
Category: Inductions
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yeahme's Recent Entries

Accepting your desires, changes and your self

by yeahme

hi New here First time  tried this file with the wife ,  Accepting your desires, changes and your self

Accepting your desires, changes and your self

She’s obviously easy to Hypnotize  , worked first Time. said she had the weirdest dream about 2 male friends of mine , including some other weird stuff, Stuff falling down the sidewalk drain. The   straight after that went shopping low cut top and top zipper undone low , felt on top of the world happy and positive ..

Day 2 Social catch up with a large group of male friends , flirty, sexual innuendos, very open conversation about Sex ,toys, etc  ,


Question ?  file description Doesn’t  give much details . would love to know a few finer details and other peoples experiences from it?



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