
Category: Inductions
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How to Become a Better Hypnotic Subject

by Mesmer7

This is the third time I've posted this. I don't know why/how it keeps getting deleted.


Subjects new to erotic hypnosis often ask how to achieve a deeper trance. A deep trance isn’t necessary for suggestions to be arousing (especially with sexual hypnosis). But for many people, deeper trances are more erotic. Deeper trances enable you to feel more fully immersed in a forced arousal, seduction, or submission training scene. So with a deeper trance, fantasy becomes an experience.

Some people can achieve a deep trance the first time they’re hypnotized. But most people start with a lite trance, and require practice to build up to a deeper trance. But it’s not enough to practice entering a trance. You must also practice the component skills that enable deeper trances....

Read the entire article at https://www.hypnoticdreams.com/how-to-become-a-better-hypnotic-subject/


Information - blue69

This makes perfect as I wondered why I could nit feel that experience. I haven\'t found anyone that can help me go much deeper to achieve that. That\'s now my solution and I want to find thst hypnotist to do that so I can explore something sensational.

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