fyulz and this is the first with the second coming soon (promise).

        Oh and trigger warning this fyul contaynz regresshun and diapers and scat and was designed to be more extreme and cover everything the first didnt so beware giglz Itz always fun to mayk different stuff and wanted to do something for the baby Bambis so hope you enjoy cutiez ♥ Anyways lemme kno if you like and kisses and awl that fun stuff xoxo

        More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

        Age Regression
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 19:45
        Downloads: 13

      • Unedutainment - Diapee Distraction    

        Try your hardest to clap along to the music as the voices in your ears babble out another uneducational lesson! Diapee Distraction is here to teach you about crinkles, draining your brain, and always obeying your diapers, all to the irresistibly bouncy tune of "If You're Happy And You Know It". Has grownup life been feeling a bit too hard lately? Is it becoming more and more difficult for you to keep up with all the other big boys and girls? If so, perhaps you just weren't ready to grow up in the first place. Maybe you'd be better off letting your diapers take control of your life, ensuring that you stay dumb, happy, and little, like a good diaper dummy.

        This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop is a call and response this time around ("Dummies belong in diapees","Diapees belong on me"), while 4 mantra loops alternate between the back-left, front-left, back-right, and front-right directions (Basic themes are: "(action) for diapers", "Diapee distracts me", "Diaper use/love/change loop", "(thing) belongs in diapee"). A foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb. In addition to the mantra loops, the foreground track also alternates heavily between audio directions, making headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support a strong recommendation.

        Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, ability to interact or socialize on an adult level, and their capacity for complex adult thought or interests. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing and obeying your diapees. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

        Again, headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support are strongly recommended, as well as a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied if you're listening in front of a screen (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.).

        (Edit: Download has been updated, corrected a level balance issue with the mantra loops)

        (Edit2: Download has been updated again. Rebalanced all tracks to make mantras, sound effects, and music equally audible in comparison to the primary track)

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 11:31
        Downloads: 79

      • Tea Time for You (Little Girl Transformation) — $30    

        Whenever you listen to this file or hear the trigger phrase, you will see yourself as a five-year-old little girl.  If you are wearing diapers and need to pee, you will wet them instead.  You will talk and think like a five-year-old little girl.  You will go to grown-ups for help if you need it. This will last until you hear an alarm go off or leave your safe space.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 09:24
        Downloads: 1
        Temporary(until event)

      • I Want To Be Small Again — $25    

        This hypnosis file is a self triggerable file that makes you feel very little and small when you say "I want to be small again".  How small is up to your own imagination.  You will stay this way until either life demands you to be bigger or until you say I want to be big again.  It doesn't specify any sort of incontinence but if you get small enough it will certainly happen.  Essentially it just makes you little.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 20:52
        Downloads: 3
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Age Regression
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 20:07
        Downloads: 20
        Temporary(until event)

      • GoonerAudioLabs - Transform Into A Baby and Sleep — $10    

        This file is designed to regress the listener back in time to when they were a baby. Even though the file ends by encouraging the listener to go to sleep after transforming into a baby, the listener can remain in a state of babyhood for as long as they wish.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 10:06
        Downloads: 4
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • GoonerAudioLabs - Regress Into Suckling/Infancy — $20    

        This file is designed to regress the listener into a mental state of infancy. This file includes references to wearing a diaper, going "pee pee" and "poo poo", as well as suckling from a bottle and/or pacifier.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
        Length: 19:30
        Downloads: 35
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Boy's Bookshelf - A Little Dash of Danger   , ,  

        Info: An NSFW under trance experience where you, the listener, become a secret agent that infiltrates an enemy stronghold. However, your mission doesn't go quite as expected, and it seems there's someone who's awaiting your arrival.

        Notes: This file contains direct mentions of arousal and orgasms. This was a request from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I usually don't make files with sexual connotations, much less direct references to sexual urges, but if its ever a request from someone I don't necessarily mind it. As this file was a free commission, I hadn't put in the highest amount of quality into the product, so many of the sounds might be off-putting. This file is slightly edited with a couple SFX portions, but aside from that is raw voice.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 40:48
        Downloads: 921
        Only while under

      • ChampTehOtter Daddy's Rules   , , ,  

        This is an audio version of my most popular post on Tumblr, called Daddy's rules. You may have seen a clean version of this floating around somewhere, but this is the original. I hope you enjoy your new rules, little one! 

        Warning: NSFW Themes including cocksucking and masturbation. Read script for full description of rules.

        If you enjoy this file, consider checking out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter where new files post each month! Thanks for listening! ~<3 Champ

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (3)
        Length: 13:06
        Downloads: 1406
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Baby Pride Loop    

        Update: i submitted the incorrect file for MP3 so it had that harsh cut at the end.  Apologies for that!

        This is basically version 2 of the previous Baby Pride body but was worked over to be more of a loop.   This session inclues a modified version of ViVes Bimbo Pride and a portion of WinterRoses Dollification Loop. 

        MP3 is the base file. 

        Binaural is the file without a background binaural.

        Body is the file without any voice FX for the main script.

        Subliminal is the file without voice FX for the main script or a background binaural.

        Age Regression
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 10:33
        Downloads: 797

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