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Bonnie's Recent Entries


by Bonnie

First day back to work and it has been nothing but stares at me. I just love my new breast but all these stares I don't know if I can handle. I know I look very top heavey with these double G's but IM so happy and pleased with them. They seem to get in the way at times but Im sure I will get use to them and start to know how to do things with out them getting in the way. Most people have not made comments but I can read their eyes of disblieve of what they see. Im sure I will be the talk of the work place for sometime but I glad I did what and got what I wanted. Hugs Bonnie


- jodysub

Well I am glad you are doing ok. That is to big for my thoughts, well to carry around. I love to see large breast, likely I would want mine large but that may never happen. You ended that with hugs, that could be fun LOL. I just had to give you a hard time. :-) Hugs Kim Lynn

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