
  • DaddysLittleGirl    
    This file regresses a female back to the age stated when she is triggered with "Daddy loves his cute (blank) year-old." At that point she will act whatever age she is told when triggered and treat the trigerer as Daddy until she hears "Big girl time" If she is regressed far enough she will become incontinent just like a young child. The file allows the listener to remember what happened and encourages them to enjoy it.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (23)
    Length: 23:35
    Downloads: 9564
    Trigger(by anyone)
    does this file work with male-to-female transsexuals, specifically ones who are still fully male physically?
    this is my first file... does anybody know how to download files?
    What whould happen if somene triggered them selfs