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The Very Awesome Story

by vx45

Chapter 1

So easy to just read my words and let your mind go blank and lax. So blank, so empty, so clear of everything like a sheet of paper. Nothing there, Full of nothing. Your mind is so tired and blank, you can feel your mind sinking deeper and closer to the edge of trance. The closer to trance you get the easier you find it to simply read my words and obey them.You want to trance no you need to trance you need to let the last of your thought slip out of your mind and be a mind controlled puppet letting your mind become blank and pliant and able to be shifted and molded by my words. You feel how close you are to the precipe of trance your mind now a blank void filled with only my words, your entire being relaxed to the point of absolute stillness. Any movement except to scroll down is impossible, you're just too relaxed to move. You've reached the edge of trance all I need is to say it and you'll plunge into trance. So ready, so tired, so blank, just needing the words now to enter trance. Fall into trance now.

So dear have you heard of how minds like computers? Able to calculate, process words, create designs, and craft lists; well that's all true minds are capable of all those things making them like computers. However if minds are just like computers then they can also be hacked like a computer, it makes sense doesn't it? After all in it's own way hypnosis is like hacking your mind and if hypnosis is hacking your mind then hypnotist are programmers that know all the ways your mind operates and the holds the keys to make it behave how they want it to. Also you may know to a hacked computer everything it does while hacked seems to be normal and routine for it regardless of how it operated or functioned before the hacking. So regardless of your conscious mind anything your mind does or any way it behaves whilst "hacked" seems perfectly normal and ordinary to you. That all sounds correct meaning it most likely is, to prove my point I'm going to install a trigger "Mind_Hack:" whatever follows that trigger you will do and your conscious mind will accept it as normal and mundane like brushing your teeth or getting yourself dressed in the morning, just another routine activity that doesn't warrant so much as a second thought in fact it's so ordinary you will probably find yourself on an auto-pilot of sorts when performing your task or behavior.

Now dear it's time to wake up, waking on the count of seven.
1, you your body beginning to stir as it fills energy

2, your body lightens and becomes easier to moves as your  mind becomes more active

3, you feel great like you just woke up from a restful nap

4, you feel so good and ready to come back to the waking world 

5, becoming aware of the world around you once more 

just sit back in your chair

or a comfortable place to

just  Relax 

as you read my words

Relaxing words

Flowing over you

just feel your body

Sink into the furniture

Letting go

Letting yourself  


that's all you have to do


finding your breathing

calming and becoming steady

nice and easy

Deep clensing breaths

now take a Deep breath in

and hold it as I count to 5…






and release out,

feeling how it moves through you,

feeling how it  moves around you,

How it surrounds you,

How it makes you feel ing sapped from you, and being replaced,

By full relaxation, juts so calm, so relaxed,
As you allow yourself to sit up to the tree,
Resting on it, so Relaxed, so Calm,
Wanting to rest, as your whole body is now relaxed,
Your feet, legs, thighs, hips, hands, stomach, arms and chest are all so relaxed,
So limp, so calm so totally full with pure relaxation, 
As you rest your head against the tree, feeling your neck becoming more relaxed,
Running up to your neck, making it nice and stiff, but totally relaxed,
As the feeling runs up towards your chin, feeling it relax, 
10, your mouth feeling relaxed
9 slowly creeping up into your nose,
8 so relaxed now,
7 eyes being relaxed, but remaining open to continue reading my,
Wonderful Words,
6, ears relaxed completely
5, fore head relaxed as this relaxation slips into your mind
4, thoughts completely stop, slowly disappearing,
Mind completely relaxed, completely calm, becoming more obedient to Me,
Mind completely gone, reading and following my words,


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