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File sent by efid123@yahoo.com

by werepuppy

Hi, just got home from work and wanted to read the file from naughty email slave girl, after what I sent her. I read, and sent a reply, but it looks like it won't do too much. It makes me do things whenever I'm on campus, and I graduated a couple of years ago now, so ... lucky break.

I sent her another email though, hoping I can be a bit more creative thistime.

But now I feel I got to obey one I got a few days ago. I've been looking forward to this and slightly dreading it. I got a wolf fursuit, I already mentioned. Now going to the bathroom is a pain at the best of times, takes nearly half an hour to get out of the suit enough to go. So I think I thought this one will take a long time, and apparently I can put it off until I got enough time. Hre's the email

You are to dress up in your wolf suit. as long as you are in the wolf suit you will be very horny but unable to masturbate. You will only be able to walk of all fours and when you need to go pee you will go to the closeted piece of furniture, lift your leg and just go on it. After you have gone pee twice and it has been at least an hour you will return to your normal clothes but you will be ten times as horny and you will be able to masturbate. You will only follow all of this when you are at home and it is safe.
And weird, I know I've been thinking about how ill do this, but as soon as I pasted that, I can't consciously remember.

I put on the wolfsuit. Underneath, I'm just wearing a tshirt (or it'd be too hot), and a couple of pair of pull-ups. I figured in the past, people giving fursuit commands never allow you enough time to take it off and use the bathroom, so I should be prepared in case I get caught short *blushes* They're very bulky, but it doesn't make it any harder to walk than it would otherwise, the suit is pretty awkward.

Now I'm probably going to act like a wolf or something. But as soon as I put the frontpaw on, I won't be able to type for a while. So see you laters


Well, guess I was right to be cautious. After a couple of hours I realised that I really nee a wee, so I walked over to the table leg and lifted my leg back like a male dog. I don't know why, it just seemed as natural as heading for the bathroom. I'm also not so sure why getting told to act like a dog/wolf seems to screw with my gender identify. Maybe its just the costume. Also good that I was wearing the pull-ups cos the file didn't give me the opportunity to de-suit, and I really don't want to ruin such an expensive costume. Geting it dry-cleaned after last time cost a fortune.

Anyway, I was getting pretty bored, but found I can just about work the TV remote with these paws on. So I sat watching stuff, probably made a pretty strange picture, for a few hours until bed time. I didn't know how to change back, but I was getting pretty tired, so I figured I'd just have to use the bathroom as best I can, and sleep lik this. Going to the bathroom before bed, I couldn't really have a wash or anything. But I did find myself lifting my leg to wee against the side o the toilet bowl, I guess that's kind of ironic, and then I could change back.


- iamli3

thats not gender confiusion , female wolfs wlil lift there legs to piss just like male wolfs do , so i've herd.....

- MRhello

@ iamli3 and Werepuppy- In my own journal I have written about my park service volunteer stuff, so I'm gonna clear this up: Male wolves ALWAYS lift their leg to MARK. They can urinate without doing so, but prefer not to, ex an injured wolf (say, left hind leg hurt) will not lift a leg. Female wolves are just up to preference of that wolf. I guess that you (Werepuppy) have always seen dogs/wolves lift the leg, so it makes sense that you would apply that to a female wolf persona. Or it could be a quirk of your persona. i just needed to be random-factoid-man for a moment. Cheers!

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