10 Reasons Homosexaul Marrage isharmful and must be Opposed

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10 Reasons Homosexaul Marrage isharmful and must be Opposed

Postby Tangy » February 9th, 2014, 11:03 am

Last edited by Tangy on January 3rd, 2016, 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Chibi » February 12th, 2014, 6:08 am

"unnatural" is an assumption. Prove that homosexuals weren't made that way by God.

In ancient days, some people believed that God wanted them to have sex with their own gender, and many believe that today also, therefore this logic is an affront to freedom of religion and an affront to any country that supports freedom.

Anyone who thinks the sin of Sodom and Gommorah was homosexuality is an idiot. End of story.
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Postby Endo » February 12th, 2014, 8:25 am

Tangy, it's quite obvious at this point that you're just copy/pasting shit from other websites. Please stop.
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Postby JakeJane » February 12th, 2014, 10:28 am

Even assuming Homosexuality it'self is wrong, or at least the practice of it, what happens if a man is infertile, a woman is infertile, or a man, God forbid, is emasculated in some kind of accident like a car crash, or deliberately from some evil bastard?

Why can't he get married?
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Postby demigraff » February 12th, 2014, 6:44 pm

JakeJane wrote:or a man, God forbid, is emasculated in some kind of accident like a car crash, or deliberately from some evil bastard?

Why can't he get married?

Deuteronomy 23:1 wrote:He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

Well, at least the LORD is being consistent.
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Postby JakeJane » February 12th, 2014, 6:49 pm

demigraff wrote:
JakeJane wrote:or a man, God forbid, is emasculated in some kind of accident like a car crash, or deliberately from some evil bastard?

Why can't he get married?

Deuteronomy 23:1 wrote:He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

Well, at least the LORD is being consistent.

That was because Israel, under the Old Covenant worked under different laws. Anyway. In the Old Testament, people who were Eunuchs could not enter the congregation of the Lord because of strange sexual practices.

A Eunuch who was just emasculated, could not marry, but I"m not sure if a sexually practicing Eunuch was the same as someone who was victimized or just traumatized.
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Postby 5HA99Y » April 13th, 2014, 12:08 am

Fun fact out magazine did a study awhile back and found out that gay marriage lasted long then str8 marriages and what marriage are we protecting ? Is a marriage that lasted for about 24hrs the marriage is that marriage you talking about? Sorry for the rant I just hate these kinda of posts
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Postby Alien4420 » April 13th, 2014, 8:39 am

10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed

1. We aren't overpopulating fast enough. Third world countries desperately need more famines.

2. If married gay senators no longer have to seek out gay sex in airport restrooms, police officers will lose work.

3. The vast omnipotent immortal deity who created the universe is deeply concerned about where some monkeys on a little planet in a spiral arm of an obscure galaxy are putting their genitals, and is powerless to do anything about it.

4. If men and women figure out how to have children with members of the same sex we'll turn into two different species, one male and one female.

5. Homosexuality is unnatural, as anyone who has ever seen animals doing it can attest.

6. If we allow gay marriage, before you know it, they'll be demanding that we allow marriage between the races.

7. Hairdressers who marry will form a cartel.

8. By encouraging sodomy, gay marriage encourages gay people to do the same thing that every heterosexual couple has tried at least once.

9. If there are fewer children it will hurt the baby clothes industry. Better to have desperate frustrated gay guys forced into heterosexual marriage make children, and then run off with a guy, leaving their kids fatherless.

10. We really have to pity God, he obviously intended us all to be straight and the gods from neighboring universes are all laughing at his goof.
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treated as same as defacto

Postby davina_sissygurl » July 15th, 2014, 5:35 am

In Australia. a gay couple is treated the same as married or defacto. They get the same benefits from the Govt,, don't see any need to ;recognise; a gay marriage here, just tell social security your living together.
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Postby 4N3XP3R1M3NT4LB31NG » August 16th, 2015, 6:29 am

The fact that this thread exists is of major concern to me; I point out that I am a Christian and proud of it.

Now for my main point: @Tangy I have nothing against you if you are against homosexuality and your views have a right to be heard.

Homosexual marriage has been legal in the UK for some time now, and are now as much a part of daily life as going shopping. I am personally in favour of it as this is the way the world has gone; I know so many people who are homosexual (and great friends of mine) and they are as normal as those of us who are hetero.

Basically, my point is this: this shift is one of the last big sticking points in our international goal to harmonise equality across the globe. Recognising that love takes many different forms and accepting them within our societies is one of the biggest steps communities can take and the benefits of taking that step far outweigh any costs involved.

Hopefully you'll take this all on-board before making such a brazen statement again.....
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Postby KIY » August 16th, 2015, 10:18 am

I am not an expert on religion, but from my understanding the condemnation against homosexuality goes back to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and their use of anal rape as punishment. In that case it makes more sense that God was upset about the "rape" part than the "anal" part. At some point us humans (at least I assume whoever might be reading this is human...) got confused and decided God is okay with rape, but two folks of the same sex going at it is wrong.

