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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Feb 6, 2007 - Self Hypnosis, Live Session via Web, & Composing "MusclePig II"

by MN_FriendlyGuy

Before my workday begins, I enjoy chatting (IM) with friends & family. I kept it short today. I knew I'd be having a live (web) hypnosis session in the morning, and wanted to do some self-conditioning first. Playlist:

Live Session- via Web
Over these last couple of months, Master Joe has consistently been patient with me as a subject. In the past, he's told me he enjoys the challenge of working with an analytical subject.

Today, Master Joe took me under two times - one long followed by one short. It pleases me very much to hear that I'm at a critical point in my progress.

Composing MusclePig II
Geez - I'm having trouble getting this underway. It's a time-management issue. Will I be able to make at least one tiny update to the script today?


- demigraff

Wow, it looks like your journal is popular :) Downloads on the files you mentioned shot up from 3-4 per day to a few dozen

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