
  • NWON    
    This No Working Out Necessairy subliminal will make you cause muscle and testosterone growth as well as increase your attraction. No work out Necessairy:) Listen 2-4 times every other day for best results or more if you like.

    Self Help
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (22)
    Length: 11:46
    Downloads: 7596
    Used in combination with working out this file is amazing.
    ...great, now i need a new irony meter.
    Read under success stories for exp.
    What you will find with occasional listening is a growing desire to work out so it will help the results develop faster is what I meant to say. Regardless of wether you work out or not you will have results.:)
    I really would like the script of your files shad ! Although I have downloaded many of your files I WON\'T listen until I know what I\'m putting in my head !
    If I give you the script it would ruin the effects but thanks for considering listening.
    On a side note there are no suggestions about becoming submissive or anything that would do anything to anyones dignity or respect.
    Whether and there will be a file for a raising of level of an estrogen?
    ivmsss There will b soon.
    I am listening to this but there is no words...
    is this in your mind or a real effect in the real world
    this shit seems powerful, i have never worked out so hard in my life after using this file...I almost feel neurotic with health in general, thanks dshadfield78, I guess
    In order for this file to work do we just listen to it without having to be in deep relaxation, or must we be in deep relaxation?
    is there a gay men\'s version of this as well?
    i can hear someone speaking in the far background, but the sound effects are too loud to understand the words.
    Is there a speaking only version of this file?
    will this change a gay man\'s sexuality?
    i been ptesting this file for almost a week, and it dosen\'t cause to change your sexuality, it dosent drive me horney. Just to say The only thing i have noted its that i can do more exercise than before and don\'t get tired, and i feel more muscle for some reason.
    Same here, I\'ve been hearing this file for 3 or 4 days I think, and I already feel like my stamina is growing, and so my muscular resistance. I feel more muscle, too.\n\nAnd now I can do more push-ups! :D\n\nAlso, the file is very enjoyable to hear, it doesn\'t feel \"weird\" or like a file full of voices speaking, you can loop it easily.\n\nSo yup, it works.
    Wish this guy was still here.. We need more of this kinda files here on WMM instead of feminization and other fetish files :c