
  • ShowMeYourCock    
    Feel yourself compelled to post a picture of your cock on the image gallery after you listen to this file

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
    Length: 18:40
    Downloads: 6301
    Temporary(until event)
    Damn, it works.
    Omg, must have worked first time. I don\'t even remember doing it :s
    Yeah. It does work. I open my eyes and I couldn\'t think of anything else but I had to post a pic of my cock. It was such a compulsion. I kinda want to listen to it again...Great file
    Wow. I listened to this thinking I could resist but, no way I needed to post the picture.
    ... Oh my God.
    I tried to resist...but it's up for all to see
    Went under but didn't feel compelled to post anything... don't know why.
    Shouldn't the files that compel people to upload pics of themselves be free files?
    I can't even believe I did that. I really didn't think it would work. Oh my God! I really did it.
    I\'m so tempted to try this one right now, when my cock is swollen like its had a golf ball stuck inside, is bleeding from cuts on the glans, has a load of black dried blood around the edge, and pus dribbling out of my frenulum. Would be the kind of picture to put you off cocks.
    done it after listening to file
    strangely.. although interesting.. not compelling.
    Downloaed this out of curiosity; lisened, not expeting a result. I didn\'t really go under but found I couldn\'t resist the desire to photograph & post. Then, next night I found a compulsion to listen again; went under and found I did it again but then didn\'t come out of trance until I had slept. Today I felt compelle to listen again & went deep. \"Woke\", used te camera & posted. Now I feel very heavy & typing this os taking rel concentration - I just want to sleep ..
    I tried it and I was even half asleep while listening.... like I was drifting in and out of it. Not a pic of my cock up there. Am I immune to hypnotism? E-mail me with your thoughts. Thanks.
    Yeah, worked! damn it
    Wow, I listened to this right before bed, thinking it wouldn\'t work. Then, I kind of just watched my body do it. My dick\'s up there now. Had a small compulsion to delete it once I woke up but I can\'t motivate myself to do it thanks to EMG. Fun though.
    Well, it worked.
    does it really work? i dont think so... isnt that humiliating?
    I didn't think it would work but shortly after starting the file next thing I knew I was staring at a picture of my cock and it actually kind of mikes me horny seeing it up there and that the file worked
    I was really curious if this would have any effect. I really felt the need to post a picture of my cock but I'm quite resistant to hypnosis so I won't do it. Very nice experience in any case.
    I’ve listened to many files before and this is the first one that actually worked for me. The site didn’t work to upload so I did on a hypno discord I’m in
    If you want to upload yours, don't use the upload-button, but hover over the blue house icon. Then a few links will appera on the left, choose upload file. Then, on the next page, choose "simple upload one file" in the drop down on the right. Choose the correct gallery and your file, and enjoy! As I did with mine. At first I didn't want to (I uploaded it once and deleted it immediatly), but after four or five times listening to this file I really felt compelled to upload my cock. And, as the file suggested, I'm now proud it's there.
    i added mine, i didn't have a choice