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by mistermenny

Hilberts Regression

Hilbert grimaced as he put his last pokemon into its ball, fainted like the rest of them.  He sighed, and handed over his winnings to his opponent, a kind lady working at the Children's Daycare on Route 3. She was nice but tough, being one of the hardest opponents he’d faced. He couldn’t help but wonder how she had actually beat his team, but he didn’t bother asking, he was in a hurry, and he wanted to be on his way.

“Thanks for the battle”, Hilbert said sarcastically, upset that he lost. He turned around to go to the closest pokemon center.

“Oh no problem!” The lady said, not picking up on Hilbert’s obvious sarcasm. “You know, the closest pokemon center is almost a day’s travel away, you shouldn't go so far with no pokemon to help you.”

Hilbert sighed, “That’s great! Now what am I gonna do.” He said angrily.

“Hee-hee. You can stay at the Nursery for the night! I can heal your pokemon, and then you can leave tomorrow morning.” She said happily, ignoring his anger once again.

“Oh no, I wouldn't want to intrude. Besides, I’m sure you’ll be very busy with all the little kids”

She smiled “Oh no, this week is our off week, so nobody comes to use it.”

Hilbert sighed again “Ok I’ll stay lead the way and I’ll follow.”

She took Hilbert down the road, and off on a rougher path, from the normal path of the route, and after a while, they came upon the Nursery/Daycare, a lovely wooden building that, even though he had never been there before, made Hilbert feel oddly at home. They went inside, and after she grabbed keys from the front desk, she unlocked the doors behind it, and lead him in.

He was met with a room lined with cribs and changing tables on the edges, baby bouncers from the ceiling, a T.V., a couple of high chairs, a toy bin filled with toys, and shelved upon shelves with baby outfits, diapers, and stuffed animals. The lady looked back him with a smile.

“I forgot to mention, but you’ll have to sleep in one of the cribs tonight, we don’t have any adult beds.”

Before Hilbert could say anything negative she kept going.

“I’m going to fix dinner, it should be ready in an hour, in the meantime why don’t you keep yourself occupied in here? There are plenty of toys for you to play with, and the T.V. has some shows I know you’ll like.”

And with that she left, leaving Hilbert all on his own. He was grumpy by the fact that he’d have to sleep in a crib like a baby, and because of the way she talked to him, like he was in fact a baby. He gave a small, “Harumph”, and looked around for something to do. He looked down to see that the floor was littered with toys for toddlers and babies.

Amongst the toys scattered across the ground, Hilbert saw a blue pacifier lying on the ground. He looked at it, and picked it up, inspecting it. His head grew foggy, and a little voice inside him said to put the pacifier in his mouth, that it would feel so good. Hilbert almost did, but he snapped out of his stupor, chiding himself for thinking such baby-ish thoughts. Hilbert put it back down, and tried to focus on something else. He turned on the T.V. to clear his mind. The only thing the T.V. could show was children’s shows.

Hilbert sighed, watching the kid’s program shearly out of boredom, yet he couldn’t seem to forget about the pacifier. He kept sneaking sideways glances at it, the little voice inside him telling him to suck on it, and it was getting to the point where he couldn’t handle it anymore. Hilbert looked around quickly, and picked up the blue pacifier. He held it in his hand, and quickly put it in his mouth, and started to suckle.

As soon as he started to suckle, Hilbert couldn’t stop. It felt so good, and it made him so happy to suckle on his paci like a good boy. As he sucked on his pacifier, he began to slowly lose track of time, giggling along with the kids program on T.V.. Soon the T.V. turned into a hypnotic spiral that pulled Hilbert in the more he looked at it. He couldn’t look away, and he started drooling around his pacifier as he sucked on it. He could hear voices speaking to him in his hypnosis induced haze.

“Good baby, nice baby, you love being a good baby… Good babies mess and wet… You are a good baby…”The voices seemed to softly whisper in his ear, and he found himself nodding along.


The nice nursery lady picked up and Hilbert and attempted to calm him down as she took him to a changing table, hushing him as one would a small child, and she took his pants and underwear off. Hilbert sniffled, and blushed when she took of his pants, however she paid no notice to his demeanor, and just went about her business. Hilbert felt a cool cloth across his penis, which caused it to stiffen, and soon it was rock hard in front of the lady. She smiled.

“Looks like someone’s got a happy pee-pee” she said teasingly.

Hilbert was even more embarrassed, and looked away. He noticed, however that something was being pulled up around his legs. By the time he looked back, he had a pull-up on. He opened his mouth to complain about how his wetting was just an accident, he was cut off by her placing a pacifier in his mouth. He sucked on it, but couldn’t seem to spit it out.

The lady picked Hilbert up with alarming ease, as if he was just a baby, and she brought him over to one of the highchairs. Hilbert was put in the highchair with great ease, and as she left to go get the food for dinner, Hilbert became more and more aware of what was going on. He was being treated like a baby for God’s sake, and here he was, sitting in a high chair, waiting to be fed. He tried again to spit the pacifier out, but he couldn’t do it, his mouth wouldn’t stop sucking on it.

“Ok, I’ve got your food” The lady said as she came back. Hilbert hoped that his food would be normal, but alas, it was baby food, and it looked nasty. She took Hilbert’s pacifier out of his mouth.

“Can you tell me why I’m in a pull up, and why you think I’m going to eat baby food?” Hilbert asked.

The lady smiled. “Oh, you’re wearing a pull-up because you had a little accident in the playroom, and if you can’t hold it you should clearly not be in big boy pants. Only potty trained boys wear big boy pants” She said, tying a bib around Hilbert’s neck. “Now open wide for the choo choo train.”

Hilbert tried to protest, but as he opened his mouth, she shoved a spoonful of the mush into his mouth. It tasted awful, and in the process, he got a lot of it on his face and bib. Soon they were done, and she picked Hilbert up from the highchair, gave him his Paci, and took him to the playroom. As she was taking him to the playroom, Hilbert felt cramps in his stomach, realizing he had to go poop really badly. He tried to tell the lady, but he couldn’t because of his pacifier. She took him over to the baby bouncers, and set him in one.

“Now you stay here, I’ll be right back.” She said

Hilbert squirmed uncomfortably in the baby bouncer, his cramps getting worse and worse. He tried to distract himself from the thought of messing his diaper, but it didn’t matter. Hilbert couldn’t hold it anymore. He heard a messy fart. Braaappp! Frrrrttttt!!! Hilbert’s butt clenched as he messed his diaper in the baby bouncer. He blushed as soon as it was over. All the activity and squirming made the baby bouncer bounce up and down, rubbing his mess all over himself. As he bounced, his mess found its way up to his pee-pee, where it suddenly grew very hard. Hilbert started to get aroused, and moaned as the baby bouncer went up and down, rubbing up against hard pee-pee.

Then the lady came in, and noticed the predicament he was in.

“Oh” She giggled “Is baby having fun in messy pull-up?”

Hilbert started to cry as she pulled him up out of the baby bouncer and onto a changing table. He was so humiliated to be in a messy diaper, like a big baby, with his big pee-pee getting all stiff. He sniffled as she changed his pull up, and as she slid a thick diaper over his bottom after wiping it down.


“There you go!” She said, giggling as she looked at Hilbert. “Now it's time for a little snack before bed!!”


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