
  • Curse Hermaphrodite    
    For men to permanently change into a bi-sexual slut, fetish and bondage loving female hermaphrodite with a female waist and hips and a sexually functional vagina (not reproductive) which you love to fill. this file curses the listener to lose their balls, AND changes their hormone levels to only female levels

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 17:00
    Downloads: 13332
    А in russian language there is?
    All I can say is that i hate your voice. Hate it so much in fact, that it distracts my mind from the words being spoken long enough to be pulled into an abnormally deep trance for me. After about 6 months of listening to this, I\'ve had all the major changes described in behavior, and minor ones in terms of physical appearance (starting of breasts, stretch marks on hips, etc). I can also conclude that this is not standard results for this kind of file.
    i wouldn\'t mind this file ,but i don\'t like the fetish and bondage loving ,nor would i like being a slut
    Could this file be made without the fetish/bondage and the slut thing????
    ea what dark wolf said could you make this file without the fetish bondage and slut aspects :)
    Doesn\'t a hermaphrodite have both a vagina and a dick ?
    I am hearing this since 6 months.per day more than 60 times I heared.A question when my vagina will come?\n
    I don\'t have a huge appreciation for files that claim body mods as significant as this. No amount of listening is going to give you a female sex organ. Should be common sense but apparently some people believe it. There\'s a certain limit to what someone can achieve using hypnosis.
    yes the do and can tell if you not wand to have both not lissing then to this file it realy works y was a normale male now iam a hermaphrodite thats some times for others strange to see y now have cock and a pussy
    hi to all read by the name volkert thus realy working anny one knows if he is tell te treu ore if he is make a fantasy about this
    This File Is Not What It Claims! It Fails To Mention That It Shrinks Your Balls Away. I Refuse To Trust A Hypnotists Who Fails To Be Honest.
    Please ignore my last comment... I obviously failed to notice the last line in the description. Thanks to someone n the discord, I see how obvious it is that this file is 100% accurate.
    The file description was updated. My first comment was also accurate, but now the file is truthful. Now everything is sorted out :)
    Can u make one where you keep testicle?