Rape is a violent act, so to me it makes sense to condemn it. Being attracted to someone of the same gender is not, nor is having sex with someone of the same gender is not-- or, at least, is not inherently so. So, the way I see it, as long as the sex is between two informed, consenting adults, why should it be condemned? (Of course, if one of the pair is supposedly loyally married to a third person, then it really isn't between two people-- but that is infidelity, which is separate from the act of sex itself.)

In any event (and before I stray into politics), this whole topic seems to be one a person should work out for themselves and their religion. I am more concerned with Global Climate Change than I am with who my neighbor is or is not having sex with.
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Postby diode168 » August 16th, 2015, 9:02 pm

Just reading the title and you know this is going to be an "interesting" topic.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » August 19th, 2015, 12:01 am

It disgusts me this thread is allowed. In fact it's making me think about leaving WMM.

This kind of nonsense doesn't belong here. If someone posted anything bashing straight people they would be banned.

There is a HUGE double standard playing here.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 19th, 2015, 5:18 am

sfhole2stretch wrote:It disgusts me this thread is allowed. In fact it's making me think about leaving WMM.

This kind of nonsense doesn't belong here. If someone posted anything bashing straight people they would be banned.

There is a HUGE double standard playing here.

This posting has two parts. It has two parts because I'm a moderator here on WMM. So, I'm going to respond to sfhole2stretch's posting about bashing FIRSTLY as a moderator, and then SECONDLY on a personal level - my personal opinion.
    As a moderator, I'm reminding members of the description for this forum:
      This is an area for the discussion of Philosophy, Religion & Politics. WARNING! Debates may become heated, Personal attacks or religious recruiting are not permitted.

    As a member responding personally, I agree with the comment posted by Endo back in February:
    Endo wrote:Tangy, it's quite obvious at this point that you're just copy/pasting shit from other websites. Please stop.

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Postby diode168 » August 19th, 2015, 11:03 pm

A moderator making a clear and cool statement on a forum in response to a users complaint.

I don't believe I have seen such thing since before the eternal September.
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Re: 10 Reasons Homosexaul Marrage isharmful and must be Opp

Postby VeryGnawty » August 20th, 2015, 7:53 am

10 Reasons You Are Wrong

1. It Is Marriage

Marriage means different things to different cultures. Culture defines marriage. Thus, homosexual marriage can be considered a form of marriage.

2. Natural Law Is Fiction

There is no such thing as natural law, just as there is no such thing as morality. These things are fictions that you tell yourself in your head to convince yourself that the universe isn't a scary place. The universe is made up of physical objects doing physical things. One of these things that are done is homosexuality.

3. Mother And Father

Irrelevant. What a child needs is good parents who know how to raise children. Someone's genitals is not relevant. There are plenty of men who are not fit to parent, just as there are many women who are not fit to parent.

4. The Homosexual "Lifestyle"

I hardly even need to comment on your fourth point, seeing as how it is a bunch more nonsense dealing with morality. I've already covered the fact that morality is a personal fiction which is different for every person. Therefore, it is not a basis to build a society upon.

5. Moral Wrong

Again, your fifth point is nothing more than more morality nonsense that I debunked back in point 2

I would think that someone at WMM would be smart enough to know that "morality" is little more than people judging each other over petty crap. I suppose I've expected too much of the WMM community. But, thanks for making my rebuttal easy for me by constantly using the same non-argument over and over again. It really saves a lot of time when your "10 Reasons" are really more like three reasons stated in four different ways...

6. The Family Argument

Children are not necessary for someone to get married, neither is it required by law for married people to have children. Thus, your sixth argument is completely irrelevant.

7. Argument From The State

This argument is easily refuted because there are many potential reasons that the state may want marriage, including homosexual marriage. Your argument here is refuted by the simple fact that someone could easily issue a counter-argument listing potential benefits of homosexual marriage to the state.

8. It Imposes Its Acceptance on All Society

This is your first argument that actually makes a real point. In my opinion, the government shouldn't be involved in any private relationship between two people, including heterosexual couples.

9. Sexual Revolution And The Slippery Slope

Again with the morality argument. This is not a real argument. I've already covered this.

10. It Offends God

Which God? Because, it certainly doesn't offend my god.
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Postby wohermiston » August 20th, 2015, 11:54 am

The trouble with marriage in general is not people, it is government.
At the time of the founding, government did not extend any benefits or privledges to those who so declared marriage to each other. Return to that rule and marriage becomes a personal thing between two consenting adults. It is no ones business, especially Government, if 2 adult declare marriage to each other. Marriage is simply the declaration of life long devotion between two consenting adults. If you want to share property, see a lawyer, if you want to be each others assigned caregiver, see a lawyer. funny, Prenuptial agreements attempt to do just this, take government edicts out of marriage. they should never have been there in the first place. I always wanted to say that. It is said that George and Martha Washington delcared their marriage to each other on paper and kept it the family bible. WOH
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Postby Mesultra » December 31st, 2015, 9:02 am

I"m a homo and frankly I don't give a shit about gay marriage. I'd rather live in sin. If i were to get married, or even if i don't, i'm not denying anyone a mother or father because i'm not going to have any kids. i'm glad it creates a sterile union. it offends god? fuck god and fuck you.
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